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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkStructuredGridConnectivity.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkStructuredGridConnectivity
* vtkStructuredGridConnectivity is a concrete instance of vtkObject that
* implements functionality for computing the neighboring topology within a
* single partitioned structured grid dataset. This class implementation does
* not have any support for distributed data. For the parallel implementation
* see vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity.
* @sa
* vtkPStructuredGridConnectivity
#ifndef vtkStructuredGridConnectivity_h
#define vtkStructuredGridConnectivity_h
#define VTK_NO_OVERLAP 0
// VTK include directives
#include "vtkAbstractGridConnectivity.h"
#include "vtkFiltersGeometryModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkStructuredData.h" // For data description definitions
#include "vtkStructuredNeighbor.h" // For Structured Neighbor object definition
// C++ include directives
#include <cassert> // For assert()
#include <iostream> // For cout
#include <map> // For STL map
#include <utility> // For STL pair and overloaded relational operators
#include <vector> // For STL vector
// Forward Declarations
class vtkIdList;
class vtkUnsignedCharArray;
class vtkPointData;
class vtkCellData;
class vtkPoints;
class VTKFILTERSGEOMETRY_EXPORT vtkStructuredGridConnectivity : public vtkAbstractGridConnectivity
static vtkStructuredGridConnectivity* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkStructuredGridConnectivity, vtkAbstractGridConnectivity);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Set/Get the whole extent of the grid
vtkSetVector6Macro(WholeExtent, int);
vtkGetVector6Macro(WholeExtent, int);
* Returns the data dimension based on the whole extent
vtkGetMacro(DataDimension, int);
* Set/Get the total number of domains distributed among processors
void SetNumberOfGrids(const unsigned int N) override;
* Registers the current grid corresponding to the grid ID by its global
* extent w.r.t. the whole extent.
virtual void RegisterGrid(const int gridID, int extents[6], vtkUnsignedCharArray* nodesGhostArray,
vtkUnsignedCharArray* cellGhostArray, vtkPointData* pointData, vtkCellData* cellData,
vtkPoints* gridNodes);
* Returns the grid extent of the grid corresponding to the given grid ID.
void GetGridExtent(const int gridID, int extent[6]);
* Sets the ghosted grid extent for the grid corresponding to the given
* grid ID to the given extent.
void SetGhostedGridExtent(const int gridID, int ext[6]);
* Returns the ghosted grid extent for the block corresponding the
void GetGhostedGridExtent(const int gridID, int ext[6]);
* Computes neighboring information
void ComputeNeighbors() override;
* Returns the number of neighbors for the grid corresponding to the given
* grid ID.
int GetNumberOfNeighbors(const int gridID)
return (static_cast<int>(this->Neighbors[gridID].size()));
* Returns the neighbor corresponding to the index nei for the grid with the
* given (global) grid ID.
vtkStructuredNeighbor GetGridNeighbor(const int gridID, const int nei);
* Returns the list of neighboring blocks for the given grid and the
* corresponding overlapping extents are filled in the 1-D flat array
* strided by 6.
* NOTE: the flat array extents must be pre-allocated.
vtkIdList* GetNeighbors(const int gridID, int* extents);
* Fills the mesh property arrays, nodes and cells, for the grid
* corresponding to the given grid ID.
* NOTE: this method assumes that ComputeNeighbors() has been called.
void FillGhostArrays(
const int gridID, vtkUnsignedCharArray* nodesArray, vtkUnsignedCharArray* cellsArray) override;
* Creates ghost layers.
void CreateGhostLayers(const int N = 1) override;
~vtkStructuredGridConnectivity() override;
* Returns true iff Lo <= idx <= Hi, otherwise false.
bool InBounds(const int idx, const int Lo, const int Hi) { return ((idx >= Lo) && (idx <= Hi)); }
* Returns true iff Lo < idx < Hi, otherwise false.
bool StrictlyInsideBounds(const int idx, const int Lo, const int Hi)
return ((idx > Lo) && (idx < Hi));
* Returns true iff A is a subset of B, otherwise false.
bool IsSubset(int A[2], int B[2])
return (this->InBounds(A[0], B[0], B[1]) && this->InBounds(A[1], B[0], B[1]));
* Returns the cardinality of a range S.
int Cardinality(int S[2]) { return (S[1] - S[0] + 1); }
* Returns the number of nodes per cell according to the given dimension.
int GetNumberOfNodesPerCell(const int dim)
int numNodes = 0;
switch (dim)
case 1:
numNodes = 2; // line cell
case 2:
numNodes = 4; // quad cell
case 3:
numNodes = 8; // hex cell
assert("ERROR: code should not reach here!" && false);
} // END switch
return (numNodes);
* Fills the ghost array for the nodes
void FillNodesGhostArray(const int gridID, const int dataDescription, int GridExtent[6],
int RealExtent[6], vtkUnsignedCharArray* nodeArray);
* Fills the ghost array for the grid cells
void FillCellsGhostArray(const int dataDescription, const int numNodesPerCell, int dims[3],
int CellExtent[6], vtkUnsignedCharArray* nodesArray, vtkUnsignedCharArray* cellsArray);
* Given a point (i,j,k) belonging to the grid corresponding to the given
* gridID, this method searches for the grids that this point is neighboring
* with.
void SearchNeighbors(const int gridID, const int i, const int j, const int k, vtkIdList* neiList);
* Marks the node properties with the node with the given global i,j,k
* grid coordinates w.r.t. to the grid defined by the given extent ext.
void MarkNodeProperty(const int gridID, const int i, const int j, const int k, int ext[6],
int RealExtent[6], unsigned char& pfield);
* Marks the cell property for the cell composed by the nodes with the
* given ghost fields.
void MarkCellProperty(unsigned char& pfield, unsigned char* nodeGhostFields, const int numNodes);
* Given a grid extent, this method computes the RealExtent.
void GetRealExtent(const int gridID, int GridExtent[6], int RealExtent[6]);
* Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates
* is a ghost node or not.
bool IsGhostNode(int GridExtent[6], int RealExtent[6], const int i, const int j, const int k);
* Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates
* is on the boundary of the given extent.
bool IsNodeOnBoundaryOfExtent(const int i, const int j, const int k, int ext[6]);
* Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates
* is on the shared boundary, i.e., a partition interface.
* NOTE: A node on a shared boundary, may also be on a real boundary.
bool IsNodeOnSharedBoundary(
const int gridID, int RealExtent[6], const int i, const int j, const int k);
* Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates
* touches the real boundaries of the domain given the whole extent.
bool IsNodeOnBoundary(const int i, const int j, const int k);
* Checks if the node, corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates
* is within the interior of the given global grid extent.
bool IsNodeInterior(const int i, const int j, const int k, int GridExtent[6]);
* Checks if the node corresponding to the given global i,j,k coordinates
* is within the given extent, inclusive of the extent bounds.
bool IsNodeWithinExtent(const int i, const int j, const int k, int GridExtent[6])
bool status = false;
switch (this->DataDescription)
case VTK_X_LINE:
if ((GridExtent[0] <= i) && (i <= GridExtent[1]))
status = true;
case VTK_Y_LINE:
if ((GridExtent[2] <= j) && (j <= GridExtent[3]))
status = true;
case VTK_Z_LINE:
if ((GridExtent[4] <= k) && (k <= GridExtent[5]))
status = true;
if ((GridExtent[0] <= i) && (i <= GridExtent[1]) && (GridExtent[2] <= j) &&
(j <= GridExtent[3]))
status = true;
if ((GridExtent[2] <= j) && (j <= GridExtent[3]) && (GridExtent[4] <= k) &&
(k <= GridExtent[5]))
status = true;
if ((GridExtent[0] <= i) && (i <= GridExtent[1]) && (GridExtent[4] <= k) &&
(k <= GridExtent[5]))
status = true;
if ((GridExtent[0] <= i) && (i <= GridExtent[1]) && (GridExtent[2] <= j) &&
(j <= GridExtent[3]) && (GridExtent[4] <= k) && (k <= GridExtent[5]))
status = true;
std::cout << "Data description is: " << this->DataDescription << "\n";
assert("pre: Undefined data-description!" && false);
} // END switch
return (status);
* Creates a neighbor from i-to-j and from j-to-i.
void SetNeighbors(
const int i, const int j, int i2jOrientation[3], int j2iOrientation[3], int overlapExtent[6]);
* Given two overlapping extents A,B and the corresponding overlap extent
* this method computes A's relative neighboring orientation
* w.r.t to its neighbor, B. The resulting orientation is stored in an
* integer 3-tuple that holds the orientation of A relative to B alone each
* axis, i, j, k. See vtkStructuredNeighbor::NeighborOrientation for a list
* of valid orientation values.
void DetermineNeighborOrientation(
const int idx, int A[2], int B[2], int overlap[2], int orient[3]);
* Detects if the two extents, ex1 and ex2, corresponding to the grids
* with grid IDs i,j respectively, are neighbors, i.e, they either share
* a corner, an edge or a plane in 3-D.
void DetectNeighbors(
const int i, const int j, int ex1[6], int ex2[6], int orientation[3], int ndim);
* Checks if the intervals A,B overlap. The intersection of A,B is returned
* in the overlap array and a return code is used to indicate the type of
* overlap. The return values are defined as follows:
int IntervalOverlap(int A[2], int B[2], int overlap[2]);
* Checks if the internals s,S partially overlap where |s| < |S|.
* The intersection of s,S is stored in the supplied overlap array and a
* return code is used to indicate the type of overlap. The return values
* are defined as follows:
int DoPartialOverlap(int s[2], int S[2], int overlap[2]);
* Checks if the intervals A,B partially overlap. The region of partial
* overlap is returned in the provided overlap array and a return code is
* used to indicate whether there is partial overlap or not. The return
* values are defined as follows:
int PartialOverlap(int A[2], const int CofA, int B[2], const int CofB, int overlap[2]);
* Establishes the neighboring information between the two grids
* corresponding to grid ids "i" and "j" with i < j.
void EstablishNeighbors(const int i, const int j);
* Based on the user-supplied WholeExtent, this method determines the
* topology of the structured domain, e.g., VTK_XYZ_GRID, VTK_XY_PLANE, etc.
void AcquireDataDescription();
* Checks if the block corresponding to the given grid ID has a block
* adjacent to it in the given block direction.
* NOTE: The block direction is essentially one of the 6 faces of the
* block defined as follows:
* <ul>
* <li> FRONT = 0 (+k diretion) </li>
* <li> BACK = 1 (-k direction) </li>
* <li> RIGHT = 2 (+i direction) </li>
* <li> LEFT = 3 (-i direction) </li>
* <li> TOP = 4 (+j direction) </li>
* <li> BOTTOM = 5 (-j direction) </li>
* </ul>
bool HasBlockConnection(const int gridID, const int blockDirection);
* Removes a block connection along the given direction for the block
* corresponding to the given gridID.
* NOTE: The block direction is essentially one of the 6 faces of the
* block defined as follows:
* <ul>
* <li> FRONT = 0 (+k diretion) </li>
* <li> BACK = 1 (-k direction) </li>
* <li> RIGHT = 2 (+i direction) </li>
* <li> LEFT = 3 (-i direction) </li>
* <li> TOP = 4 (+j direction) </li>
* <li> BOTTOM = 5 (-j direction) </li>
* </ul>
void RemoveBlockConnection(const int gridID, const int blockDirection);
* Adds a block connection along the given direction for the block
* corresponding to the given gridID.
* NOTE: The block direction is essentially one of the 6 faces of the
* block defined as follows:
* <ul>
* <li> FRONT = 0 (+k diretion) </li>
* <li> BACK = 1 (-k direction) </li>
* <li> RIGHT = 2 (+i direction) </li>
* <li> LEFT = 3 (-i direction) </li>
* <li> TOP = 4 (+j direction) </li>
* <li> BOTTOM = 5 (-j direction) </li>
* </ul>
void AddBlockConnection(const int gridID, const int blockDirection);
* Clears all block connections for the block corresponding to the given
* grid ID.
void ClearBlockConnections(const int gridID);
* Returns the number of faces of the block corresponding to the given grid
* ID that are adjacent to at least one other block. Note, this is not the
* total number of neighbors for the block. This method simply checks how
* many out of the 6 block faces have connections. Thus, the return value
* has an upper-bound of 6.
int GetNumberOfConnectingBlockFaces(const int gridID);
* Sets the block topology connections for the grid corresponding to gridID.
void SetBlockTopology(const int gridID);
* Given i-j-k coordinates and the grid defined by tis extent, ext, this
* method determines IJK orientation with respect to the block boundaries,
* i.e., the 6 block faces. If the node is not on a boundary, then
* orientation[i] = BlockFace::NOT_ON_BLOCK_FACE for all i in [0,2].
void GetIJKBlockOrientation(
const int i, const int j, const int k, int ext[6], int orientation[3]);
* A helper method that computes the 1-D i-j-k orientation to facilitate the
* implementation of GetNodeBlockOrientation.
int Get1DOrientation(const int idx, const int ExtentLo, const int ExtentHi, const int OnLo,
const int OnHi, const int NotOnBoundary);
* Creates the ghosted extent of the grid corresponding to the given
* gridID.
void CreateGhostedExtent(const int gridID, const int N);
* Gets the ghosted extent from the given grid extent along the dimension
* given by minIdx and maxIdx. This method is a helper method for the
* implementation of CreateGhostedExtent.
void GetGhostedExtent(
int* ghostedExtent, int GridExtent[6], const int minIdx, const int maxIdx, const int N);
* This method creates the ghosted mask arrays, i.e., the NodeGhostArrays
* and the CellGhostArrays for the grid corresponding to the given gridID.
void CreateGhostedMaskArrays(const int gridID);
* This method initializes the ghost data according to the computed ghosted
* grid extent for the grid with the given grid ID. Specifically, PointData,
* CellData and grid coordinates are allocated for the ghosted grid
* accordingly.
void InitializeGhostData(const int gridID);
* Adds/creates all the arrays in the reference grid point data, RPD, to
* the user-supplied point data instance, PD, where the number of points
* is given by N.
void AllocatePointData(vtkPointData* RPD, const int N, vtkPointData* PD);
* Adds/creates all the arrays in the reference grid cell data, RCD, to the
* user-supplied cell data instance, CD, where the number of cells is given
* by N.
void AllocateCellData(vtkCellData* RCD, const int N, vtkCellData* CD);
* This method transfers the registered grid data to the corresponding
* ghosted grid data.
void TransferRegisteredDataToGhostedData(const int gridID);
* This method computes, the send and rcv extents for each neighbor of
* each grid.
void ComputeNeighborSendAndRcvExtent(const int gridID, const int N);
* This method transfers the fields (point data and cell data) to the
* ghost extents from the neighboring grids of the grid corresponding
* to the given gridID.
virtual void TransferGhostDataFromNeighbors(const int gridID);
* This method transfers the fields
void TransferLocalNeighborData(const int gridID, const vtkStructuredNeighbor& Neighor);
* Copies the coordinates from the source points to the target points.
void CopyCoordinates(
vtkPoints* source, vtkIdType sourceIdx, vtkPoints* target, vtkIdType targetIdx);
* Loops through all arrays in the source and for each array, it copies the
* tuples from sourceIdx to the target at targetIdx. This method assumes
* that the source and target have a one-to-one array correspondence, that
* is array i in the source corresponds to array i in the target.
void CopyFieldData(
vtkFieldData* source, vtkIdType sourceIdx, vtkFieldData* target, vtkIdType targetIdx);
* Given a global grid ID and the neighbor grid ID, this method returns the
* neighbor index w.r.t. the Neighbors list of the grid with grid ID
* gridIdx.
int GetNeighborIndex(const int gridIdx, const int NeighborGridIdx);
* Prints the extent, used for debugging
void PrintExtent(int extent[6]);
int DataDimension;
int DataDescription;
int WholeExtent[6];
std::vector<int> GridExtents;
std::vector<int> GhostedExtents;
std::vector<unsigned char> BlockTopology;
std::vector<std::vector<vtkStructuredNeighbor> > Neighbors;
std::map<std::pair<int, int>, int> NeighborPair2NeighborListIndex;
vtkStructuredGridConnectivity(const vtkStructuredGridConnectivity&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkStructuredGridConnectivity&) = delete;
inline int vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetNeighborIndex(
const int gridIdx, const int NeighborGridIdx)
assert("pre: Grid index is out-of-bounds!" && (gridIdx >= 0) &&
(gridIdx < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
assert("pre: Neighbor grid index is out-of-bounds!" && (NeighborGridIdx >= 0) &&
(NeighborGridIdx < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
std::pair<int, int> gridPair = std::make_pair(gridIdx, NeighborGridIdx);
assert("pre: Neighboring grid pair does not exist in hash!" &&
(this->NeighborPair2NeighborListIndex.find(gridPair) !=
return (this->NeighborPair2NeighborListIndex[gridPair]);
inline void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetGhostedExtent(
int* ghostedExtent, int GridExtent[6], const int minIdx, const int maxIdx, const int N)
assert("pre: Number of ghost layers must be N >= 1" && (N >= 1));
assert("pre: ghosted extent pointer is nullptr" && ghostedExtent != nullptr);
ghostedExtent[minIdx] = GridExtent[minIdx] - N;
ghostedExtent[maxIdx] = GridExtent[maxIdx] + N;
// Clamp the ghosted extent to be within the WholeExtent
ghostedExtent[minIdx] = (ghostedExtent[minIdx] < this->WholeExtent[minIdx])
? this->WholeExtent[minIdx]
: ghostedExtent[minIdx];
ghostedExtent[maxIdx] = (ghostedExtent[maxIdx] > this->WholeExtent[maxIdx])
? this->WholeExtent[maxIdx]
: ghostedExtent[maxIdx];
inline void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::SetGhostedGridExtent(const int gridID, int ext[6])
assert("pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" && (gridID >= 0) &&
(gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
assert("pre: ghosted-extents vector has not been allocated" &&
(this->NumberOfGrids == this->GhostedExtents.size() / 6));
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
this->GhostedExtents[gridID * 6 + i] = ext[i];
inline void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetGridExtent(const int gridID, int ext[6])
assert("pre: gridID out-of-bounds!" &&
(gridID >= 0 && gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
ext[i] = this->GridExtents[gridID * 6 + i];
inline void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetGhostedGridExtent(const int gridID, int ext[6])
assert("pre: gridID out-of-bounds!" &&
(gridID >= 0 && gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
if (this->GhostedExtents.size() == 0)
ext[0] = ext[2] = ext[4] = -1;
ext[1] = ext[3] = ext[5] = 0;
vtkErrorMacro("No ghosted extents found for registered grid extends!!!");
assert("GhostedExtents are not aligned with registered grid extents" &&
(this->GhostedExtents.size() == this->GridExtents.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
ext[i] = this->GhostedExtents[gridID * 6 + i];
inline bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IsNodeOnBoundaryOfExtent(
const int i, const int j, const int k, int ext[6])
if (!this->IsNodeWithinExtent(i, j, k, ext))
return false;
bool status = false;
switch (this->DataDescription)
case VTK_X_LINE:
if (i == ext[0] || i == ext[1])
status = true;
case VTK_Y_LINE:
if (j == ext[2] || j == ext[3])
status = true;
case VTK_Z_LINE:
if (k == ext[4] || k == ext[5])
status = true;
if ((i == ext[0] || i == ext[1]) || (j == ext[2] || j == ext[3]))
status = true;
if ((j == ext[2] || j == ext[3]) || (k == ext[4] || k == ext[5]))
status = true;
if ((i == ext[0] || i == ext[1]) || (k == ext[4] || k == ext[5]))
status = true;
if ((i == ext[0] || i == ext[1]) || (j == ext[2] || j == ext[3]) ||
(k == ext[4] || k == ext[5]))
status = true;
std::cout << "Data description is: " << this->DataDescription << "\n";
assert("pre: Undefined data-description!" && false);
} // END switch
return (status);
inline bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::IsNodeInterior(
const int i, const int j, const int k, int GridExtent[6])
bool status = false;
switch (this->DataDescription)
case VTK_X_LINE:
if ((GridExtent[0] < i) && (i < GridExtent[1]))
status = true;
case VTK_Y_LINE:
if ((GridExtent[2] < j) && (j < GridExtent[3]))
status = true;
case VTK_Z_LINE:
if ((GridExtent[4] < k) && (k < GridExtent[5]))
status = true;
if ((GridExtent[0] < i) && (i < GridExtent[1]) && (GridExtent[2] < j) && (j < GridExtent[3]))
status = true;
if ((GridExtent[2] < j) && (j < GridExtent[3]) && (GridExtent[4] < k) && (k < GridExtent[5]))
status = true;
if ((GridExtent[0] < i) && (i < GridExtent[1]) && (GridExtent[4] < k) && (k < GridExtent[5]))
status = true;
if ((GridExtent[0] < i) && (i < GridExtent[1]) && (GridExtent[2] < j) &&
(j < GridExtent[3]) && (GridExtent[4] < k) && (k < GridExtent[5]))
status = true;
std::cout << "Data description is: " << this->DataDescription << "\n";
assert("pre: Undefined data-description!" && false);
} // END switch
return (status);
inline void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::DetermineNeighborOrientation(
const int idx, int A[2], int B[2], int overlap[2], int orient[3])
assert("pre: idx is out-of-bounds" && (idx >= 0) && (idx < 3));
// A. Non-overlapping cases
if (overlap[0] == overlap[1])
if (A[1] == B[0])
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::HI;
else if (A[0] == B[1])
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::LO;
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::UNDEFINED;
assert("ERROR: Code should not reach here!" && false);
} // END non-overlapping cases
// B. Sub-set cases
else if (this->IsSubset(A, B))
if ((A[0] == B[0]) && (A[1] == B[1]))
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::ONE_TO_ONE;
else if (this->StrictlyInsideBounds(A[0], B[0], B[1]) &&
this->StrictlyInsideBounds(A[1], B[0], B[1]))
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::SUBSET_BOTH;
else if (A[0] == B[0])
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::SUBSET_HI;
else if (A[1] == B[1])
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::SUBSET_LO;
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::UNDEFINED;
assert("ERROR: Code should not reach here!" && false);
// C. Super-set cases
else if (this->IsSubset(B, A))
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::SUPERSET;
// D. Partially-overlapping (non-subset) cases
else if (!(this->IsSubset(A, B) || this->IsSubset(A, B)))
if (this->InBounds(A[0], B[0], B[1]))
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::LO;
else if (this->InBounds(A[1], B[0], B[1]))
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::HI;
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::UNDEFINED;
assert("ERROR: Code should not reach here!" && false);
orient[idx] = vtkStructuredNeighbor::UNDEFINED;
assert("ERROR: Code should not reach here!" && false);
inline int vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::Get1DOrientation(const int idx, const int ExtentLo,
const int ExtentHi, const int OnLo, const int OnHi, const int NotOnBoundary)
if (idx == ExtentLo)
return OnLo;
else if (idx == ExtentHi)
return OnHi;
return NotOnBoundary;
inline bool vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::HasBlockConnection(
const int gridID, const int blockDirection)
// Sanity check
assert("pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" && (gridID >= 0) &&
(gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
assert("pre: BlockTopology has not been properly allocated" &&
(this->NumberOfGrids == this->BlockTopology.size()));
assert("pre: blockDirection is out-of-bounds" && (blockDirection >= 0) && (blockDirection < 6));
bool status = false;
if (this->BlockTopology[gridID] & (1 << blockDirection))
status = true;
return (status);
inline void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::RemoveBlockConnection(
const int gridID, const int blockDirection)
// Sanity check
assert("pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" && (gridID >= 0) &&
(gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
assert("pre: BlockTopology has not been properly allocated" &&
(this->NumberOfGrids == this->BlockTopology.size()));
assert("pre: blockDirection is out-of-bounds" && (blockDirection >= 0) && (blockDirection < 6));
this->BlockTopology[gridID] &= ~(1 << blockDirection);
inline void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::AddBlockConnection(
const int gridID, const int blockDirection)
// Sanity check
assert("pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" && (gridID >= 0) &&
(gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
assert("pre: BlockTopology has not been properly allocated" &&
(this->NumberOfGrids == this->BlockTopology.size()));
assert("pre: blockDirection is out-of-bounds" && (blockDirection >= 0) && (blockDirection < 6));
this->BlockTopology[gridID] |= (1 << blockDirection);
inline void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::ClearBlockConnections(const int gridID)
// Sanity check
assert("pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" && (gridID >= 0) &&
(gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
assert("pre: BlockTopology has not been properly allocated" &&
(this->NumberOfGrids == this->BlockTopology.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
this->RemoveBlockConnection(gridID, i);
} // END for all block directions
inline int vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::GetNumberOfConnectingBlockFaces(const int gridID)
// Sanity check
assert("pre: gridID is out-of-bounds" && (gridID >= 0) &&
(gridID < static_cast<int>(this->NumberOfGrids)));
assert("pre: BlockTopology has not been properly allocated" &&
(this->NumberOfGrids == this->BlockTopology.size()));
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
if (this->HasBlockConnection(gridID, i))
assert("post: count must be in [0,5]" && (count >= 0 && count <= 6));
return (count);
inline void vtkStructuredGridConnectivity::SetNumberOfGrids(const unsigned int N)
if (N == 0)
vtkErrorMacro("Number of grids cannot be 0.");
this->NumberOfGrids = N;
this->GridExtents.resize(6 * N, -1);
#endif /* vtkStructuredGridConnectivity_h */