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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkResliceCursorRepresentation.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkResliceCursorRepresentation
* @brief represent the vtkResliceCursorWidget
* This class is the base class for the reslice cursor representation
* subclasses. It represents a cursor that may be interactively translated,
* rotated through an image and perform thick / thick reformats.
* @sa
* vtkResliceCursorLineRepresentation vtkResliceCursorThickLineRepresentation
* vtkResliceCursorWidget vtkResliceCursor
#ifndef vtkResliceCursorRepresentation_h
#define vtkResliceCursorRepresentation_h
#include "vtkInteractionWidgetsModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkWidgetRepresentation.h"
class vtkTextProperty;
class vtkActor2D;
class vtkTextMapper;
class vtkImageData;
class vtkImageReslice;
class vtkPlane;
class vtkPlaneSource;
class vtkResliceCursorPolyDataAlgorithm;
class vtkResliceCursor;
class vtkMatrix4x4;
class vtkScalarsToColors;
class vtkImageMapToColors;
class vtkActor;
class vtkImageActor;
class vtkTexture;
class vtkTextActor;
class vtkImageAlgorithm;
// Private.
class VTKINTERACTIONWIDGETS_EXPORT vtkResliceCursorRepresentation : public vtkWidgetRepresentation
* Standard VTK methods.
vtkTypeMacro(vtkResliceCursorRepresentation, vtkWidgetRepresentation);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* The tolerance representing the distance to the representation (in
* pixels) in which the cursor is considered near enough to the
* representation to be active.
vtkSetClampMacro(Tolerance, int, 1, 100);
vtkGetMacro(Tolerance, int);
* Show the resliced image ?
vtkSetMacro(ShowReslicedImage, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ShowReslicedImage, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ShowReslicedImage, vtkTypeBool);
* Make sure that the resliced image remains within the volume.
* Default is On.
vtkSetMacro(RestrictPlaneToVolume, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(RestrictPlaneToVolume, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(RestrictPlaneToVolume, vtkTypeBool);
* Specify the format to use for labelling the distance. Note that an empty
* string results in no label, or a format string without a "%" character
* will not print the thickness value.
// Used to communicate about the state of the representation
Outside = 0,
None = 0,
* Get the text shown in the widget's label.
virtual char* GetThicknessLabelText();
* Get the position of the widget's label in display coordinates.
virtual double* GetThicknessLabelPosition();
virtual void GetThicknessLabelPosition(double pos[3]);
virtual void GetWorldThicknessLabelPosition(double pos[3]);
* These are methods that satisfy vtkWidgetRepresentation's API.
void BuildRepresentation() override;
* Get the current reslice class and reslice axes
vtkGetObjectMacro(ResliceAxes, vtkMatrix4x4);
vtkGetObjectMacro(Reslice, vtkImageAlgorithm);
* Get the displayed image actor
vtkGetObjectMacro(ImageActor, vtkImageActor);
* Set/Get the internal lookuptable (lut) to one defined by the user, or,
* alternatively, to the lut of another Reslice cusror widget. In this way,
* a set of three orthogonal planes can share the same lut so that
* window-levelling is performed uniformly among planes. The default
* internal lut can be re- set/allocated by setting to 0 (nullptr).
virtual void SetLookupTable(vtkScalarsToColors*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(LookupTable, vtkScalarsToColors);
* Convenience method to get the vtkImageMapToColors filter used by this
* widget. The user can properly render other transparent actors in a
* scene by calling the filter's SetOutputFormatToRGB and
* PassAlphaToOutputOff.
vtkGetObjectMacro(ColorMap, vtkImageMapToColors);
virtual void SetColorMap(vtkImageMapToColors*);
* Set/Get the current window and level values. SetWindowLevel should
* only be called after SetInput. If a shared lookup table is being used,
* a callback is required to update the window level values without having
* to update the lookup table again.
void SetWindowLevel(double window, double level, int copy = 0);
void GetWindowLevel(double wl[2]);
double GetWindow() { return this->CurrentWindow; }
double GetLevel() { return this->CurrentLevel; }
virtual vtkResliceCursor* GetResliceCursor() = 0;
* Enable/disable text display of window-level, image coordinates and
* scalar values in a render window.
vtkSetMacro(DisplayText, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(DisplayText, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DisplayText, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/Get the text property for the image data and window-level annotation.
void SetTextProperty(vtkTextProperty* tprop);
vtkTextProperty* GetTextProperty();
* Render as a 2D image, or render as a plane with a texture in physical
* space.
vtkSetMacro(UseImageActor, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(UseImageActor, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(UseImageActor, vtkTypeBool);
* INTERNAL - Do not use
* Set the manipulation mode. This is done by the widget
void SetManipulationMode(int m);
vtkGetMacro(ManipulationMode, int);
* INTERNAL - Do not use.
* Internal methods used by the widget to manage text displays
* for annotations.
void ActivateText(int);
void ManageTextDisplay();
* Initialize the reslice planes and the camera center. This is done
* automatically, the first time we render.
virtual void InitializeReslicePlane();
virtual void ResetCamera();
* Get the underlying cursor source.
virtual vtkResliceCursorPolyDataAlgorithm* GetCursorAlgorithm() = 0;
* Get the plane source on which the texture (the thin/thick resliced
* image is displayed)
vtkGetObjectMacro(PlaneSource, vtkPlaneSource);
~vtkResliceCursorRepresentation() override;
* Create New Reslice plane. Allows subclasses to override and crate
* their own reslice filters to respond to the widget.
virtual void CreateDefaultResliceAlgorithm();
virtual void SetResliceParameters(
double outputSpacingX, double outputSpacingY, int extentX, int extentY);
* Process window level
virtual void WindowLevel(double x, double y);
* Update the reslice plane
virtual void UpdateReslicePlane();
* Compute the origin of the planes so as to capture the entire image.
virtual void ComputeReslicePlaneOrigin();
// for negative window values.
void InvertTable();
// recompute origin to make the location of the reslice cursor consistent
// with its physical location
virtual void ComputeOrigin(vtkMatrix4x4*);
void GetVector1(double d[3]);
void GetVector2(double d[3]);
* The widget sets the manipulation mode. This can be one of :
* None, PanAndRotate, RotateBothAxes, ResizeThickness
int ManipulationMode;
// Keep track if modifier is set
int Modifier;
// Selection tolerance for the handles
int Tolerance;
// Format for printing the distance
char* ThicknessLabelFormat;
vtkImageAlgorithm* Reslice;
vtkPlaneSource* PlaneSource;
vtkTypeBool RestrictPlaneToVolume;
vtkTypeBool ShowReslicedImage;
vtkTextProperty* ThicknessTextProperty;
vtkTextMapper* ThicknessTextMapper;
vtkActor2D* ThicknessTextActor;
vtkMatrix4x4* ResliceAxes;
vtkMatrix4x4* NewResliceAxes;
vtkImageMapToColors* ColorMap;
vtkActor* TexturePlaneActor;
vtkTexture* Texture;
vtkScalarsToColors* LookupTable;
vtkImageActor* ImageActor;
vtkTextActor* TextActor;
double OriginalWindow;
double OriginalLevel;
double CurrentWindow;
double CurrentLevel;
double InitialWindow;
double InitialLevel;
double LastEventPosition[2];
vtkTypeBool UseImageActor;
vtkTypeBool DisplayText;
vtkScalarsToColors* CreateDefaultLookupTable();
void GenerateText();
vtkResliceCursorRepresentation(const vtkResliceCursorRepresentation&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkResliceCursorRepresentation&) = delete;