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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkQuadricLODActor.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkQuadricLODActor
* @brief a specific level-of-detail strategy using the
* quadric clustering decimation algorithm
* vtkQuadricLODActor implements a specific strategy for level-of-detail
* using the vtkQuadricClustering decimation algorithm. It supports only two
* levels of detail: full resolution and a decimated version. The decimated
* LOD is generated using a tuned strategy to produce output consistent with
* the requested interactive frame rate (i.e., the
* vtkRenderWindowInteractor's DesiredUpdateRate). It also makes use of
* display lists for performance, and adjusts the vtkQuadricClustering
* algorithm to take into account the dimensionality of the data (e.g., 2D,
* x-y surfaces may be binned into n x n x 1 to reduce extra polygons in the
* z-direction). Finally, the filter may optionally be set in "Static" mode
* (this works with the vtkMapper::SetStatic() method). `Enabling Static results
* in a one time execution of the Mapper's pipeline. After that, the pipeline
* no longer updated (unless manually forced to do so).
* @warning
* By default the algorithm is set up to pre-compute the LODs. That is, on
* the first render (whether a full resolution render or interactive render)
* the LOD is computed. This behavior can be changed so that the LOD
* construction is deferred until the first interactive render. Either way,
* when the LOD is constructed, the user may notice a short pause.
* @warning
* This class can be used as a direct replacement for vtkActor. It may also be
* used as a replacement for vtkFollower's (the ability to track a camera is
* provided).
* @sa
* vtkLODActor vtkQuadricClustering
#ifndef vtkQuadricLODActor_h
#define vtkQuadricLODActor_h
#include "vtkActor.h"
#include "vtkRenderingLODModule.h" // For export macro
class vtkQuadricClustering;
class vtkPolyDataMapper;
class vtkCamera;
class vtkPolyData;
class VTKRENDERINGLOD_EXPORT vtkQuadricLODActor : public vtkActor
* Creates a vtkQuadricLODActor.
static vtkQuadricLODActor* New();
* Standard class methods.
vtkTypeMacro(vtkQuadricLODActor, vtkActor);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Specify whether to build the LOD immediately (i.e., on the first render)
* or to wait until the LOD is requested in a subsequent render. By default,
* LOD construction is not deferred (DeferLODConstruction is false).
vtkSetMacro(DeferLODConstruction, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(DeferLODConstruction, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DeferLODConstruction, vtkTypeBool);
* Turn on/off a flag to control whether the underlying pipeline is static.
* If static, this means that the data pipeline executes once and then not
* again until the user manually modifies this class. By default, Static is
* off because trying to debug this is tricky, and you should only use it
* when you know what you are doing.
vtkSetMacro(Static, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(Static, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(Static, vtkTypeBool);
enum DataConfigurationEnum
* Force the binning of the quadric clustering according to application
* knowledge relative to the dimension of the data. For example, if you
* know your data lies in a 2D x-y plane, the performance of the quadric
* clustering algorithm can be greatly improved by indicating this (i.e.,
* the number of resulting triangles, and the quality of the decimation
* version is better). Setting this parameter forces the binning to be
* configured consistent with the dimnesionality of the data, and the
* collapse dimension ratio is ignored. Specifying the value of
* DataConfiguration to UNKNOWN (the default value) means that the class
* will attempt to figure the dimension of the class automatically using
* the CollapseDimensionRatio ivar.
vtkSetClampMacro(DataConfiguration, int, UNKNOWN, XYZVOLUME);
vtkGetMacro(DataConfiguration, int);
void SetDataConfigurationToUnknown() { this->SetDataConfiguration(UNKNOWN); }
void SetDataConfigurationToXLine() { this->SetDataConfiguration(XLINE); }
void SetDataConfigurationToYLine() { this->SetDataConfiguration(YLINE); }
void SetDataConfigurationToZLine() { this->SetDataConfiguration(ZLINE); }
void SetDataConfigurationToXYPlane() { this->SetDataConfiguration(XYPLANE); }
void SetDataConfigurationToYZPlane() { this->SetDataConfiguration(YZPLANE); }
void SetDataConfigurationToXZPlane() { this->SetDataConfiguration(XZPLANE); }
void SetDataConfigurationToXYZVolume() { this->SetDataConfiguration(XYZVOLUME); }
* If the data configuration is set to UNKNOWN, this class attempts to
* figure out the dimensionality of the data using CollapseDimensionRatio.
* This ivar is the ratio of short edge of the input bounding box to its
* long edge, which is then used to collapse the data dimension (and set the
* quadric bin size in that direction to one). By default, this value is 0.05.
vtkSetClampMacro(CollapseDimensionRatio, double, 0.0, 1.0);
vtkGetMacro(CollapseDimensionRatio, double);
* This class will create a vtkQuadricClustering algorithm automatically.
* However, if you would like to specify the filter to use, or to access it
* and configure it, these method provide access to the filter.
void SetLODFilter(vtkQuadricClustering* lodFilter);
vtkGetObjectMacro(LODFilter, vtkQuadricClustering);
enum PropTypeEnum
* Indicate that this actor is actually a follower.
* By default, the prop type is a vtkActor.
vtkSetClampMacro(PropType, int, FOLLOWER, ACTOR);
vtkGetMacro(PropType, int);
void SetPropTypeToFollower() { this->SetPropType(FOLLOWER); }
void SetPropTypeToActor() { this->SetPropType(ACTOR); }
* Set/Get the camera to follow. This method is only applicable when the
* prop type is set to a vtkFollower.
void SetCamera(vtkCamera*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(Camera, vtkCamera);
* This causes the actor to be rendered. Depending on the frame rate request,
* it will use either a full resolution render or an interactive render (i.e.,
* it will use the decimated geometry).
void Render(vtkRenderer*, vtkMapper*) override;
* This method is used internally by the rendering process. We override
* the superclass method to properly set the estimated render time.
int RenderOpaqueGeometry(vtkViewport* viewport) override;
* Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this actor.
* The parameter window could be used to determine which graphic
* resources to release.
void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow*) override;
* Shallow copy of an LOD actor. Overloads the virtual vtkProp method.
void ShallowCopy(vtkProp* prop) override;
~vtkQuadricLODActor() override;
// Renders the LOD
vtkActor* LODActor;
vtkPolyDataMapper* LODMapper;
// Keep track of the requested interactive frame rate
double CachedInteractiveFrameRate;
// Support various strategies
vtkQuadricClustering* LODFilter;
// Specify whether the mapper's should be set in to Static mode.
vtkTypeBool Static;
// The dimension of the data
double CollapseDimensionRatio;
int DataConfiguration;
// Control whether this is a follower or regular actor
int PropType;
vtkCamera* Camera;
// Specify to defer construction of the LOD.
vtkTypeBool DeferLODConstruction;
// Keep track of building
vtkTimeStamp BuildTime;
vtkQuadricLODActor(const vtkQuadricLODActor&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkQuadricLODActor&) = delete;