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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright Nonice for more information.
* @class vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor
* @brief Objects for traversal a HyperTreeGrid.
* Objects that can perform depth traversal of a hyper tree grid,
* take into account more parameters (related to the grid structure) than
* the compact hyper tree cursor implemented in vtkHyperTree can.
* This is an abstract class.
* Cursors are created by the HyperTreeGrid implementation.
* @sa
* vtkHyperTreeCursor vtkHyperTree vtkHyperTreeGrid
* @par Thanks:
* This class was written by Guenole Harel and Jacques-Bernard Lekien, 2014.
* This class was re-written by Philippe Pebay, 2016.
* This class was re-written and optimized by Jacques-Bernard Lekien,
* Guenole Harel and Jerome Dubois, 2018.
* This work was supported by Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique
* CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France.
#ifndef vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor_h
#define vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor_h
#include "vtkCommonDataModelModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkObject.h"
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // Used internally
#include "vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryLevelEntry.h" // Used Internally
#include <vector> // For std::vector
class vtkHyperTree;
class vtkHyperTreeGrid;
class vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedGeometryCursor;
class vtkHyperTreeGridOrientedGeometryCursor;
class VTKCOMMONDATAMODEL_EXPORT vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor : public vtkObject
vtkTypeMacro(vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor, vtkObject);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Create a copy of `this'.
* \post results_exists:result!=0
virtual vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor* Clone();
* Initialize cursor at root of given tree index in grid.
* JB Le create ne s'applique que sur le HT central.
virtual void Initialize(vtkHyperTreeGrid* grid, vtkIdType treeIndex, bool create = false) = 0;
* Set the hyper tree grid to which the cursor is pointing.
vtkHyperTreeGrid* GetGrid();
* Return if a Tree pointing exist
bool HasTree();
* JB Return if a Tree pointing exist
bool HasTree(unsigned int icursor);
* Set the hyper tree to which the cursor is pointing.
vtkHyperTree* GetTree();
vtkHyperTree* GetTree(unsigned int icursor);
* Return the index of the current vertex in the tree.
vtkIdType GetVertexId();
vtkIdType GetVertexId(unsigned int icursor);
* Return the global index (relative to the grid) of the
* current vertex in the tree.
vtkIdType GetGlobalNodeIndex();
* JB Return the global index (relative to the grid) of the
* neighboor icursor current vertex in the tree.
vtkIdType GetGlobalNodeIndex(unsigned int icursor);
* JB
vtkHyperTree* GetInformation(
unsigned int icursor, unsigned int& level, bool& leaf, vtkIdType& id);
* Return the dimension of the tree.
* \post positive_result: result>0
unsigned char GetDimension();
* Return the number of children for each node (non-vertex leaf) of the tree.
* \post positive_number: result>0
unsigned char GetNumberOfChildren();
* JB
void SetGlobalIndexStart(vtkIdType index);
* JB
void SetGlobalIndexFromLocal(vtkIdType index);
* JB
double* GetOrigin();
double* GetSize();
* Set the blanking mask is empty or not
* \pre not_tree: tree
void SetMask(bool state);
void SetMask(unsigned int icursor, bool state);
* Determine whether blanking mask is empty or not
bool IsMasked();
bool IsMasked(unsigned int icursor);
* JB Coordonnees de la boite englobante
void GetBounds(double bounds[6]);
void GetBounds(unsigned int icursor, double bounds[6]);
* JB Coordonnees du centre de la maille
void GetPoint(double point[3]);
void GetPoint(unsigned int icursor, double point[3]);
* Is the cursor pointing to a leaf?
bool IsLeaf();
bool IsLeaf(unsigned int icursor);
* JB Fait chier normalement on devrait passer par GetEntry
void SubdivideLeaf();
* Is the cursor at tree root?
bool IsRoot();
* Get the level of the tree vertex pointed by the cursor.
unsigned int GetLevel();
unsigned int GetLevel(unsigned int icursor);
* Move the cursor to child `child' of the current vertex.
* \pre not_tree: HasTree()
* \pre not_leaf: !IsLeaf()
* \pre valid_child: ichild>=0 && ichild<GetNumberOfChildren()
* \pre depth_limiter: GetLevel() <= GetDepthLimiter()
void ToChild(unsigned char ichild);
* Move the cursor to the root vertex.
* \pre can be root
* \post is_root: IsRoot()
void ToRoot();
* Move the cursor to the parent of the current vertex.
* Authorized if HasHistory return true.
* \pre Non_root: !IsRoot()
void ToParent();
* JB
unsigned int GetNumberOfCursors() { return this->NumberOfCursors; }
* Return the cursor pointing into i-th neighbor.
* The neighborhood definition depends on the type of cursor.
* NB: Only super cursors keep track of neighborhoods.
vtkSmartPointer<vtkHyperTreeGridOrientedGeometryCursor> GetOrientedGeometryCursor(
unsigned int icursor);
* Return the cursor pointing into i-th neighbor.
* The neighborhood definition depends on the type of cursor.
* NB: Only super cursors keep track of neighborhoods.
vtkSmartPointer<vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedGeometryCursor> GetNonOrientedGeometryCursor(
unsigned int icursor);
* Constructor
* Destructor
~vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor() override;
* JB Reference sur l'hyper tree grid parcouru actuellement.
vtkHyperTreeGrid* Grid;
* JB
// JB vtkNew< vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedGeometryCursor > CentralCursor;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedGeometryCursor> CentralCursor;
* JB Hyper tree grid to which the cursor is attached
unsigned int CurrentFirstNonValidEntryByLevel;
std::vector<unsigned int> FirstNonValidEntryByLevel;
std::vector<vtkHyperTreeGridGeometryLevelEntry> Entries;
* JB La derniere reference valide pour decrire tous les voisins.
* C'est donc aussi l'offset du premier voisin du dernier niveau.
unsigned int FirstCurrentNeighboorReferenceEntry;
std::vector<unsigned int> ReferenceEntries;
* JB
unsigned int GetIndiceEntry(unsigned int icursor);
* JB La valeur precedente. Dans le voisinage, ce n'est pas forcement un parent.
unsigned int GetIndicePreviousEntry(unsigned int icursor);
* JB
unsigned int IndiceCentralCursor;
// Number of cursors in supercursor
unsigned int NumberOfCursors;
// Super cursor traversal table to go retrieve the parent index for each cursor
// of the child node. There are f^d * NumberOfCursors entries in the table.
const unsigned int* ChildCursorToParentCursorTable;
// Super cursor traversal table to go retrieve the child index for each cursor
// of the child node. There are f^d * NumberOfCursors entries in the table.
const unsigned int* ChildCursorToChildTable;
vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor(const vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedSuperCursor&) = delete;