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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkHeatmapItem.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkHeatmapItem
* @brief A 2D graphics item for rendering a heatmap
* This item draws a heatmap as a part of a vtkContextScene.
* vtkTable
#ifndef vtkHeatmapItem_h
#define vtkHeatmapItem_h
#include "vtkContextItem.h"
#include "vtkViewsInfovisModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkNew.h" // For vtkNew ivars
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // For vtkSmartPointer ivars
#include "vtkStdString.h" // For get/set ivars
#include "vtkVector.h" // For vtkVector2f ivar
#include <map> // For column ranges
#include <set> // For blank row support
#include <vector> // For row mapping
class vtkBitArray;
class vtkCategoryLegend;
class vtkColorLegend;
class vtkLookupTable;
class vtkStringArray;
class vtkTable;
class vtkTooltipItem;
class vtkVariantArray;
class VTKVIEWSINFOVIS_EXPORT vtkHeatmapItem : public vtkContextItem
static vtkHeatmapItem* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkHeatmapItem, vtkContextItem);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Set the table that this item draws. The first column of the table
* must contain the names of the rows.
virtual void SetTable(vtkTable* table);
* Get the table that this item draws.
vtkTable* GetTable();
* Get the table that this item draws.
vtkStringArray* GetRowNames();
* Get/Set the name of the column that specifies the name
* of this table's rows. By default, we assume this
* column will be named "name". If no such column can be
* found, we then assume that the 1st column in the table
* names the rows.
vtkGetMacro(NameColumn, vtkStdString);
vtkSetMacro(NameColumn, vtkStdString);
* Set which way the table should face within the visualization.
void SetOrientation(int orientation);
* Get the current heatmap orientation.
int GetOrientation();
* Get the angle that row labels should be rotated for the corresponding
* heatmap orientation. For the default orientation (LEFT_TO_RIGHT), this
* is 0 degrees.
double GetTextAngleForOrientation(int orientation);
* Set the position of the heatmap.
vtkSetVector2Macro(Position, float);
void SetPosition(const vtkVector2f& pos);
* Get position of the heatmap.
vtkGetVector2Macro(Position, float);
vtkVector2f GetPositionVector();
* Get/Set the height of the cells in our heatmap.
* Default is 18 pixels.
vtkGetMacro(CellHeight, double);
vtkSetMacro(CellHeight, double);
* Get/Set the width of the cells in our heatmap.
* Default is 36 pixels.
vtkGetMacro(CellWidth, double);
vtkSetMacro(CellWidth, double);
* Get the bounds for this item as (Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax).
virtual void GetBounds(double bounds[4]);
* Mark a row as blank, meaning that no cells will be drawn for it.
* Used by vtkTreeHeatmapItem to represent missing data.
void MarkRowAsBlank(const std::string& rowName);
* Paints the table as a heatmap.
bool Paint(vtkContext2D* painter) override;
* Get the width of the largest row or column label drawn by this
* heatmap.
vtkGetMacro(RowLabelWidth, float);
vtkGetMacro(ColumnLabelWidth, float);
* Enum for Orientation.
* Returns true if the transform is interactive, false otherwise.
bool Hit(const vtkContextMouseEvent& mouse) override;
* Display a tooltip when the user mouses over a cell in the heatmap.
bool MouseMoveEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& event) override;
* Display a legend for a column of data.
bool MouseDoubleClickEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& event) override;
~vtkHeatmapItem() override;
vtkVector2f PositionVector;
float* Position;
* Generate some data needed for painting. We cache this information as
* it only needs to be generated when the input data changes.
virtual void RebuildBuffers();
* This function does the bulk of the actual work in rendering our heatmap.
virtual void PaintBuffers(vtkContext2D* painter);
* This function returns a bool indicating whether or not we need to rebuild
* our cached data before painting.
virtual bool IsDirty();
* Generate a separate vtkLookupTable for each column in the table.
void InitializeLookupTables();
* Helper function. Find the prominent, distinct values in the specified
* column of strings and add it to our "master list" of categorical values.
* This list is then used to generate a vtkLookupTable for all categorical
* data within the heatmap.
void AccumulateProminentCategoricalDataValues(vtkIdType column);
* Setup the default lookup table to use for continuous (not categorical)
* data.
void GenerateContinuousDataLookupTable();
* Setup the default lookup table to use for categorical (not continuous)
* data.
void GenerateCategoricalDataLookupTable();
* Get the value for the cell of the heatmap located at scene position (x, y)
* This function assumes the caller has already determined that (x, y) falls
* within the heatmap.
std::string GetTooltipText(float x, float y);
* Calculate the extent of the data that is visible within the window.
* This information is used to ensure that we only draw details that
* will be seen by the user. This improves rendering speed, particularly
* for larger data.
void UpdateVisibleSceneExtent(vtkContext2D* painter);
* Returns true if any part of the line segment defined by endpoints
* (x0, y0), (x1, y1) falls within the extent of the currently
* visible scene. Returns false otherwise.
bool LineIsVisible(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1);
* Compute the extent of the heatmap. This does not include
* the text labels.
void ComputeBounds();
* Compute the width of our longest row label and the width of our
* longest column label. These values are used by GetBounds().
void ComputeLabelWidth(vtkContext2D* painter);
// Setup the position, size, and orientation of this heatmap's color
// legend based on the heatmap's current orientation.
void PositionColorLegend(int orientation);
// Setup the position, size, and orientation of this heatmap's
// legends based on the heatmap's current orientation.
void PositionLegends(int orientation);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkTable> Table;
vtkStringArray* RowNames;
vtkStdString NameColumn;
vtkHeatmapItem(const vtkHeatmapItem&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkHeatmapItem&) = delete;
unsigned long HeatmapBuildTime;
vtkNew<vtkCategoryLegend> CategoryLegend;
vtkNew<vtkColorLegend> ColorLegend;
vtkNew<vtkTooltipItem> Tooltip;
vtkNew<vtkLookupTable> ContinuousDataLookupTable;
vtkNew<vtkLookupTable> CategoricalDataLookupTable;
vtkNew<vtkLookupTable> ColorLegendLookupTable;
vtkNew<vtkStringArray> CategoricalDataValues;
vtkNew<vtkVariantArray> CategoryLegendValues;
double CellWidth;
double CellHeight;
std::map<vtkIdType, std::pair<double, double> > ColumnRanges;
std::vector<vtkIdType> SceneRowToTableRowMap;
std::vector<vtkIdType> SceneColumnToTableColumnMap;
std::set<std::string> BlankRows;
double MinX;
double MinY;
double MaxX;
double MaxY;
double SceneBottomLeft[3];
double SceneTopRight[3];
float RowLabelWidth;
float ColumnLabelWidth;
vtkBitArray* CollapsedRowsArray;
vtkBitArray* CollapsedColumnsArray;
bool LegendPositionSet;