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#from __future__ import annotations
# and are identical
# except only the latter uses string annotations.
import dataclasses
import typing
T_CV2 = typing.ClassVar[int]
T_CV3 = typing.ClassVar
T_IV2 = dataclasses.InitVar[int]
T_IV3 = dataclasses.InitVar
class CV:
T_CV4 = typing.ClassVar
cv0: typing.ClassVar[int] = 20
cv1: typing.ClassVar = 30
cv2: T_CV2
cv3: T_CV3
not_cv4: T_CV4 # When using string annotations, this field is not recognized as a ClassVar.
class IV:
T_IV4 = dataclasses.InitVar
iv0: dataclasses.InitVar[int]
iv1: dataclasses.InitVar
iv2: T_IV2
iv3: T_IV3
not_iv4: T_IV4 # When using string annotations, this field is not recognized as an InitVar.