You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

552 lines
11 KiB

Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkX3D.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtkX3D_h
#define vtkX3D_h
extern const char* x3dElementString[];
extern const char* x3dAttributeString[];
namespace vtkX3D
enum X3DTypes
/* Elements */
enum X3DElement
Shape = 0,
Appearance = 1,
Material = 2,
IndexedFaceSet = 3,
ProtoInstance = 4,
Transform = 5,
ImageTexture = 6,
TextureTransform = 7,
Coordinate = 8,
Normal = 9,
Color = 10,
ColorRGBA = 11,
TextureCoordinate = 12,
ROUTE = 13,
fieldValue = 14,
Group = 15,
LOD = 16,
Switch = 17,
Script = 18,
IndexedTriangleFanSet = 19,
IndexedTriangleSet = 20,
IndexedTriangleStripSet = 21,
MultiTexture = 22,
MultiTextureCoordinate = 23,
MultiTextureTransform = 24,
IndexedLineSet = 25,
PointSet = 26,
StaticGroup = 27,
Sphere = 28,
Box = 29,
Cone = 30,
Anchor = 31,
Arc2D = 32,
ArcClose2D = 33,
AudioClip = 34,
Background = 35,
Billboard = 36,
BooleanFilter = 37,
BooleanSequencer = 38,
BooleanToggle = 39,
BooleanTrigger = 40,
Circle2D = 41,
Collision = 42,
ColorInterpolator = 43,
Contour2D = 44,
ContourPolyline2D = 45,
CoordinateDouble = 46,
CoordinateInterpolator = 47,
CoordinateInterpolator2D = 48,
Cylinder = 49,
CylinderSensor = 50,
DirectionalLight = 51,
Disk2D = 52,
EXPORT = 53,
ElevationGrid = 54,
EspduTransform = 55,
ExternProtoDeclare = 56,
Extrusion = 57,
FillProperties = 58,
Fog = 59,
FontStyle = 60,
GeoCoordinate = 61,
GeoElevationGrid = 62,
GeoLOD = 63,
GeoLocation = 64,
GeoMetadata = 65,
GeoOrigin = 66,
GeoPositionInterpolator = 67,
GeoTouchSensor = 68,
GeoViewpoint = 69,
HAnimDisplacer = 70,
HAnimHumanoid = 71,
HAnimJoint = 72,
HAnimSegment = 73,
HAnimSite = 74,
IMPORT = 75,
IS = 76,
Inline = 77,
IntegerSequencer = 78,
IntegerTrigger = 79,
KeySensor = 80,
LineProperties = 81,
LineSet = 82,
LoadSensor = 83,
MetadataDouble = 84,
MetadataFloat = 85,
MetadataInteger = 86,
MetadataSet = 87,
MetadataString = 88,
MovieTexture = 89,
NavigationInfo = 90,
NormalInterpolator = 91,
NurbsCurve = 92,
NurbsCurve2D = 93,
NurbsOrientationInterpolator = 94,
NurbsPatchSurface = 95,
NurbsPositionInterpolator = 96,
NurbsSet = 97,
NurbsSurfaceInterpolator = 98,
NurbsSweptSurface = 99,
NurbsSwungSurface = 100,
NurbsTextureCoordinate = 101,
NurbsTrimmedSurface = 102,
OrientationInterpolator = 103,
PixelTexture = 104,
PlaneSensor = 105,
PointLight = 106,
Polyline2D = 107,
Polypoint2D = 108,
PositionInterpolator = 109,
PositionInterpolator2D = 110,
ProtoBody = 111,
ProtoDeclare = 112,
ProtoInterface = 113,
ProximitySensor = 114,
ReceiverPdu = 115,
Rectangle2D = 116,
ScalarInterpolator = 117,
Scene = 118,
SignalPdu = 119,
Sound = 120,
SphereSensor = 121,
SpotLight = 122,
StringSensor = 123,
Text = 124,
TextureBackground = 125,
TextureCoordinateGenerator = 126,
TimeSensor = 127,
TimeTrigger = 128,
TouchSensor = 129,
TransmitterPdu = 130,
TriangleFanSet = 131,
TriangleSet = 132,
TriangleSet2D = 133,
TriangleStripSet = 134,
Viewpoint = 135,
VisibilitySensor = 136,
WorldInfo = 137,
X3D = 138,
component = 139,
connect = 140,
field = 141,
head = 142,
humanoidBodyType = 143,
meta = 144,
/* Attributes */
enum X3DAttribute
DEF = 0,
USE = 1,
containerField = 2,
fromNode = 3,
fromField = 4,
toNode = 5,
toField = 6,
name = 7,
value = 8,
color = 9,
colorIndex = 10,
coordIndex = 11,
texCoordIndex = 12,
normalIndex = 13,
colorPerVertex = 14,
normalPerVertex = 15,
rotation = 16,
scale = 17,
center = 18,
scaleOrientation = 19,
translation = 20,
url = 21,
repeatS = 22,
repeatT = 23,
point = 24,
vector = 25,
range = 26,
ambientIntensity = 27,
diffuseColor = 28,
emissiveColor = 29,
shininess = 30,
specularColor = 31,
transparency = 32,
whichChoice = 33,
index = 34,
mode = 35,
source = 36,
function = 37,
alpha = 38,
vertexCount = 39,
radius = 40,
size = 41,
height = 42,
solid = 43,
ccw = 44,
key = 45,
keyValue = 46,
enabled = 47,
direction = 48,
position = 49,
orientation = 50,
bboxCenter = 51,
bboxSize = 52,
AS = 53,
InlineDEF = 54,
accessType = 55,
actionKeyPress = 56,
actionKeyRelease = 57,
address = 58,
altKey = 59,
antennaLocation = 60,
antennaPatternLength = 61,
antennaPatternType = 62,
applicationID = 63,
articulationParameterArray = 64,
articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArray = 65,
articulationParameterCount = 66,
articulationParameterDesignatorArray = 67,
articulationParameterIdPartAttachedArray = 68,
articulationParameterTypeArray = 69,
attenuation = 70,
autoOffset = 71,
avatarSize = 72,
axisOfRotation = 73,
backUrl = 74,
beamWidth = 75,
beginCap = 76,
bindTime = 77,
bottom = 78,
bottomRadius = 79,
bottomUrl = 80,
centerOfMass = 81,
centerOfRotation = 82,
child1Url = 83,
child2Url = 84,
child3Url = 85,
child4Url = 86,
_class = 87,
closureType = 88,
collideTime = 89,
content = 90,
controlKey = 91,
controlPoint = 92,
convex = 93,
coordinateSystem = 94,
copyright = 95,
creaseAngle = 96,
crossSection = 97,
cryptoKeyID = 98,
cryptoSystem = 99,
cutOffAngle = 100,
cycleInterval = 101,
cycleTime = 102,
data = 103,
dataFormat = 104,
dataLength = 105,
dataUrl = 106,
date = 107,
deadReckoning = 108,
deletionAllowed = 109,
description = 110,
detonateTime = 111,
dir = 112,
directOutput = 113,
diskAngle = 114,
displacements = 115,
documentation = 116,
elapsedTime = 117,
ellipsoid = 118,
encodingScheme = 119,
endAngle = 120,
endCap = 121,
enterTime = 122,
enteredText = 123,
entityCategory = 124,
entityCountry = 125,
entityDomain = 126,
entityExtra = 127,
entityID = 128,
entityKind = 129,
entitySpecific = 130,
entitySubCategory = 131,
exitTime = 132,
extent = 133,
family = 134,
fanCount = 135,
fieldOfView = 136,
filled = 137,
finalText = 138,
fireMissionIndex = 139,
fired1 = 140,
fired2 = 141,
firedTime = 142,
firingRange = 143,
firingRate = 144,
fogType = 145,
forceID = 146,
frequency = 147,
frontUrl = 148,
fuse = 149,
geoCoords = 150,
geoGridOrigin = 151,
geoSystem = 152,
groundAngle = 153,
groundColor = 154,
hatchColor = 155,
hatchStyle = 156,
hatched = 157,
headlight = 158,
horizontal = 159,
horizontalDatum = 160,
http_equiv = 161,
image = 162,
importedDEF = 163,
info = 164,
innerRadius = 165,
inputFalse = 166,
inputNegate = 167,
inputSource = 168,
inputTrue = 169,
integerKey = 170,
intensity = 171,
jump = 172,
justify = 173,
keyPress = 174,
keyRelease = 175,
knot = 176,
lang = 177,
language = 178,
leftToRight = 179,
leftUrl = 180,
length = 181,
lengthOfModulationParameters = 182,
level = 183,
limitOrientation = 184,
lineSegments = 185,
linearAcceleration = 186,
linearVelocity = 187,
linetype = 188,
linewidthScaleFactor = 189,
llimit = 190,
load = 191,
loadTime = 192,
localDEF = 193,
location = 194,
loop = 195,
marking = 196,
mass = 197,
maxAngle = 198,
maxBack = 199,
maxExtent = 200,
maxFront = 201,
maxPosition = 202,
metadataFormat = 203,
minAngle = 204,
minBack = 205,
minFront = 206,
minPosition = 207,
modulationTypeDetail = 208,
modulationTypeMajor = 209,
modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum = 210,
modulationTypeSystem = 211,
momentsOfInertia = 212,
multicastRelayHost = 213,
multicastRelayPort = 214,
munitionApplicationID = 215,
munitionEndPoint = 216,
munitionEntityID = 217,
munitionQuantity = 218,
munitionSiteID = 219,
munitionStartPoint = 220,
mustEvaluate = 221,
navType = 222,
networkMode = 223,
next = 224,
nodeField = 225,
offset = 226,
on = 227,
order = 228,
originator = 229,
outerRadius = 230,
parameter = 231,
pauseTime = 232,
pitch = 233,
points = 234,
port = 235,
power = 236,
previous = 237,
priority = 238,
profile = 239,
progress = 240,
protoField = 241,
radioEntityTypeCategory = 242,
radioEntityTypeCountry = 243,
radioEntityTypeDomain = 244,
radioEntityTypeKind = 245,
radioEntityTypeNomenclature = 246,
radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion = 247,
radioID = 248,
readInterval = 249,
receivedPower = 250,
receiverState = 251,
reference = 252,
relativeAntennaLocation = 253,
resolution = 254,
resumeTime = 255,
rightUrl = 256,
rootUrl = 257,
rotateYUp = 258,
rtpHeaderExpected = 259,
sampleRate = 260,
samples = 261,
shiftKey = 262,
side = 263,
siteID = 264,
skinCoordIndex = 265,
skinCoordWeight = 266,
skyAngle = 267,
skyColor = 268,
spacing = 269,
spatialize = 270,
speed = 271,
speedFactor = 272,
spine = 273,
startAngle = 274,
startTime = 275,
stiffness = 276,
stopTime = 277,
string = 278,
stripCount = 279,
style = 280,
summary = 281,
tdlType = 282,
tessellation = 283,
tessellationScale = 284,
time = 285,
timeOut = 286,
timestamp = 287,
title = 288,
toggle = 289,
top = 290,
topToBottom = 291,
topUrl = 292,
touchTime = 293,
transmitFrequencyBandwidth = 294,
transmitState = 295,
transmitterApplicationID = 296,
transmitterEntityID = 297,
transmitterRadioID = 298,
transmitterSiteID = 299,
transparent = 300,
triggerTime = 301,
triggerTrue = 302,
triggerValue = 303,
type = 304,
uDimension = 305,
uKnot = 306,
uOrder = 307,
uTessellation = 308,
ulimit = 309,
vDimension = 310,
vKnot = 311,
vOrder = 312,
vTessellation = 313,
version = 314,
verticalDatum = 315,
vertices = 316,
visibilityLimit = 317,
visibilityRange = 318,
warhead = 319,
weight = 320,
whichGeometry = 321,
writeInterval = 322,
xDimension = 323,
xSpacing = 324,
yScale = 325,
zDimension = 326,
zSpacing = 327
// VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkX3D.h