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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkVolumeTexture.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkVolumeTexture
* @brief Creates and manages the volume texture rendered by
* vtkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper.
* Wraps a vtkTextureObject for which it selects the appropriate format
* (depending on the input vtkDataArray type, number of components, etc.) and
* loads input data. The class maintains a set of members of interest to the
* parent mapper, such as:
* * Active vtkDataArray scalar range.
* * Volume's scale and bias (pixel transfer functions).
* * HandleLargeDataType flag.
* * Texture to data transformations.
* * Block extents
* * Block loaded bounds
* This class supports streaming the volume data in separate blocks to make it
* fit in graphics memory (sometimes referred to as bricking). The data is split
* into a user-defined number of blocks in such a way that a single sub-block
* (brick) fits completely into GPU memory. A stride is passed to OpenGL so
* that it can access the underlying vtkDataArray adequately for each of the
* blocks to be streamed into GPU memory (back-to-front for correct
* composition).
* Streaming the volume as separate texture bricks certainly imposes a
* performance trade-off but acts as a graphics memory expansion scheme for
* devices that would not be able to render higher resoulution volumes
* otherwise.
* @warning There are certain caveats when texture streaming is enabled, given
* the locality constraint that rendering a single block imposes.
* - Quality might suffer near the block seams with ShadeOn() (gradient
* computation at the boundaries needs adjustment).
* - Not all of the features supported by the mapper currently work correctly.
* This is a list of known issues:
* -# Blending modes such as average and additive might compute a different
* value near the edges.
* - Future work will extend the API to be able to compute an ideal number of
* partitions and extents based on the platform capabilities.
* @warning This is an internal class of vtkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper. It
* assumes there is an active OpenGL context in methods involving GL calls
* (MakeCurrent() is expected to be called in the mapper beforehand).
#ifndef vtkVolumeTexture_h
#define vtkVolumeTexture_h
#include <map> // For ImageDataBlockMap
#include <vector> // For ImageDataBlocks
#include "vtkMatrix4x4.h" // For vtkMatrix4
#include "vtkNew.h" // For vtkNew
#include "vtkObject.h"
#include "vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL2Module.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // For SmartPointer
#include "vtkTimeStamp.h" // For UploadTime
#include "vtkTuple.h" // For Size6 and Size3
class vtkDataArray;
class vtkImageData;
class vtkVolumeProperty;
class vtkRenderer;
class vtkTextureObject;
class vtkWindow;
class VTKRENDERINGVOLUMEOPENGL2_EXPORT vtkVolumeTexture : public vtkObject
typedef vtkTuple<int, 6> Size6;
typedef vtkTuple<int, 3> Size3;
static vtkVolumeTexture* New();
struct VolumeBlock
VolumeBlock(vtkImageData* imData, vtkTextureObject* tex, Size3 const& texSize)
// Block extent is stored in vtkImageData
ImageData = imData;
TextureObject = tex;
TextureSize = texSize;
TupleIndex = 0;
this->Extents[0] = VTK_INT_MAX;
this->Extents[1] = VTK_INT_MIN;
this->Extents[2] = VTK_INT_MAX;
this->Extents[3] = VTK_INT_MIN;
this->Extents[4] = VTK_INT_MAX;
this->Extents[5] = VTK_INT_MIN;
vtkImageData* ImageData;
vtkTextureObject* TextureObject;
Size3 TextureSize;
vtkIdType TupleIndex;
vtkNew<vtkMatrix4x4> TextureToDataset;
vtkNew<vtkMatrix4x4> TextureToDatasetInv;
float CellStep[3];
double DatasetStepSize[3];
* LoadedBounds are corrected for cell-data (if that is the case). So they
* are not equivalent to vtkImageData::GetBounds().
double LoadedBounds[6];
double LoadedBoundsAA[6];
double VolumeGeometry[24];
int Extents[6];
vtkTypeMacro(vtkVolumeTexture, vtkObject);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Set a number of blocks per axis.
void SetPartitions(int const i, int const j, int const k);
const Size3& GetPartitions();
* Loads the data array into the texture in the case only a single block is
* is defined. Does not load when the input data is divided in multiple blocks
* (in which case they will be loaded into GPU memory by GetNextBlock()).
* Requires an active OpenGL context.
bool LoadVolume(vtkRenderer* ren, vtkImageData* data, vtkDataArray* scalars, int const isCell,
int const interpolation);
* It currently only calls SetInterpolation internally. Requires an active OpenGL
* context.
void UpdateVolume(vtkVolumeProperty* property);
* If streaming the data array as separate blocks, sort them back to front.
* This method does nothing if there is a single block.
void SortBlocksBackToFront(vtkRenderer* ren, vtkMatrix4x4* volumeMat);
* Return the next volume block to be rendered and load its data. If the
* current block is the last one, it will return nullptr.
VolumeBlock* GetNextBlock();
* Return the currently loaded block.
VolumeBlock* GetCurrentBlock();
* Clean-up acquired graphics resources.
void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow* win);
* Get the scale and bias values given a VTK scalar type and a finite range.
* The scale and bias values computed using this method can be useful for
* custom shader code. For example, when looking up color values through the
* transfer function texture, the scalar value must be scaled and offset.
static void GetScaleAndBias(const int scalarType, float* scalarRange, float& scale, float& bias);
vtkDataArray* GetLoadedScalars();
bool HandleLargeDataTypes;
float Scale[4];
float Bias[4];
float ScalarRange[4][2];
float CellSpacing[3];
int InterpolationType;
vtkTimeStamp UploadTime;
int IsCellData = 0;
vtkNew<vtkMatrix4x4> CellToPointMatrix;
float AdjustedTexMin[4];
float AdjustedTexMax[4];
~vtkVolumeTexture() override;
vtkVolumeTexture(const vtkVolumeTexture&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkVolumeTexture&) = delete;
* Load an image block as defined in volBlock into GPU memory.
* Requires an active OpenGL context.
bool LoadTexture(int const interpolation, VolumeBlock* volBlock);
* Divide the image data in NxMxO user-defined blocks.
void SplitVolume(vtkImageData* imageData, Size3 const& part);
void CreateBlocks(unsigned int const format, unsigned int const internalFormat, int const type);
void AdjustExtentForCell(Size6& extent);
Size3 ComputeBlockSize(int* extent);
* Defines OpenGL's texture type, format and internal format based on the
* vtkDataArray type (scalarType) and the number of array components.
void SelectTextureFormat(unsigned int& format, unsigned int& internalFormat, int& type,
int const scalarType, int const noOfComponents);
* Clean-up any acquired host side resources (image blocks, etc.).
void ClearBlocks();
* Computes loaded bounds in data-coordinates.
// can be combined into one call
void ComputeBounds(VolumeBlock* block);
void UpdateTextureToDataMatrix(VolumeBlock* block);
* Compute transformation from cell texture-coordinates to point texture-coords
* (CTP). Cell data maps correctly to OpenGL cells, point data does not (VTK
* defines points at the cell corners). To set the point data in the center of the
* OpenGL texels, a translation of 0.5 texels is applied, and the range is rescaled
* to the point range.
* delta = TextureExtentsMax - TextureExtentsMin;
* min = vec3(0.5) / delta;
* max = (delta - vec3(0.5)) / delta;
* range = max - min
* CTP = translation * Scale
* CTP = range.x, 0, 0, min.x
* 0, range.y, 0, min.y
* 0, 0, range.z, min.z
* 0, 0, 0, 1.0
void ComputeCellToPointMatrix(int extents[6]);
* @brief Helper functions to catch potential issues when doing GPU
* texture allocations.
* They make use of the available OpenGL mechanisms to try to detect whether
* a volume would not fit in the GPU (due to MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE limitations,
* memory availability, etc.).
bool AreDimensionsValid(
vtkTextureObject* texture, int const width, int const height, int const depth);
bool SafeLoadTexture(vtkTextureObject* texture, int const width, int const height,
int const depth, int numComps, int dataType, void* dataPtr);
void UpdateInterpolationType(int const interpolation);
void SetInterpolation(int const interpolation);
vtkTimeStamp UpdateTime;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextureObject> Texture;
std::vector<vtkImageData*> ImageDataBlocks;
std::map<vtkImageData*, VolumeBlock*> ImageDataBlockMap;
std::vector<VolumeBlock*> SortedVolumeBlocks;
size_t CurrentBlockIdx;
bool StreamBlocks;
std::vector<Size3> TextureSizes;
Size6 FullExtent;
Size3 FullSize;
Size3 Partitions;
vtkDataArray* Scalars;
#endif // vtkVolumeTexture_h