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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkUnstructuredGridBase.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkUnstructuredGridBase
* @brief dataset represents arbitrary combinations
* of all possible cell types. May be mapped onto a non-standard memory layout.
* vtkUnstructuredGridBase defines the core vtkUnstructuredGrid API, omitting
* functions that are implementation dependent.
* @sa
* vtkMappedDataArray vtkUnstructuredGrid
#ifndef vtkUnstructuredGridBase_h
#define vtkUnstructuredGridBase_h
#include "vtkCommonDataModelModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkPointSet.h"
class VTKCOMMONDATAMODEL_EXPORT vtkUnstructuredGridBase : public vtkPointSet
vtkAbstractTypeMacro(vtkUnstructuredGridBase, vtkPointSet);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override
this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
int GetDataObjectType() override { return VTK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID_BASE; }
* Allocate memory for the number of cells indicated. extSize is not used.
virtual void Allocate(vtkIdType numCells = 1000, int extSize = 1000) = 0;
* Shallow and Deep copy.
void DeepCopy(vtkDataObject* src) override;
* Insert/create cell in object by type and list of point ids defining
* cell topology. Most cells require just a type which implicitly defines
* a set of points and their ordering. For non-polyhedron cell type, npts
* is the number of unique points in the cell. pts are the list of global
* point Ids. For polyhedron cell, a special input format is required.
* npts is the number of faces in the cell. ptIds is the list of face stream:
* (numFace0Pts, id1, id2, id3, numFace1Pts,id1, id2, id3, ...)
* Make sure you have called Allocate() before calling this method
vtkIdType InsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType ptIds[])
VTK_SIZEHINT(ptIds, npts);
* Insert/create cell in object by a list of point ids defining
* cell topology. Most cells require just a type which implicitly defines
* a set of points and their ordering. For non-polyhedron cell type, ptIds
* is the list of global Ids of unique cell points. For polyhedron cell,
* a special ptIds input format is required:
* (numCellFaces, numFace0Pts, id1, id2, id3, numFace1Pts,id1, id2, id3, ...)
* Make sure you have called Allocate() before calling this method
vtkIdType InsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdList* ptIds);
// Description:
// Insert/create a polyhedron cell. npts is the number of unique points in
// the cell. pts is the list of the unique cell point Ids. nfaces is the
// number of faces in the cell. faces is the face-stream
// [numFace0Pts, id1, id2, id3, numFace1Pts,id1, id2, id3, ...].
// All point Ids are global.
// Make sure you have called Allocate() before calling this method
vtkIdType InsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType ptIds[], vtkIdType nfaces,
const vtkIdType faces[]) VTK_SIZEHINT(ptIds, npts) VTK_SIZEHINT(faces, nfaces);
* Replace the points defining cell "cellId" with a new set of points. This
* operator is (typically) used when links from points to cells have not been
* built (i.e., BuildLinks() has not been executed). Use the operator
* ReplaceLinkedCell() to replace a cell when cell structure has been built.
void ReplaceCell(vtkIdType cellId, int npts, const vtkIdType pts[]) VTK_SIZEHINT(pts, npts);
* Fill vtkIdTypeArray container with list of cell Ids. This
* method traverses all cells and, for a particular cell type,
* inserts the cell Id into the container.
virtual void GetIdsOfCellsOfType(int type, vtkIdTypeArray* array) = 0;
* Traverse cells and determine if cells are all of the same type.
virtual int IsHomogeneous() = 0;
* Retrieve an instance of this class from an information object.
static vtkUnstructuredGridBase* GetData(vtkInformation* info);
static vtkUnstructuredGridBase* GetData(vtkInformationVector* v, int i = 0);
~vtkUnstructuredGridBase() override;
virtual vtkIdType InternalInsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdList* ptIds) = 0;
virtual vtkIdType InternalInsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType ptIds[]) = 0;
virtual vtkIdType InternalInsertNextCell(int type, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType ptIds[],
vtkIdType nfaces, const vtkIdType faces[]) = 0;
virtual void InternalReplaceCell(vtkIdType cellId, int npts, const vtkIdType pts[]) = 0;
vtkUnstructuredGridBase(const vtkUnstructuredGridBase&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkUnstructuredGridBase&) = delete;