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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy
* @brief places vertices on circles in 3D
* Places vertices on circles depending on the graph vertices hierarchy level.
* The source graph could be vtkDirectedAcyclicGraph or vtkDirectedGraph if MarkedStartPoints array
* was added. The algorithm collects the standalone points, too and take them to a separated circle.
* If method is FixedRadiusMethod, the radius of the circles will be equal. If method is
* FixedDistanceMethod, the distance between the points on circles will be equal.
* In first step initial points are searched. A point is initial, if its in degree equal zero and
* out degree is greater than zero (or marked by MarkedStartVertices and out degree is greater than
* zero). Independent vertices (in and out degree equal zero) are collected separatelly. In second
* step the hierarchical level is generated for every vertex. In third step the hierarchical order
* is generated. If a vertex has no hierarchical level and it is not independent, the graph has loop
* so the algorithm exit with error message. Finally the vertices positions are calculated by the
* hierarchical order and by the vertices hierarchy levels.
* @par Thanks:
* Ferenc Nasztanovics,, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
* Department of Structural Mechanics
* @par References:
* in 3D rotation was used:
#ifndef vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy_h
#define vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy_h
#include "vtkGraphLayoutStrategy.h"
#include "vtkInfovisLayoutModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkVariant.h" // For variant API
class vtkAbstractArray;
class vtkDirectedGraph;
class vtkIdTypeArray;
class vtkIntArray;
class vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategyInternal;
class VTKINFOVISLAYOUT_EXPORT vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy : public vtkGraphLayoutStrategy
static vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy, vtkGraphLayoutStrategy);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
FixedRadiusMethod = 0,
FixedDistanceMethod = 1
* Set or get circle generating method (FixedRadiusMethod/FixedDistanceMethod). Default is
* FixedRadiusMethod.
vtkSetMacro(Method, int);
vtkGetMacro(Method, int);
* If Method is FixedRadiusMethod: Set or get the radius of the circles.
* If Method is FixedDistanceMethod: Set or get the distance of the points in the circle.
vtkSetMacro(Radius, double);
vtkGetMacro(Radius, double);
* Set or get the vertical (local z) distance between the circles. If AutoHeight is on, this is
* the minimal height between the circle layers
vtkSetMacro(Height, double);
vtkGetMacro(Height, double);
* Set or get the origin of the geometry. This is the center of the first circle. SetOrigin(x,y,z)
vtkSetVector3Macro(Origin, double);
vtkGetVector3Macro(Origin, double);
* Set or get the normal vector of the circles plain. The height is growing in this direction. The
* direction must not be zero vector. The default vector is (0.0,0.0,1.0)
virtual void SetDirection(double dx, double dy, double dz);
virtual void SetDirection(double d[3]);
vtkGetVector3Macro(Direction, double);
* Set or get initial vertices. If MarkedStartVertices is added, loop is accepted in the graph.
* (If all of the loop start vertices are marked in MarkedStartVertices array.)
* MarkedStartVertices size must be equal with the number of the vertices in the graph. Start
* vertices must be marked by MarkedValue. (E.g.: if MarkedValue=3 and MarkedStartPoints is { 0,
* 3, 5, 3 }, the start points ids will be {1,3}.) )
virtual void SetMarkedStartVertices(vtkAbstractArray* _arg);
vtkGetObjectMacro(MarkedStartVertices, vtkAbstractArray);
* Set or get MarkedValue. See: MarkedStartVertices.
virtual void SetMarkedValue(vtkVariant _arg);
virtual vtkVariant GetMarkedValue(void);
* Set or get ForceToUseUniversalStartPointsFinder. If ForceToUseUniversalStartPointsFinder is
* true, MarkedStartVertices won't be used. In this case the input graph must be
* vtkDirectedAcyclicGraph (Default: false).
vtkSetMacro(ForceToUseUniversalStartPointsFinder, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ForceToUseUniversalStartPointsFinder, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ForceToUseUniversalStartPointsFinder, vtkTypeBool);
* Set or get auto height (Default: false). If AutoHeight is true, (r(i+1) - r(i-1))/Height will
* be smaller than tan(MinimumRadian). If you want equal distances and parallel circles, you
* should turn off AutoHeight.
vtkSetMacro(AutoHeight, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(AutoHeight, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(AutoHeight, vtkTypeBool);
* Set or get minimum radian (used by auto height).
vtkSetMacro(MinimumRadian, double);
vtkGetMacro(MinimumRadian, double);
* Set or get minimum degree (used by auto height). There is no separated minimum degree, so
* minimum radian will be changed.
virtual void SetMinimumDegree(double degree);
virtual double GetMinimumDegree(void);
* Set or get hierarchical layers id by vertices (An usual vertex's layer id is greater or equal
* to zero. If a vertex is standalone, its layer id is -2.) If no HierarchicalLayers array is
* defined, vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy will generate it automatically (default).
virtual void SetHierarchicalLayers(vtkIntArray* _arg);
vtkGetObjectMacro(HierarchicalLayers, vtkIntArray);
* Set or get hierarchical ordering of vertices (The array starts from the first vertex's id. All
* id must be greater or equal to zero!) If no HierarchicalOrder is defined,
* vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy will generate it automatically (default).
virtual void SetHierarchicalOrder(vtkIdTypeArray* _arg);
vtkGetObjectMacro(HierarchicalOrder, vtkIdTypeArray);
* Standard layout method
void Layout(void) override;
* Set graph (warning: HierarchicalOrder and HierarchicalLayers will set to zero. These reference
* counts will be decreased!)
void SetGraph(vtkGraph* graph) override;
~vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy() override;
inline void Transform(double Local[], double Global[]);
double Radius;
double Height;
double Origin[3];
double Direction[3];
int Method;
vtkAbstractArray* MarkedStartVertices;
vtkVariant MarkedValue;
vtkTypeBool ForceToUseUniversalStartPointsFinder;
vtkTypeBool AutoHeight;
double MinimumRadian;
vtkIntArray* HierarchicalLayers;
vtkIdTypeArray* HierarchicalOrder;
* Search and fill in target all zero input degree vertices where the output degree is more than
* zero. The finded vertices hierarchical layer ID will be zero.
virtual int UniversalStartPoints(vtkDirectedGraph* input,
vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategyInternal* target, vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategyInternal* StandAlones,
vtkIntArray* layers);
* Build hierarchical layers in the graph. A vertices hierarchical layer number is equal the
* maximum of its inputs hierarchical layer numbers plus one.
virtual int BuildLayers(
vtkDirectedGraph* input, vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategyInternal* source, vtkIntArray* layers);
* Build hierarchical ordering of the graph points.
virtual void BuildPointOrder(vtkDirectedGraph* input, vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategyInternal* source,
vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategyInternal* StandAlones, vtkIntArray* layers, vtkIdTypeArray* order);
double T[3][3];
vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy(const vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkSimple3DCirclesStrategy&) = delete;