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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkScatterPlotMatrix.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkScatterPlotMatrix
* @brief container for a matrix of charts.
* This class contains a matrix of charts. These charts will be of type
* vtkChartXY by default, but this can be overridden. The class will manage
* their layout and object lifetime.
#ifndef vtkScatterPlotMatrix_h
#define vtkScatterPlotMatrix_h
#include "vtkChartMatrix.h"
#include "vtkChartsCoreModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkColor.h" // For member function return
#include "vtkNew.h" // For ivars
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // For ivars
#include "vtkStdString.h" // For ivars
#include "vtkWeakPointer.h" // For currentPainter
class vtkStringArray;
class vtkTable;
class vtkAxis;
class vtkAnnotationLink;
class vtkTextProperty;
class vtkTooltipItem;
class vtkRenderWindowInteractor;
class VTKCHARTSCORE_EXPORT vtkScatterPlotMatrix : public vtkChartMatrix
vtkTypeMacro(vtkScatterPlotMatrix, vtkChartMatrix);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Creates a new object.
static vtkScatterPlotMatrix* New();
* Perform any updates to the item that may be necessary before rendering.
void Update() override;
* Paint event for the chart matrix.
bool Paint(vtkContext2D* painter) override;
void SetScene(vtkContextScene* scene) override;
* Set the active plot, the one that will be displayed in the top-right.
* This defaults to (0, n-2), the plot below the first histogram on the left.
* \return false is the position specified is not valid.
virtual bool SetActivePlot(const vtkVector2i& position);
* Reset ActivePlotSet flag and call superclass method
void SetSize(const vtkVector2i& size) override;
* Get the position of the active plot.
virtual vtkVector2i GetActivePlot();
* Get the AnnotationLink for the scatter plot matrix, this gives you access
* to the currently selected points in the scatter plot matrix.
vtkAnnotationLink* GetAnnotationLink();
* Set the input table for the scatter plot matrix. This will cause all
* columns to be plotted against each other - a square scatter plot matrix.
virtual void SetInput(vtkTable* table);
* Set the visibility of the specified column.
void SetColumnVisibility(const vtkStdString& name, bool visible);
* Insert the specified column at the index position of
* the visible columns.
void InsertVisibleColumn(const vtkStdString& name, int index);
* Get the visibility of the specified column.
bool GetColumnVisibility(const vtkStdString& name);
* Set the visibility of all columns (true will make them all visible, false
* will remove all visible columns).
void SetColumnVisibilityAll(bool visible);
* Get a list of the columns, and the order in which they are displayed.
virtual vtkStringArray* GetVisibleColumns();
* Set the list of visible columns, and the order in which they will be displayed.
virtual void SetVisibleColumns(vtkStringArray* visColumns);
* Set the number of bins in the histograms along the central diagonal of the
* scatter plot matrix.
virtual void SetNumberOfBins(int numberOfBins);
* Get the number of bins the histograms along the central diagonal scatter
* plot matrix. The default value is 10.
virtual int GetNumberOfBins() const { return this->NumberOfBins; }
* Set the color for the specified plotType.
void SetPlotColor(int plotType, const vtkColor4ub& color);
* Sets the marker style for the specified plotType.
void SetPlotMarkerStyle(int plotType, int style);
* Sets the marker size for the specified plotType.
void SetPlotMarkerSize(int plotType, float size);
* Return true if the supplied x, y coordinate is inside the item.
bool Hit(const vtkContextMouseEvent& mouse) override;
* Mouse move event.
bool MouseMoveEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& mouse) override;
* Mouse button down event
bool MouseButtonPressEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& mouse) override;
* Mouse button release event.
bool MouseButtonReleaseEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& mouse) override;
* Returns the type of the plot at the given position. The return
int GetPlotType(const vtkVector2i& pos);
int GetPlotType(int row, int column);
* Set/get the scatter plot title.
void SetTitle(const vtkStdString& title);
vtkStdString GetTitle();
* Set/get the text properties for the chart title, i.e. color, font, size.
void SetTitleProperties(vtkTextProperty* prop);
vtkTextProperty* GetTitleProperties();
* Sets whether or not the grid for the given axis is visible given a plot
* type, which refers to
void SetGridVisibility(int plotType, bool visible);
bool GetGridVisibility(int plotType);
* Sets the background color for the chart given a plot type, which refers to
void SetBackgroundColor(int plotType, const vtkColor4ub& color);
vtkColor4ub GetBackgroundColor(int plotType);
* Sets the color for the axes given a plot type, which refers to
void SetAxisColor(int plotType, const vtkColor4ub& color);
vtkColor4ub GetAxisColor(int plotType);
* Sets the color for the axes given a plot type, which refers to
void SetGridColor(int plotType, const vtkColor4ub& color);
vtkColor4ub GetGridColor(int plotType);
* Sets whether or not the labels for the axes are visible, given a plot type,
* which refers to
void SetAxisLabelVisibility(int plotType, bool visible);
bool GetAxisLabelVisibility(int plotType);
* Set/get the text property for the axis labels of the given plot type,
* possible types are vtkScatterPlotMatrix::{SCATTERPLOT, HISTOGRAM, ACTIVEPLOT}.
void SetAxisLabelProperties(int plotType, vtkTextProperty* prop);
vtkTextProperty* GetAxisLabelProperties(int plotType);
* Sets the axis label notation for the axes given a plot type, which refers to
void SetAxisLabelNotation(int plotType, int notation);
int GetAxisLabelNotation(int plotType);
* Sets the axis label precision for the axes given a plot type, which refers to
void SetAxisLabelPrecision(int plotType, int precision);
int GetAxisLabelPrecision(int plotType);
* Set chart's tooltip notation and precision, given a plot type, which refers to
void SetTooltipNotation(int plotType, int notation);
void SetTooltipPrecision(int plotType, int precision);
int GetTooltipNotation(int plotType);
int GetTooltipPrecision(int plotType);
* Set the vtkTooltipItem object that will be displayed by the active chart.
void SetTooltip(vtkTooltipItem* tooltip);
* Get the vtkTooltipItem object that will be displayed by the active chart.
vtkTooltipItem* GetTooltip() const;
* Set indexed labels array.
void SetIndexedLabels(vtkStringArray* labels);
* Get the indexed labels array.
vtkStringArray* GetIndexedLabels() const;
* Set the scatter plot selected row/column charts' background color.
void SetScatterPlotSelectedRowColumnColor(const vtkColor4ub& color);
vtkColor4ub GetScatterPlotSelectedRowColumnColor();
* Set the scatter plot selected active chart background color.
void SetScatterPlotSelectedActiveColor(const vtkColor4ub& color);
vtkColor4ub GetScatterPlotSelectedActiveColor();
* Convenient method to update all the chart settings
void UpdateSettings();
* Update charts based on settings given the plot type
void UpdateChartSettings(int plotType);
* Set/get the Selection Mode that will be used by the chart while doing
* selection. The only valid enums are vtkContextScene::SELECTION_NONE,
virtual void SetSelectionMode(int);
vtkGetMacro(SelectionMode, int);
* Get the column name for the supplied index.
vtkStdString GetColumnName(int column);
* Get the column name for the supplied index.
vtkStdString GetRowName(int row);
* Set the number of animation frames in each transition. Default is 25,
* and 0 means to animations between axes.
void SetNumberOfFrames(int frames);
* Get the number of animation frames in each transition. Default is 25,
* and 0 means to animations between axes.
int GetNumberOfFrames();
* Clear the animation path.
void ClearAnimationPath();
* Add a move to the animation path. Note that a move can only change i or j,
* not both. If the proposed move does not satisfy those criteria it will
* be rejected and the animation path will not be extended.
bool AddAnimationPath(const vtkVector2i& move);
* Get the number of elements (transitions) in the animation path.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfAnimationPathElements();
* Get the element specified from the animation path.
vtkVector2i GetAnimationPathElement(vtkIdType i);
* Trigger the animation of the scatter plot matrix to begin.
bool BeginAnimationPath(vtkRenderWindowInteractor* interactor);
* Advance the animation in response to the timer events. This is public to
* allow the animation to be manually advanced when timers are not a
virtual void AdvanceAnimation();
* Get the main plot (the one in the top-right of the matrix.
virtual vtkChart* GetMainChart();
~vtkScatterPlotMatrix() override;
* Internal helper to do the layout of the charts in the scatter plot matrix.
void UpdateLayout();
* Compute and set big chart resize
void ResizeBigChart();
* Attach axis range listener so we can forward to dependent axes in matrix.
void AttachAxisRangeListener(vtkAxis*);
void AxisRangeForwarderCallback(vtkObject*, unsigned long, void*);
* The callback function when SelectionChangedEvent is invoked from
* the Big chart. This class will just forward the event.
void BigChartSelectionCallback(vtkObject*, unsigned long, void*);
* Given a new position for the active plot, calculate a
* an animation path from the old active plot to the new
* active plot.
virtual void UpdateAnimationPath(const vtkVector2i& newActivePos);
* Given the render window interactor, start animation of the
* animation path calculated above.
virtual void StartAnimation(vtkRenderWindowInteractor* interactor);
* Process events and dispatch to the appropriate member functions.
static void ProcessEvents(
vtkObject* caller, unsigned long event, void* clientData, void* callerData);
* Called when drawing a chart, does nothing at this level.
virtual void AddSupplementaryPlot(vtkChart* vtkNotUsed(chart), int vtkNotUsed(plotType),
vtkStdString vtkNotUsed(row), vtkStdString vtkNotUsed(column), int vtkNotUsed(plotCorner) = 0)
// The position of the active plot (defaults to 0, 1).
vtkVector2i ActivePlot;
// A flag to show if the ActivePlot vector is valid or not
bool ActivePlotValid;
// Weakly owned input data for the scatter plot matrix.
vtkSmartPointer<vtkTable> Input;
// Strongly owned internal data for the column visibility.
vtkNew<vtkStringArray> VisibleColumns;
// The number of bins in the histograms.
int NumberOfBins;
// The title of the scatter plot matrix.
vtkStdString Title;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty> TitleProperties;
// The mode when the chart is doing selection.
int SelectionMode;
// How many frames should animations consist of, 0 means no transitions.
int NumberOfFrames;
// A flag to know if we are animating the scatter plot along an animation path
bool Animating;
vtkScatterPlotMatrix(const vtkScatterPlotMatrix&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkScatterPlotMatrix&) = delete;
class PIMPL;
PIMPL* Private;
friend class PIMPL;
vtkWeakPointer<vtkContext2D> CurrentPainter;
vtkMTimeType LayoutUpdatedTime;
// Go through the process of calculating axis ranges, etc...
void UpdateAxes();
void ApplyAxisSetting(vtkChart* chart, const vtkStdString& x, const vtkStdString& y);
#endif // vtkScatterPlotMatrix_h