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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkScalarBarActor.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkScalarBarActor
* @brief Create a scalar bar with labels
* vtkScalarBarActor creates a scalar bar with tick marks. A scalar
* bar is a legend that indicates to the viewer the correspondence between
* color value and data value. The legend consists of a rectangular bar
* made of rectangular pieces each colored a constant value. Since
* vtkScalarBarActor is a subclass of vtkActor2D, it is drawn in the image
* plane (i.e., in the renderer's viewport) on top of the 3D graphics window.
* To use vtkScalarBarActor you must associate a vtkScalarsToColors (or
* subclass) with it. The lookup table defines the colors and the
* range of scalar values used to map scalar data. Typically, the
* number of colors shown in the scalar bar is not equal to the number
* of colors in the lookup table, in which case sampling of
* the lookup table is performed.
* Other optional capabilities include specifying the fraction of the
* viewport size (both x and y directions) which will control the size
* of the scalar bar and the number of tick labels. The actual position
* of the scalar bar on the screen is controlled by using the
* vtkActor2D::SetPosition() method (by default the scalar bar is
* centered in the viewport). Other features include the ability to
* orient the scalar bar horizontally of vertically and controlling
* the format (printf style) with which to print the labels on the
* scalar bar. Also, the vtkScalarBarActor's property is applied to
* the scalar bar and annotations (including layer, and
* compositing operator).
* Set the text property/attributes of the title and the labels through the
* vtkTextProperty objects associated to this actor.
* @warning
* If a vtkLogLookupTable is specified as the lookup table to use, then the
* labels are created using a logarithmic scale.
* @sa
* vtkActor2D vtkTextProperty vtkTextMapper vtkPolyDataMapper2D
#ifndef vtkScalarBarActor_h
#define vtkScalarBarActor_h
#include "vtkActor2D.h"
#include "vtkRenderingAnnotationModule.h" // For export macro
class vtkColor3ub;
class vtkPolyData;
class vtkPolyDataMapper2D;
class vtkProperty2D;
class vtkScalarsToColors;
class vtkScalarBarActorInternal;
class vtkTextActor;
class vtkTextMapper;
class vtkTextProperty;
class vtkTexture;
class vtkTexturedActor2D;
class VTKRENDERINGANNOTATION_EXPORT vtkScalarBarActor : public vtkActor2D
vtkTypeMacro(vtkScalarBarActor, vtkActor2D);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Instantiate object with 64 maximum colors; 5 labels; %%-#6.3g label
* format, no title, and vertical orientation. The initial scalar bar
* size is (0.05 x 0.8) of the viewport size.
static vtkScalarBarActor* New();
* Draw the scalar bar and annotation text to the screen.
int RenderOpaqueGeometry(vtkViewport* viewport) override;
int RenderTranslucentPolygonalGeometry(vtkViewport*) override { return 0; }
int RenderOverlay(vtkViewport* viewport) override;
* Does this prop have some translucent polygonal geometry?
vtkTypeBool HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry() override;
* Release any graphics resources that are being consumed by this actor.
* The parameter window could be used to determine which graphic
* resources to release.
void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow*) override;
* Fills rect with the dimensions of the scalar bar in viewport coordinates.
* Only the color bar is considered -- text labels are not considered.
* rect is {xmin, xmax, width, height}
virtual void GetScalarBarRect(int rect[4], vtkViewport* viewport);
* Set/Get the lookup table to use. The lookup table specifies the number
* of colors to use in the table (if not overridden), the scalar range,
* and any annotated values.
* Annotated values are rendered using vtkTextActor.
virtual void SetLookupTable(vtkScalarsToColors*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(LookupTable, vtkScalarsToColors);
* Should be display the opacity as well. This is displayed by changing
* the opacity of the scalar bar in accordance with the opacity of the
* given color. For clarity, a texture grid is placed in the background
* if Opacity is ON. You might also want to play with SetTextureGridWith
* in that case. [Default: off]
vtkSetMacro(UseOpacity, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(UseOpacity, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(UseOpacity, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/Get the maximum number of scalar bar segments to show. This may
* differ from the number of colors in the lookup table, in which case
* the colors are samples from the lookup table.
vtkSetClampMacro(MaximumNumberOfColors, int, 2, VTK_INT_MAX);
vtkGetMacro(MaximumNumberOfColors, int);
* Set/Get the number of tick labels to show.
vtkSetClampMacro(NumberOfLabels, int, 0, 64);
vtkGetMacro(NumberOfLabels, int);
* Control the orientation of the scalar bar.
vtkGetMacro(Orientation, int);
void SetOrientationToHorizontal() { this->SetOrientation(VTK_ORIENT_HORIZONTAL); }
void SetOrientationToVertical() { this->SetOrientation(VTK_ORIENT_VERTICAL); }
* Set/Get the title text property.
virtual void SetTitleTextProperty(vtkTextProperty* p);
vtkGetObjectMacro(TitleTextProperty, vtkTextProperty);
* Set/Get the labels text property.
virtual void SetLabelTextProperty(vtkTextProperty* p);
vtkGetObjectMacro(LabelTextProperty, vtkTextProperty);
* Set/Get the annotation text property.
virtual void SetAnnotationTextProperty(vtkTextProperty* p);
vtkGetObjectMacro(AnnotationTextProperty, vtkTextProperty);
* Set/Get the format with which to print the labels on the scalar
* bar.
* Set/Get the title of the scalar bar actor,
* Set/Get the title for the component that is selected,
* Shallow copy of a scalar bar actor. Overloads the virtual vtkProp method.
void ShallowCopy(vtkProp* prop) override;
* Set the width of the texture grid. Used only if UseOpacity is ON.
vtkSetMacro(TextureGridWidth, double);
vtkGetMacro(TextureGridWidth, double);
* Get the texture actor.. you may want to change some properties on it
vtkGetObjectMacro(TextureActor, vtkTexturedActor2D);
PrecedeScalarBar = 0,
* Should the title and tick marks precede the scalar bar or succeed it?
* This is measured along the viewport coordinate direction perpendicular
* to the long axis of the scalar bar, not the reading direction.
* Thus, succeed implies the that the text is above scalar bar if
* the orientation is horizontal or right of scalar bar if the orientation
* is vertical. Precede is the opposite.
vtkSetClampMacro(TextPosition, int, PrecedeScalarBar, SucceedScalarBar);
vtkGetMacro(TextPosition, int);
virtual void SetTextPositionToPrecedeScalarBar()
virtual void SetTextPositionToSucceedScalarBar()
* Set/Get the maximum width and height in pixels. Specifying the size as
* a relative fraction of the viewport can sometimes undesirably stretch
* the size of the actor too much. These methods allow the user to set
* bounds on the maximum size of the scalar bar in pixels along any
* direction. Defaults to unbounded.
vtkSetMacro(MaximumWidthInPixels, int);
vtkGetMacro(MaximumWidthInPixels, int);
vtkSetMacro(MaximumHeightInPixels, int);
vtkGetMacro(MaximumHeightInPixels, int);
* Set/get the padding between the scalar bar and the text annotations.
* This space is used to draw leader lines.
* The default is 8 pixels.
vtkSetMacro(AnnotationLeaderPadding, double);
vtkGetMacro(AnnotationLeaderPadding, double);
* Set/get whether text annotations should be rendered or not.
* Currently, this only affects rendering when \a IndexedLookup is true.
* The default is true.
vtkSetMacro(DrawAnnotations, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(DrawAnnotations, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DrawAnnotations, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/get whether the NaN annotation should be rendered or not.
* This only affects rendering when \a DrawAnnotations is true.
* The default is false.
vtkSetMacro(DrawNanAnnotation, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(DrawNanAnnotation, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DrawNanAnnotation, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/get whether the Below range swatch should be rendered or not.
* This only affects rendering when \a DrawAnnotations is true.
* The default is false.
vtkSetMacro(DrawBelowRangeSwatch, bool);
vtkGetMacro(DrawBelowRangeSwatch, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DrawBelowRangeSwatch, bool);
* Set/get the annotation text for "Below Range" values.
* Set/get whether the Above range swatch should be rendered or not.
* This only affects rendering when \a DrawAnnotations is true.
* The default is false.
vtkSetMacro(DrawAboveRangeSwatch, bool);
vtkGetMacro(DrawAboveRangeSwatch, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DrawAboveRangeSwatch, bool);
* Set/get the annotation text for "Above Range Swatch" values.
* Set/get how leader lines connecting annotations to values should be colored.
* When true, leader lines are all the same color (and match the LabelTextProperty color).
* When false, leader lines take on the color of the value they correspond to.
* This only affects rendering when \a DrawAnnotations is true.
* The default is false.
vtkSetMacro(FixedAnnotationLeaderLineColor, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(FixedAnnotationLeaderLineColor, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(FixedAnnotationLeaderLineColor, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/get the annotation text for "NaN" values.
* Set/get whether annotation labels should be scaled with the viewport.
* The default value is 0 (no scaling).
* If non-zero, the vtkTextActor instances used to render annotation
* labels will have their TextScaleMode set to viewport-based scaling,
* which nonlinearly scales font size with the viewport size.
vtkSetMacro(AnnotationTextScaling, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(AnnotationTextScaling, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(AnnotationTextScaling, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/Get whether a background should be drawn around the scalar bar.
* Default is off.
vtkSetMacro(DrawBackground, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(DrawBackground, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DrawBackground, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/Get whether a frame should be drawn around the scalar bar.
* Default is off.
vtkSetMacro(DrawFrame, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(DrawFrame, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DrawFrame, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/Get whether the color bar should be drawn. If off, only the tickmarks
* and text will be drawn. Default is on.
vtkSetMacro(DrawColorBar, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(DrawColorBar, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DrawColorBar, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/Get whether the tick labels should be drawn. Default is on.
vtkSetMacro(DrawTickLabels, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(DrawTickLabels, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DrawTickLabels, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/Get the background property.
virtual void SetBackgroundProperty(vtkProperty2D* p);
vtkGetObjectMacro(BackgroundProperty, vtkProperty2D);
* Set/Get the frame property.
virtual void SetFrameProperty(vtkProperty2D* p);
vtkGetObjectMacro(FrameProperty, vtkProperty2D);
* Set/get the amount of padding around text boxes.
* The default is 1 pixel.
vtkGetMacro(TextPad, int);
vtkSetMacro(TextPad, int);
* Set/get the margin in pixels, between the title and the bar,
* when the \a Orientation is vertical.
* The default is 0 pixels.
vtkGetMacro(VerticalTitleSeparation, int);
vtkSetMacro(VerticalTitleSeparation, int);
* Set/get the thickness of the color bar relative to the widget frame.
* The default is 0.375 and must always be in the range ]0, 1[.
vtkGetMacro(BarRatio, double);
vtkSetClampMacro(BarRatio, double, 0., 1.);
* Set/get the ratio of the title height to the tick label height
* (used only when the \a Orientation is horizontal).
* The default is 0.5, which attempts to make the labels and title
* the same size. This must be a number in the range ]0, 1[.
vtkGetMacro(TitleRatio, double);
vtkSetClampMacro(TitleRatio, double, 0., 1.);
* Set/Get whether the font size of title and labels is unconstrained. Default is off.
* When it is constrained, the size of the scalar bar will constrained the font size
* When it is not, the size of the font will always be respected
vtkSetMacro(UnconstrainedFontSize, bool);
vtkGetMacro(UnconstrainedFontSize, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(UnconstrainedFontSize, bool);
~vtkScalarBarActor() override;
* Called from within \a RenderOpaqueGeometry when the internal state
* members need to be updated before rendering.
* This method invokes many virtual methods that first lay out the
* scalar bar and then use the layout to position actors and create
* datasets used to represent the scalar bar.
* Specifically, it invokes: FreeLayoutStorage, ComputeFrame,
* ComputeScalarBarThickness, LayoutNanSwatch, PrepareTitleText,
* LayoutTitle, ComputeScalarBarLength, LayoutTicks, and LayoutAnnotations
* to perform the layout step.
* Then, it invokes ConfigureAnnotations, ConfigureFrame,
* ConfigureScalarBar, ConfigureTitle, ConfigureTicks, and
* ConfigureNanSwatch to create and position actors used to render
* portions of the scalar bar.
* By overriding one or more of these virtual methods, subclasses
* may change the appearance of the scalar bar.
* In the layout phase, text actors must have their text properties
* and input strings updated, but the position of the actors should
* not be set or relied upon as subsequent layout steps may alter
* their placement.
virtual void RebuildLayout(vtkViewport* viewport);
* Calls RebuildLayout if it is needed such as when
* positions etc have changed. Return 1 on success
* zero on error
virtual int RebuildLayoutIfNeeded(vtkViewport* viewport);
* Free internal storage used by the previous layout.
virtual void FreeLayoutStorage();
* If the scalar bar should be inset into a frame or rendered with a
* solid background, this method will inset the outermost scalar bar
* rectangle by a small amount to avoid having the scalar bar
* illustration overlap any edges.
* This method must set the frame coordinates (this->P->Frame).
virtual void ComputeFrame();
* Determine how thick the scalar bar should be (on an axis perpendicular
* to the direction in which scalar values vary).
* This method must set the scalar bar thickness
* (this->P->ScalarBarBox.Size[0]).
* It may depend on layout performed by ComputeFrame
* (i.e., the frame coordinates in this->P->Frame).
virtual void ComputeScalarBarThickness();
* Compute a correct SwatchPad
virtual void ComputeSwatchPad();
// This method must set this->P->NanSwatchSize and this->P->NanBox.
// It may depend on layout performed by ComputeScalarBarThickness.
virtual void LayoutNanSwatch();
* Determine the size of the Below Range if it is to be rendered.
* This method must set this->P->BelowSwatchSize and this->P->BelowBox.
* It may depend on layout performed by ComputeScalarBarThickness.
virtual void LayoutBelowRangeSwatch();
* Determine the size of the Above Range if it is to be rendered.
* This method must set this->P->AboveBox.
* It may depend on layout performed by ComputeScalarBarThickness.
virtual void LayoutAboveRangeSwatch();
* Determine the position of the Above Range if it is to be rendered.
* This method must set this->P->AboveRangeSize.
* It may depend on layout performed by ComputeScalarBarLength.
virtual void LayoutAboveRangeSwatchPosn();
* Set the title actor's input to the latest title (and subtitle) text.
virtual void PrepareTitleText();
* Determine the position and size of the scalar bar title box.
* This method must set this->P->TitleBox
* It may depend on layout performed by LayoutNanSwatch.
* If useTickBox is true, it should increase the target area
* for the label to touch the tick box. It is called in this
* way when the tick labels are small due to constraints other
* than the title box.
virtual void LayoutTitle();
* This method sets the title and tick-box size and position
* for the UnconstrainedFontSize mode.
virtual void LayoutForUnconstrainedFont();
* Determine how long the scalar bar should be (on an axis parallel
* to the direction in which scalar values vary).
* This method must set this->P->ScalarBarBox.Size[1] and should
* estimate this->P->ScalarBarBox.Posn.
* It may depend on layout performed by LayoutTitle.
virtual void ComputeScalarBarLength();
* Determine the size and placement of any tick marks to be rendered.
* This method must set this->P->TickBox.
* It may depend on layout performed by ComputeScalarBarLength.
* The default implementation creates exactly this->NumberOfLabels
* tick marks, uniformly spaced on a linear or logarithmic scale.
virtual void LayoutTicks();
* This method must lay out annotation text and leader lines so
* they do not overlap.
* This method must set this->P->AnnotationAnchors.
* It may depend on layout performed by LayoutTicks.
virtual void LayoutAnnotations();
* Generate/configure the annotation labels using the laid-out geometry.
virtual void ConfigureAnnotations();
* Generate/configure the representation of the frame from laid-out geometry.
virtual void ConfigureFrame();
* For debugging, add placement boxes to the frame polydata.
virtual void DrawBoxes();
* Generate/configure the scalar bar representation from laid-out geometry.
virtual void ConfigureScalarBar();
* Generate/configure the title actor using the laid-out geometry.
virtual void ConfigureTitle();
* Generate/configure the tick-mark actors using the laid-out geometry.
virtual void ConfigureTicks();
* Generate/configure the NaN swatch using the laid-out geometry.
* Currently the NaN swatch is rendered by the same actor as the scalar bar.
* This may change in the future.
virtual void ConfigureNanSwatch();
* Generate/configure the above/below range swatch using the laid-out
* geometry.
virtual void ConfigureAboveBelowRangeSwatch(bool above);
* Subclasses may override this method to alter this->P->Labels, allowing
* the addition and removal of annotations. The member maps viewport coordinates
* along the long axis of the scalar bar to text (which may include MathText;
* see vtkTextActor). It is a single-valued map, so you must perturb
* the coordinate if you wish multiple labels to annotate the same position.
* Each entry in this->P->Labels must have a matching entry in this->P->LabelColors.
virtual void EditAnnotations() {}
* Compute the best size for the legend title.
* This guarantees that the title will fit within the frame defined by Position and Position2.
virtual void SizeTitle(double* titleSize, int* size, vtkViewport* viewport);
* Allocate actors for lookup table annotations and position them properly.
int MapAnnotationLabels(
vtkScalarsToColors* lkup, double start, double delta, const double* range);
* This method is called by \a ConfigureAnnotationLabels when Orientation is VTK_ORIENT_VERTICAL.
int PlaceAnnotationsVertically(
double barX, double barY, double barWidth, double barHeight, double delta, double pad);
* This method is called by \a ConfigureAnnotationLabels when Orientation is
int PlaceAnnotationsHorizontally(
double barX, double barY, double barWidth, double barHeight, double delta, double pad);
/// User-changeable settings
int MaximumNumberOfColors;
int NumberOfLabels;
int NumberOfLabelsBuilt;
int Orientation;
vtkTypeBool DrawBackground; // off by default
vtkTypeBool DrawFrame; // off by default
vtkTypeBool DrawColorBar; // on by default
vtkTypeBool DrawTickLabels; // on by default
vtkTypeBool DrawAnnotations;
vtkTypeBool DrawNanAnnotation;
vtkTypeBool AnnotationTextScaling; // off by default
vtkTypeBool FixedAnnotationLeaderLineColor;
vtkProperty2D* BackgroundProperty;
vtkProperty2D* FrameProperty;
char* Title;
char* ComponentTitle;
char* LabelFormat;
vtkTypeBool UseOpacity; // off by default
double TextureGridWidth;
int TextPosition;
char* NanAnnotation;
char* BelowRangeAnnotation;
char* AboveRangeAnnotation;
double AnnotationLeaderPadding;
int MaximumWidthInPixels;
int MaximumHeightInPixels;
int TextPad;
int VerticalTitleSeparation;
double BarRatio;
double TitleRatio;
bool UnconstrainedFontSize; // off by default
bool DrawBelowRangeSwatch;
bool DrawAboveRangeSwatch;
/// Internal state used for rendering
vtkTimeStamp BuildTime; //!< Last time internal state changed.
int LastSize[2]; //!< Projected size in viewport coordinates of last build.
int LastOrigin[2]; //!< Projected origin (viewport coordinates) of last build.
vtkScalarBarActorInternal* P; //!< Containers shared with subclasses
vtkScalarsToColors* LookupTable; //!< The object this actor illustrates
vtkTextProperty* TitleTextProperty; //!< Font for the legend title.
vtkTextProperty* LabelTextProperty; //!< Font for tick labels.
vtkTextProperty* AnnotationTextProperty; //!< Font for annotation labels.
vtkTextActor* TitleActor; //!< The legend title text renderer.
vtkPolyData* ScalarBar; //!< Polygon(s) colored by \a LookupTable.
vtkPolyDataMapper2D* ScalarBarMapper; //!< Mapper for \a ScalarBar.
vtkActor2D* ScalarBarActor; //!< Actor for \a ScalarBar.
vtkPolyData* TexturePolyData; //!< Polygon colored when UseOpacity is true.
vtkTexture* Texture; //!< Color data for \a TexturePolyData.
vtkTexturedActor2D* TextureActor; //!< Actor for \a TexturePolyData.
vtkPolyData* Background; //!< Polygon used to fill the background.
vtkPolyDataMapper2D* BackgroundMapper; //!< Mapper for \a Background.
vtkActor2D* BackgroundActor; //!< Actor for \a Background.
vtkPolyData* Frame; //!< Polyline used to highlight frame.
vtkPolyDataMapper2D* FrameMapper; //!< Mapper for \a Frame.
vtkActor2D* FrameActor; //!< Actor for \a Frame.
vtkScalarBarActor(const vtkScalarBarActor&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkScalarBarActor&) = delete;