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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkRandomPool.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkRandomPool
* @brief convenience class to quickly generate a pool of random numbers
* vtkRandomPool generates random numbers, and can do so using
* multithreading. It supports parallel applications where generating random
* numbers on the fly is difficult (i.e., non-deterministic). Also, it can be
* used to populate vtkDataArrays in an efficient manner. By default it uses
* an instance of vtkMersenneTwister to generate random sequences, but any
* subclass of vtkRandomSequence may be used. It also supports simple methods
* to generate, access, and pass random memory pools between objects.
* In threaded applications, these class may be conveniently used to
* pre-generate a sequence of random numbers, followed by the use of
* deterministic accessor methods to produce random sequences without
* problems etc. due to unpredictable work load and order of thread
* execution.
* @warning
* The class uses vtkMultiThreader if the size of the pool is larger than
* the specified chunk size. Also, vtkSMPTools may be used to scale the
* components in the method PopulateDataArray().
#ifndef vtkRandomPool_h
#define vtkRandomPool_h
#include "vtkCommonCoreModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkObject.h"
class vtkRandomSequence;
class vtkDataArray;
class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkRandomPool : public vtkObject
* Standard methods for instantiation, type information, and printing.
static vtkRandomPool* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkRandomPool, vtkObject);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Specify the random sequence generator used to produce the random pool.
* By default vtkMersenneTwister is used.
virtual void SetSequence(vtkRandomSequence* seq);
vtkGetObjectMacro(Sequence, vtkRandomSequence);
* Methods to set and get the size of the pool. The size must be specified
* before invoking GeneratePool(). Note the number of components will
* affect the total size (allocated memory is Size*NumberOfComponents).
vtkSetClampMacro(Size, vtkIdType, 1, VTK_ID_MAX);
vtkGetMacro(Size, vtkIdType);
* Methods to set and get the number of components in the pool. This is a
* convenience capability and can be used to interface with
* vtkDataArrays. By default the number of components is =1.
vtkSetClampMacro(NumberOfComponents, vtkIdType, 1, VTK_INT_MAX);
vtkGetMacro(NumberOfComponents, vtkIdType);
* This convenience method returns the total size of the memory pool, i.e.,
* Size*NumberOfComponents.
vtkIdType GetTotalSize() { return (this->Size * this->NumberOfComponents); }
* These methods provide access to the raw random pool as a double
* array. The size of the array is Size*NumberOfComponents. Each x value
* ranges between (0<=x<=1). The class will generate the pool as necessary
* (a modified time for generation is maintained). Also a method is
* available for getting the value at the ith pool position and compNum
* component. Finally, note that the GetValue() method uses modulo
* reduction to ensure that the request remains inside of the pool. Two
* forms are provided, the first assumes NumberOfComponents=1; the second
* allows access to a particular component. The GetPool() and GetValue()
* methods should only be called after GeneratePool() has been invoked;
const double* GeneratePool();
const double* GetPool() { return this->Pool; }
double GetValue(vtkIdType i) { return this->Pool[(i % this->TotalSize)]; }
double GetValue(vtkIdType i, int compNum)
return this->Pool[(compNum + this->NumberOfComponents * i) % this->TotalSize];
* Methods to populate data arrays of various types with values within a
* specified (min,max) range. Note that compNumber is used to specify the
* range for a particular component; otherwise all generated components are
* within the (min,max) range specified. (Thus it is possible to make
* multiple calls to generate random numbers for each component with
* different ranges.) Internally the type of the data array passed in is
* used to cast to the appropriate type. Also the size and number of
* components of the vtkDataArray controls the total number of random
* numbers generated; so the input data array should be pre-allocated with
* (SetNumberOfComponents, SetNumberOfTuples).
void PopulateDataArray(vtkDataArray* da, double minRange, double maxRange);
void PopulateDataArray(vtkDataArray* da, int compNumber, double minRange, double maxRange);
* Specify the work chunk size at which point multithreading kicks in. For small
* memory pools < ChunkSize, no threading is used. Larger pools are computed using
* vtkMultiThreader.
vtkSetClampMacro(ChunkSize, vtkIdType, 1000, VTK_INT_MAX);
vtkGetMacro(ChunkSize, vtkIdType);
~vtkRandomPool() override;
// Keep track of last generation time
vtkTimeStamp GenerateTime;
// Data members to support public API
vtkRandomSequence* Sequence;
vtkIdType Size;
int NumberOfComponents;
vtkIdType ChunkSize;
// Internal data members
vtkIdType TotalSize;
double* Pool;
vtkRandomPool(const vtkRandomPool&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkRandomPool&) = delete;
// VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkRandomPool.h