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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkOpenGLRenderWindow
* @brief OpenGL rendering window
* vtkOpenGLRenderWindow is a concrete implementation of the abstract class
* vtkRenderWindow. vtkOpenGLRenderer interfaces to the OpenGL graphics
* library. Application programmers should normally use vtkRenderWindow
* instead of the OpenGL specific version.
#ifndef vtkOpenGLRenderWindow_h
#define vtkOpenGLRenderWindow_h
#include "vtkRect.h" // for vtkRecti
#include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
#include "vtkRenderingOpenGL2Module.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkType.h" // for ivar
#include <map> // for ivar
#include <set> // for ivar
#include <string> // for ivar
class vtkIdList;
class vtkOpenGLBufferObject;
class vtkOpenGLFramebufferObject;
class vtkOpenGLHardwareSupport;
class vtkOpenGLShaderCache;
class vtkOpenGLVertexBufferObjectCache;
class vtkOpenGLVertexArrayObject;
class vtkShaderProgram;
class vtkStdString;
class vtkTexture;
class vtkTextureObject;
class vtkTextureUnitManager;
class vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback;
class vtkOpenGLState;
class VTKRENDERINGOPENGL2_EXPORT vtkOpenGLRenderWindow : public vtkRenderWindow
vtkTypeMacro(vtkOpenGLRenderWindow, vtkRenderWindow);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Begin the rendering process.
void Start(void) override;
* A termination method performed at the end of the rendering process
* to do things like swapping buffers (if necessary) or similar actions.
void Frame() override;
* What rendering backend has the user requested
const char* GetRenderingBackend() override;
* Set/Get the maximum number of multisamples
static void SetGlobalMaximumNumberOfMultiSamples(int val);
static int GetGlobalMaximumNumberOfMultiSamples();
* Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBRGB...
unsigned char* GetPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, int right) override;
int GetPixelData(
int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, vtkUnsignedCharArray* data, int right) override;
int SetPixelData(
int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char* data, int front, int right) override;
int SetPixelData(
int x, int y, int x2, int y2, vtkUnsignedCharArray* data, int front, int right) override;
* Set/Get the pixel data of an image, transmitted as RGBARGBA...
float* GetRGBAPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, int right = 0) override;
int GetRGBAPixelData(
int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, vtkFloatArray* data, int right = 0) override;
int SetRGBAPixelData(
int x, int y, int x2, int y2, float* data, int front, int blend = 0, int right = 0) override;
int SetRGBAPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, vtkFloatArray* data, int front, int blend = 0,
int right = 0) override;
void ReleaseRGBAPixelData(float* data) override;
unsigned char* GetRGBACharPixelData(
int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, int right = 0) override;
int GetRGBACharPixelData(
int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int front, vtkUnsignedCharArray* data, int right = 0) override;
int SetRGBACharPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, unsigned char* data, int front,
int blend = 0, int right = 0) override;
int SetRGBACharPixelData(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, vtkUnsignedCharArray* data, int front,
int blend = 0, int right = 0) override;
* Set/Get the zbuffer data from an image
float* GetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) override;
int GetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float* z) override;
int GetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, vtkFloatArray* z) override;
int SetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float* buffer) override;
int SetZbufferData(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, vtkFloatArray* buffer) override;
* Activate a texture unit for this texture
void ActivateTexture(vtkTextureObject*);
* Deactivate a previously activated texture
void DeactivateTexture(vtkTextureObject*);
* Get the texture unit for a given texture object
int GetTextureUnitForTexture(vtkTextureObject*);
* Get the size of the depth buffer.
int GetDepthBufferSize() override;
* Is this window/fo in sRGB colorspace
bool GetUsingSRGBColorSpace();
* Get the size of the color buffer.
* Returns 0 if not able to determine otherwise sets R G B and A into buffer.
int GetColorBufferSizes(int* rgba) override;
* Get the internal format of current attached texture or render buffer.
* attachmentPoint is the index of attachment.
* Returns 0 if not able to determine.
int GetColorBufferInternalFormat(int attachmentPoint);
* Set the size (width and height) of the rendering window in
* screen coordinates (in pixels). This resizes the operating
* system's view/window and redraws it.
* If the size has changed, this method will fire
* vtkCommand::WindowResizeEvent.
void SetSize(int width, int height) override;
void SetSize(int a[2]) override { this->SetSize(a[0], a[1]); }
* Initialize OpenGL for this window.
virtual void OpenGLInit();
// Initialize the state of OpenGL that VTK wants for this window
virtual void OpenGLInitState();
// Initialize VTK for rendering in a new OpenGL context
virtual void OpenGLInitContext();
* Get the major and minor version numbers of the OpenGL context we are using
* ala 3.2, 3.3, 4.0, etc... returns 0,0 if opengl has not been initialized
* yet
void GetOpenGLVersion(int& major, int& minor);
* Return the OpenGL name of the back left buffer.
* It is GL_BACK_LEFT if GL is bound to the window-system-provided
* framebuffer. It is vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT if GL is bound to an
* application-created framebuffer object (GPU-based offscreen rendering)
* It is used by vtkOpenGLCamera.
unsigned int GetBackLeftBuffer();
* Return the OpenGL name of the back right buffer.
* It is GL_BACK_RIGHT if GL is bound to the window-system-provided
* framebuffer. It is vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+1 if GL is bound to an
* application-created framebuffer object (GPU-based offscreen rendering)
* It is used by vtkOpenGLCamera.
unsigned int GetBackRightBuffer();
* Return the OpenGL name of the front left buffer.
* It is GL_FRONT_LEFT if GL is bound to the window-system-provided
* framebuffer. It is vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT if GL is bound to an
* application-created framebuffer object (GPU-based offscreen rendering)
* It is used by vtkOpenGLCamera.
unsigned int GetFrontLeftBuffer();
* Return the OpenGL name of the front right buffer.
* It is GL_FRONT_RIGHT if GL is bound to the window-system-provided
* framebuffer. It is vtkgl::COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT+1 if GL is bound to an
* application-created framebuffer object (GPU-based offscreen rendering)
* It is used by vtkOpenGLCamera.
unsigned int GetFrontRightBuffer();
* Return the OpenGL name of the back left buffer.
* Identical to GetBackLeftBuffer.
unsigned int GetBackBuffer();
* Return the OpenGL name of the front left buffer.
* Identical to GetFrontLeftBuffer.
unsigned int GetFrontBuffer();
* Get the time when the OpenGL context was created.
virtual vtkMTimeType GetContextCreationTime();
* Returns an Shader Cache object
vtkOpenGLShaderCache* GetShaderCache();
* Returns the VBO Cache
vtkOpenGLVertexBufferObjectCache* GetVBOCache();
* Returns the offscreen framebuffer object if any
vtkGetObjectMacro(OffScreenFramebuffer, vtkOpenGLFramebufferObject);
* Returns its texture unit manager object. A new one will be created if one
* hasn't already been set up.
vtkTextureUnitManager* GetTextureUnitManager();
* Block the thread until the actual rendering is finished().
* Useful for measurement only.
void WaitForCompletion() override;
* Replacement for the old glDrawPixels function
virtual void DrawPixels(
int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int numComponents, int dataType, void* data);
* Replacement for the old glDrawPixels function, but it allows
* for scaling the data and using only part of the texture
virtual void DrawPixels(int dstXmin, int dstYmin, int dstXmax, int dstYmax, int srcXmin,
int srcYmin, int srcXmax, int srcYmax, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int numComponents,
int dataType, void* data);
* Replacement for the old glDrawPixels function. This simple version draws all
* the data to the entire current viewport scaling as needed.
virtual void DrawPixels(int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int numComponents, int dataType, void* data);
* Return the largest line width supported by the hardware
virtual float GetMaximumHardwareLineWidth() { return this->MaximumHardwareLineWidth; }
* Returns true if driver has an
* EGL/OpenGL bug that makes vtkChartsCoreCxx-TestChartDoubleColors and other tests to fail
* because point sprites don't work correctly (gl_PointCoord is undefined) unless
virtual bool IsPointSpriteBugPresent() { return 0; }
* Get a mapping of vtk data types to native texture formats for this window
* we put this on the RenderWindow so that every texture does not have to
* build these structures themselves
int GetDefaultTextureInternalFormat(
int vtktype, int numComponents, bool needInteger, bool needFloat, bool needSRGB);
* Return a message profiding additional details about the
* results of calling SupportsOpenGL() This can be used
* to retrieve more specifics about what failed
std::string GetOpenGLSupportMessage() { return this->OpenGLSupportMessage; }
* Does this render window support OpenGL? 0-false, 1-true
int SupportsOpenGL() override;
* Get report of capabilities for the render window
const char* ReportCapabilities() override;
* Initialize the rendering window. This will setup all system-specific
* resources. This method and Finalize() must be symmetric and it
* should be possible to call them multiple times, even changing WindowId
* in-between. This is what WindowRemap does.
virtual void Initialize(void) {}
std::set<vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback*> Resources;
void RegisterGraphicsResources(vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback* cb)
std::set<vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback*>::iterator it = this->Resources.find(cb);
if (it == this->Resources.end())
void UnregisterGraphicsResources(vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback* cb)
std::set<vtkGenericOpenGLResourceFreeCallback*>::iterator it = this->Resources.find(cb);
if (it != this->Resources.end())
* Ability to push and pop this window's context
* as the current context. The idea being to
* if needed make this window's context current
* and when done releasing resources restore
* the prior context. The default implementation
* here is only meant as a backup for subclasses
* that lack a proper implementation.
virtual void PushContext() { this->MakeCurrent(); }
virtual void PopContext() {}
* Initialize the render window from the information associated
* with the currently activated OpenGL context.
bool InitializeFromCurrentContext() override;
* Returns the id for the frame buffer object, if any, used by the render window
* in which the window does all its rendering. This may be 0, in which case
* the render window is rendering to the default OpenGL render buffers.
* @returns the name (or id) of the frame buffer object to render to.
vtkGetMacro(DefaultFrameBufferId, unsigned int);
* Set the number of vertical syncs required between frames.
* A value of 0 means swap buffers as quickly as possible
* regardless of the vertical refresh. A value of 1 means swap
* buffers in sync with the vertical refresh to eliminate tearing.
* A value of -1 means use a value of 1 unless we missed a frame
* in which case swap immediately. Returns true if the call
* succeeded.
virtual bool SetSwapControl(int) { return false; }
// Get the state object used to keep track of
// OpenGL state
virtual vtkOpenGLState* GetState() { return this->State; }
// Get a VBO that can be shared by many
// It consists of normalized display
// coordinates for a quad and tcoords
vtkOpenGLBufferObject* GetTQuad2DVBO();
// Activate and return thje texture unit for a generic 2d 64x64
// float greyscale noise texture ranging from 0 to 1. The texture is
// generated using PerlinNoise. This textur eunit will automatically
// be deactivated at the end of the render process.
int GetNoiseTextureUnit();
* Update the system, if needed, at end of render process
void End() override;
* Handle opengl specific code and calls superclass
void Render() override;
* Intermediate method performs operations required between the rendering
* of the left and right eye.
void StereoMidpoint() override;
// does VTKs framebuffer require resolving for reading pixels
bool GetBufferNeedsResolving();
* Free up any graphics resources associated with this window
* a value of NULL means the context may already be destroyed
void ReleaseGraphicsResources(vtkWindow*) override;
~vtkOpenGLRenderWindow() override;
// used in testing for opengl support
// in the SupportsOpenGL() method
bool OpenGLSupportTested;
int OpenGLSupportResult;
std::string OpenGLSupportMessage;
virtual int ReadPixels(
const vtkRecti& rect, int front, int glFormat, int glType, void* data, int right = 0);
* Create the offScreen framebuffer
* Return if the creation was successful or not.
* \pre positive_width: width>0
* \pre positive_height: height>0
* \pre not_initialized: !OffScreenUseFrameBuffer
* \post valid_result: (result==0 || result==1)
int CreateOffScreenFramebuffer(int width, int height);
vtkOpenGLFramebufferObject* OffScreenFramebuffer;
* Create a not-off-screen window.
virtual void CreateAWindow() = 0;
* Destroy a not-off-screen window.
virtual void DestroyWindow() = 0;
* Query and save OpenGL state
void SaveGLState();
* Restore OpenGL state at end of the rendering
void RestoreGLState();
std::map<std::string, int> GLStateIntegers;
unsigned int BackLeftBuffer;
unsigned int BackRightBuffer;
unsigned int FrontLeftBuffer;
unsigned int FrontRightBuffer;
unsigned int DefaultFrameBufferId;
* Flag telling if the context has been created here or was inherited.
int OwnContext;
vtkTimeStamp ContextCreationTime;
vtkTextureObject* DrawPixelsTextureObject;
bool Initialized; // ensure glewinit has been called
bool GlewInitValid; // Did glewInit initialize with a valid state?
float MaximumHardwareLineWidth;
char* Capabilities;
// used for fast quad rendering
vtkOpenGLBufferObject* TQuad2DVBO;
// noise texture
vtkTextureObject* NoiseTextureObject;
double FirstRenderTime;
// keep track of in case we need to recreate the framebuffer
int LastMultiSamples;
int ScreenSize[2];
vtkOpenGLRenderWindow(const vtkOpenGLRenderWindow&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkOpenGLRenderWindow&) = delete;
// Keeping `State` private so the only way to access it is through
// `this->GetState()`.
vtkOpenGLState* State;