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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkNIFTIImageWriter.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkNIFTIImageWriter
* @brief Write NIfTI-1 and NIfTI-2 medical image files
* This class writes NIFTI files, either in .nii format or as separate
* .img and .hdr files. If told to write a file that ends in ".gz",
* then the writer will automatically compress the file with zlib.
* Images of type unsigned char that have 3 or 4 scalar components
* will automatically be written as RGB or RGBA respectively. Images
* of type float or double that have 2 components will automatically be
* written as complex values.
* @par Thanks:
* This class was contributed to VTK by the Calgary Image Processing and
* Analysis Centre (CIPAC).
* @sa
* vtkNIFTIImageReader
#ifndef vtkNIFTIImageWriter_h
#define vtkNIFTIImageWriter_h
#include "vtkIOImageModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkImageWriter.h"
class vtkMatrix4x4;
class vtkNIFTIImageHeader;
class VTKIOIMAGE_EXPORT vtkNIFTIImageWriter : public vtkImageWriter
* Static method for construction.
static vtkNIFTIImageWriter* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkNIFTIImageWriter, vtkImageWriter);
* Print information about this object.
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Set the version number for the NIfTI file format to use.
* This can be 1, 2, or 0 (the default). If set to zero, then it
* will save as NIfTI version 1 unless SetNIFTIHeader() provided
* header information from a NIfTI version 2 file.
vtkSetMacro(NIFTIVersion, int);
vtkGetMacro(NIFTIVersion, int);
* Set a short description (max 80 chars) of how the file was produced.
* The default description is "VTKX.Y" where X.Y is the VTK version.
* Set the time dimension to use in the NIFTI file (or zero if none).
* The number of components of the input data must be divisible by the time
* dimension if the time dimension is not set to zero. The vector dimension
* will be set to the number of components divided by the time dimension.
vtkGetMacro(TimeDimension, int);
vtkSetMacro(TimeDimension, int);
vtkGetMacro(TimeSpacing, double);
vtkSetMacro(TimeSpacing, double);
* Set the slope and intercept for calibrating the scalar values.
* Other programs that read the NIFTI file can use the equation
* v = u*RescaleSlope + RescaleIntercept to rescale the data to
* real values. If both the slope and the intercept are zero,
* then the SclSlope and SclIntercept in the header info provided
* via SetNIFTIHeader() are used instead.
vtkSetMacro(RescaleSlope, double);
vtkGetMacro(RescaleSlope, double);
vtkSetMacro(RescaleIntercept, double);
vtkGetMacro(RescaleIntercept, double);
* Write planar RGB (separate R, G, and B planes), rather than packed RGB.
* Use this option with extreme caution: the NIFTI standard requires RGB
* pixels to be packed. The Analyze format, however, was used to store
* both planar RGB and packed RGB depending on the software, without any
* indication in the header about which convention was being used.
vtkGetMacro(PlanarRGB, bool);
vtkSetMacro(PlanarRGB, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(PlanarRGB, bool);
* The QFac sets the ordering of the slices in the NIFTI file.
* If QFac is -1, then the slice ordering in the file will be reversed
* as compared to VTK. Use with caution.
vtkSetMacro(QFac, double);
vtkGetMacro(QFac, double);
* Set the "qform" orientation and offset for the image data.
* The 3x3 portion of the matrix must be orthonormal and have a
* positive determinant, it will be used to compute the quaternion.
* The last column of the matrix will be used for the offset.
* In the NIFTI header, the qform_code will be set to 1.
void SetQFormMatrix(vtkMatrix4x4*);
vtkMatrix4x4* GetQFormMatrix() { return this->QFormMatrix; }
* Set a matrix for the "sform" transformation stored in the file.
* Unlike the qform matrix, the sform matrix can contain scaling
* information. Before being stored in the NIFTI header, the
* first three columns of the matrix will be multiplied by the voxel
* spacing. In the NIFTI header, the sform_code will be set to 2.
void SetSFormMatrix(vtkMatrix4x4*);
vtkMatrix4x4* GetSFormMatrix() { return this->SFormMatrix; }
* Set the NIFTI header information to use when writing the file.
* The data dimensions and pixdim from the supplied header will be
* ignored. Likewise, the QForm and SForm information in the supplied
* header will be ignored if you have called SetQFormMatrix() or
* SetSFormMatrix() to provide the orientation information for the file.
void SetNIFTIHeader(vtkNIFTIImageHeader* hdr);
vtkNIFTIImageHeader* GetNIFTIHeader();
~vtkNIFTIImageWriter() override;
* Generate the header information for the file.
int GenerateHeader(vtkInformation* info, bool singleFile);
* The main execution method, which writes the file.
int RequestData(vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inputVector,
vtkInformationVector* outputVector) override;
* Make a new filename by replacing extension "ext1" with "ext2".
* The extensions must include a period, must be three characters
* long, and must be lower case. A new string is returned that must
* be deleted by the caller.
static char* ReplaceExtension(const char* fname, const char* ext1, const char* ext2);
* The size and spacing of the Time dimension to use in the file.
int TimeDimension;
double TimeSpacing;
* Information for rescaling data to quantitative units.
double RescaleIntercept;
double RescaleSlope;
* Is -1 if VTK slice order is opposite to NIFTI slice order, +1 otherwise.
double QFac;
* The orientation matrices for the NIFTI file.
vtkMatrix4x4* QFormMatrix;
vtkMatrix4x4* SFormMatrix;
* A description of how the file was produced.
char* Description;
* The header information.
vtkNIFTIImageHeader* NIFTIHeader;
vtkNIFTIImageHeader* OwnHeader;
int NIFTIVersion;
* Use planar RGB instead of the default (packed).
bool PlanarRGB;
vtkNIFTIImageWriter(const vtkNIFTIImageWriter&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkNIFTIImageWriter&) = delete;
#endif // vtkNIFTIImageWriter_h