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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkMultiProcessController.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkMultiProcessController
* @brief Multiprocessing communication superclass
* vtkMultiProcessController is used to control multiple processes
* in a distributed computing environment. It has
* methods for executing single/multiple method(s) on multiple processors,
* triggering registered callbacks (Remote Methods) (AddRMI(), TriggerRMI())
* and communication. Please note that the communication is done using
* the communicator which is accessible to the user. Therefore it is
* possible to get the communicator with GetCommunicator() and use
* it to send and receive data. This is the encouraged communication method.
* The internal (RMI) communications are done using a second internal
* communicator (called RMICommunicator).
* There are two modes for RMI communication: (1) Send/Receive mode and
* (2) Broadcast (collective) mode. The Send/Receive mode arranges processes
* in a binary tree using post-order traversal and propagates the RMI trigger
* starting from the root (rank 0) to the children. It is commonly employed to
* communicate between client/server over TCP. Although, the Send/Receive mode
* can be employed transparently over TCP or MPI, it is not optimal for
* triggering the RMIs on the satellite ranks. The Broadcast mode provides a
* more desirable alternative, namely, it uses MPI_Broadcast for communication,
* which is the nominal way of achieving this in an MPI context. The underlying
* communication mode used for triggering RMIs is controlled by the
* "BroadcastTriggerRMI" variable. Note, that mixing between the two modes
* for RMI communication is not correct behavior. All processes within the
* vtkMultiProcessController must use the same mode for triggering RMI.
* @sa
* vtkMPIController
* vtkCommunicator vtkMPICommunicator
#ifndef vtkMultiProcessController_h
#define vtkMultiProcessController_h
#include "vtkObject.h"
#include "vtkParallelCoreModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkCommunicator.h" // Needed for direct access to communicator
class vtkBoundingBox;
class vtkCollection;
class vtkDataObject;
class vtkDataSet;
class vtkImageData;
class vtkMultiProcessController;
class vtkMultiProcessStream;
class vtkOutputWindow;
class vtkProcessGroup;
class vtkProcess;
// The type of function that gets called when new processes are initiated.
typedef void (*vtkProcessFunctionType)(vtkMultiProcessController* controller, void* userData);
// The type of function that gets called when an RMI is triggered.
typedef void (*vtkRMIFunctionType)(
void* localArg, void* remoteArg, int remoteArgLength, int remoteProcessId);
class VTKPARALLELCORE_EXPORT vtkMultiProcessController : public vtkObject
vtkTypeMacro(vtkMultiProcessController, vtkObject);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* This method is for setting up the processes.
* If a subclass needs to initialize process communication (i.e. MPI)
* it would over ride this method.
virtual void Initialize(int* vtkNotUsed(argc), char*** vtkNotUsed(argv)) = 0;
* This method is for setting up the processes.
* If a subclass needs to initialize process communication (i.e. MPI)
* it would over ride this method. Provided for initialization outside vtk.
virtual void Initialize(
int* vtkNotUsed(argc), char*** vtkNotUsed(argv), int initializedExternally) = 0;
* This method is for cleaning up.
* If a subclass needs to clean up process communication (i.e. MPI)
* it would over ride this method.
virtual void Finalize() = 0;
* This method is for cleaning up.
* If a subclass needs to clean up process communication (i.e. MPI)
* it would over ride this method. Provided for finalization outside vtk.
virtual void Finalize(int finalizedExternally) = 0;
* Set the number of processes you will be using. This defaults
* to the maximum number available. If you set this to a value
* higher than the default, you will get an error.
void SetNumberOfProcesses(int num);
int GetNumberOfProcesses();
* Set the SingleMethod to f() and the UserData of the
* for the method to be executed by all of the processes
* when SingleMethodExecute is called. All the processes will
* start by calling this function.
void SetSingleMethod(vtkProcessFunctionType, void* data);
* Object-oriented flavor of SetSingleMethod(). Instead of passing
* some function pointer and user data, a vtkProcess object is passed
* where the method to execute is Execute() and the data the object itself.
void SetSingleProcessObject(vtkProcess* p);
* Execute the SingleMethod (as define by SetSingleMethod) using
* this->NumberOfProcesses processes. This will only return when
* all the processes finish executing their methods.
virtual void SingleMethodExecute() = 0;
* Set the MultipleMethod to f() and the UserData of the
* for the method to be executed by the process index
* when MultipleMethodExecute is called. This is for having each
* process start with a different function and data argument.
void SetMultipleMethod(int index, vtkProcessFunctionType, void* data);
* Execute the MultipleMethods (as define by calling SetMultipleMethod
* for each of the required this->NumberOfProcesses methods) using
* this->NumberOfProcesses processes.
virtual void MultipleMethodExecute() = 0;
* Tells you which process [0, NumProcess) you are in.
int GetLocalProcessId();
* This convenience method returns the controller associated with the
* local process. It returns nullptr until the processes are spawned.
* It is better if you hang on to the controller passed as an argument to the
* SingleMethod or MultipleMethod functions.
static vtkMultiProcessController* GetGlobalController();
* This method can be used to tell the controller to create
* a special output window in which all messages are preceded
* by the process id.
virtual void CreateOutputWindow() = 0;
* Creates a new controller with the processes specified by the given group.
* The new controller will already be initialized for you. You are
* responsible for deleting the controller once you are done. It is invalid
* to pass this method a group with a different communicator than is used by
* this controller. This operation is collective across all processes
* defined in the group. It is undefined what will happen if the group is not
* the same on all processes. This method must be called by all processes in
* the controller regardless of whether they are in the group. nullptr is
* returned on all process not in the group.
virtual vtkMultiProcessController* CreateSubController(vtkProcessGroup* group);
* Partitions this controller based on a coloring. That is, each process
* passes in a color. All processes with the same color are grouped into the
* same partition. The processes are ordered by their self-assigned key.
* Lower keys have lower process ids. Ties are broken by the current process
* ids. (For example, if all the keys are 0, then the resulting processes
* will be ordered in the same way.) This method returns a new controller to
* each process that represents the local partition. This is basically the
* same operation as MPI_Comm_split.
virtual vtkMultiProcessController* PartitionController(int localColor, int localKey);
//------------------ RMIs --------------------
* Register remote method invocation in the receiving process
* which makes the call. It must have a unique tag as an RMI id.
* The vtkRMIFunctionType has several arguments: localArg (same as passed in),
* remoteArg, remoteArgLength (memory passed by process triggering the RMI),
* remoteProcessId.
* Since only one callback can be registered per tag, this method will remove
* any previously registered callback for the given tag.
* Returns a unique Id for the RMI registration which can be used to
* unregister the callback. RemoveRMI() should be preferred over
* RemoveFirstRMI() since it avoid accidental removal of callbacks.
virtual unsigned long AddRMI(vtkRMIFunctionType, void* localArg, int tag);
* Remove the first RMI matching the tag.
virtual int RemoveFirstRMI(int tag);
* Remove the RMI matching the id. The id is the same id returned by
* AddRMI().
virtual int RemoveRMI(unsigned long id);
* Take an RMI away.
virtual void RemoveRMI(vtkRMIFunctionType f, void* arg, int tag)
vtkErrorMacro("RemoveRMI Not Implemented Yet");
* These methods are a part of the newer API to add multiple rmi callbacks.
* When the RMI is triggered, all the callbacks are called
* Adds a new callback for an RMI. Returns the identifier for the callback.
virtual unsigned long AddRMICallback(vtkRMIFunctionType, void* localArg, int tag);
* These methods are a part of the newer API to add multiple rmi callbacks.
* When the RMI is triggered, all the callbacks are called
* Removes all callbacks for the tag.
virtual void RemoveAllRMICallbacks(int tag);
* Remove a callback. Returns true is the remove was successful.
virtual bool RemoveRMICallback(unsigned long id);
* A method to trigger a method invocation in another process.
void TriggerRMI(int remoteProcessId, void* arg, int argLength, int tag);
* A convenience method. Called on process 0 to break "ProcessRMIs" loop
* on all other processes.
void TriggerBreakRMIs();
* Convenience method when the arg is a string.
void TriggerRMI(int remoteProcessId, const char* arg, int tag)
this->TriggerRMI(remoteProcessId, (void*)arg, static_cast<int>(strlen(arg)) + 1, tag);
* Convenience method when there is no argument.
void TriggerRMI(int remoteProcessId, int tag)
this->TriggerRMI(remoteProcessId, nullptr, 0, tag);
* This is a convenicence method to trigger an RMI call on all the "children"
* of the current node. The children of the current node can be determined by
* drawing a binary tree starting at node 0 and then assigned nodes ids
* incrementally in a breadth-first fashion from left to right. This is
* designed to be used when trigger an RMI call on all satellites from the
* root node.
void TriggerRMIOnAllChildren(void* arg, int argLength, int tag);
void TriggerRMIOnAllChildren(const char* arg, int tag)
this->TriggerRMIOnAllChildren((void*)arg, static_cast<int>(strlen(arg)) + 1, tag);
void TriggerRMIOnAllChildren(int tag) { this->TriggerRMIOnAllChildren(nullptr, 0, tag); }
void BroadcastTriggerRMIOnAllChildren(void* arg, int argLength, int tag);
* Calling this method gives control to the controller to start
* processing RMIs. Possible return values are:
* RMI_TAG_ERROR : rmi tag could not be received,
* RMI_ARG_ERROR : rmi arg could not be received.
* If reportErrors is false, no vtkErrorMacro is called.
* ProcessRMIs() calls ProcessRMIs(int) with reportErrors = 0.
* If dont_loop is 1, this call just process one RMI message
* and exits.
int ProcessRMIs(int reportErrors, int dont_loop = 0);
int ProcessRMIs();
int BroadcastProcessRMIs(int reportErrors, int dont_loop = 0);
* Setting this flag to 1 will cause the ProcessRMIs loop to return.
* This also causes vtkUpStreamPorts to return from
* their WaitForUpdate loops.
vtkSetMacro(BreakFlag, int);
vtkGetMacro(BreakFlag, int);
* Setting this flag to 1 will cause the TriggerRMIOnAllChildren to use
* a collective broadcast operation to communicate the RMI tag to the
* satellites.
vtkSetMacro(BroadcastTriggerRMI, bool);
vtkGetMacro(BroadcastTriggerRMI, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(BroadcastTriggerRMI, bool);
* Returns the communicator associated with this controller.
* A default communicator is created in constructor.
vtkGetObjectMacro(Communicator, vtkCommunicator);
* Accessor to some default tags.
static int GetBreakRMITag() { return BREAK_RMI_TAG; }
static int GetRMITag() { return RMI_TAG; }
static int GetRMIArgTag() { return RMI_ARG_TAG; }
enum Errors
enum Consts
enum Tags
RMI_TAG = 1,
* This method can be used to synchronize processes.
void Barrier();
static void SetGlobalController(vtkMultiProcessController* controller);
//------------------ Communication --------------------
* This method sends data to another process. Tag eliminates ambiguity
* when multiple sends or receives exist in the same process.
* It is recommended to use custom tag number over 100.
* vtkMultiProcessController has reserved tags between 1 and 4.
* vtkCommunicator has reserved tags between 10 and 16.
int Send(const int* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const short* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const unsigned short* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const unsigned int* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const unsigned long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const signed char* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const char* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const unsigned char* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const float* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const double* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const long long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(const unsigned long long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Send(vtkDataObject* data, int remoteId, int tag);
int Send(vtkDataArray* data, int remoteId, int tag);
* Send a stream to another process. vtkMultiProcessStream makes it possible
* to send data with arbitrary length and different base types to the other
* process(es). Instead of making several Send() requests for each type of
* arguments, it's generally more efficient to push the arguments into the
* stream and the send the stream over.
int Send(const vtkMultiProcessStream& stream, int remoteId, int tag);
* This method receives data from a corresponding send. It blocks
* until the receive is finished. It calls methods in "data"
* to communicate the sending data. In the overrloads that take in a \c
* maxlength argument, this length is the maximum length of the message to
* receive. If the maxlength is less than the length of the message sent by
* the sender, an error will be flagged. Once a message is received, use the
* GetCount() method to determine the actual size of the data received.
int Receive(int* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(unsigned int* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(short* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(unsigned short* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(long* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(unsigned long* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(char* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(unsigned char* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(signed char* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(float* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(double* data, vtkIdType maxlength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(long long* data, vtkIdType maxLength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(unsigned long long* data, vtkIdType maxLength, int remoteProcessId, int tag);
int Receive(vtkDataObject* data, int remoteId, int tag);
int Receive(vtkDataArray* data, int remoteId, int tag);
* Receive a stream from the other processes.
int Receive(vtkMultiProcessStream& stream, int remoteId, int tag);
vtkDataObject* ReceiveDataObject(int remoteId, int tag);
* Returns the number of words received by the most recent Receive().
* Note that this is not the number of bytes received, but the number of items
* of the data-type received by the most recent Receive() eg. if
* Receive(int*,..) was used, then this returns the number of ints received;
* if Receive(double*,..) was used, then this returns the number of doubles
* received etc. The return value is valid only after a successful Receive().
vtkIdType GetCount();
//---------------------- Collective Operations ----------------------
* Broadcast sends the array in the process with id \c srcProcessId to all of
* the other processes. All processes must call these method with the same
* arguments in order for it to complete.
int Broadcast(int* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(unsigned int* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(short* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(unsigned short* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(long* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(unsigned long* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(unsigned char* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(char* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(signed char* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(float* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(double* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(long long* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(unsigned long long* data, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, length, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(vtkDataObject* data, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(vtkDataArray* data, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(data, srcProcessId);
int Broadcast(vtkMultiProcessStream& stream, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Broadcast(stream, srcProcessId);
* Gather collects arrays in the process with id \c destProcessId. Each
* process (including the destination) sends the contents of its send buffer
* to the destination process. The destination process receives the
* messages and stores them in rank order. The \c length argument
* (which must be the same on all processes) is the length of the
* sendBuffers. The \c recvBuffer (on the destination process) must be of
* length length*numProcesses. Gather is the inverse operation of Scatter.
int Gather(const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(
const unsigned int* sendBuffer, unsigned int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(const short* sendBuffer, short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(const unsigned short* sendBuffer, unsigned short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(const long* sendBuffer, long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(
const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(
const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(
const signed char* sendBuffer, signed char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(
const long long* sendBuffer, long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(const unsigned long long* sendBuffer, unsigned long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, destProcessId);
int Gather(vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, destProcessId);
* Gathers vtkDataObject (\c sendBuffer) from all ranks to the \c destProcessId.
* @param[in] sendBuffer - data object to send from local process. Can be null if
* not sending any data from the current process.
* @param[out] recvBuffer - vector of data objects to receive data on the receiving
* rank (identified by \c destProcessId). This may be
* empty or filled with data object instances. If empty,
* data objects will be created as needed. If not empty,
* existing data object will be used.
* @param[in] destProcessId - process id to gather on.
* @return - 1 on success, 0 on failure.
int Gather(vtkDataObject* sendBuffer, std::vector<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataObject> >& recvBuffer,
int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, destProcessId);
* Gathers vtkMultiProcessStream (\c sendBuffer) from all ranks to the \c
* destProcessId.
* @param[in] sendBuffer - vtkMultiProcessStream to send from local process.
* @param[out] recvBuffer - vector of vtkMultiProcessStream instances recevied
* on the receiving rank (identified by \c destProcessId).
* @param[in] destProcessId - process id to gather on.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
int Gather(const vtkMultiProcessStream& sendBuffer,
std::vector<vtkMultiProcessStream>& recvBuffer, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Gather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, destProcessId);
* GatherV is the vector variant of Gather. It extends the functionality of
* Gather by allowing a varying count of data from each process.
* GatherV collects arrays in the process with id \c destProcessId. Each
* process (including the destination) sends the contents of its send buffer
* to the destination process. The destination process receives the
* messages and stores them in rank order. The \c sendLength argument
* defines how much the local process sends to \c destProcessId and
* \c recvLengths is an array containing the amount \c destProcessId
* receives from each process, in rank order.
int GatherV(const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths,
vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const unsigned int* sendBuffer, unsigned int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const short* sendBuffer, short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const unsigned short* sendBuffer, unsigned short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const long* sendBuffer, long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const signed char* sendBuffer, signed char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const long long* sendBuffer, long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(const unsigned long long* sendBuffer, unsigned long long* recvBuffer,
vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* recvLengths,
vtkIdType* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
int GatherV(vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer, vtkIdTypeArray* recvLengths,
vtkIdTypeArray* offsets, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, recvLengths, offsets, destProcessId);
* This special form of GatherV will automatically determine \c recvLengths
* and \c offsets to tightly pack the data in the \c recvBuffer in process
* order. It will also resize \c recvBuffer in order to accommodate the
* incoming data (unlike the other GatherV variants).
int GatherV(vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, destProcessId);
int GatherV(vtkDataObject* sendData, vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataObject>* recvData, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->GatherV(sendData, recvData, destProcessId);
* Scatter takes an array in the process with id \c srcProcessId and
* distributes it. Each process (including the source) receives a portion of
* the send buffer. Process 0 receives the first \c length values, process 1
* receives the second \c length values, and so on. Scatter is the inverse
* operation of Gather.
int Scatter(const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(
const unsigned int* sendBuffer, unsigned int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(const short* sendBuffer, short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(const unsigned short* sendBuffer, unsigned short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(const long* sendBuffer, long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(
const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(
const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(
const signed char* sendBuffer, signed char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(
const long long* sendBuffer, long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(const unsigned long long* sendBuffer, unsigned long long* recvBuffer,
vtkIdType length, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, srcProcessId);
int Scatter(vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Scatter(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, srcProcessId);
* ScatterV is the vector variant of Scatter. It extends the functionality of
* Scatter by allowing a varying count of data to each process.
* ScatterV takes an array in the process with id \c srcProcessId and
* distributes it. Each process (including the source) receives a portion of
* the send buffer defined by the \c sendLengths and \c offsets arrays.
int ScatterV(const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths, vtkIdType* offsets,
vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const unsigned int* sendBuffer, unsigned int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths,
vtkIdType* offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const short* sendBuffer, short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths,
vtkIdType* offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const unsigned short* sendBuffer, unsigned short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths,
vtkIdType* offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const long* sendBuffer, long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths, vtkIdType* offsets,
vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths,
vtkIdType* offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths,
vtkIdType* offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths, vtkIdType* offsets,
vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const signed char* sendBuffer, signed char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths,
vtkIdType* offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths,
vtkIdType* offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths,
vtkIdType* offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const long long* sendBuffer, long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* sendLengths,
vtkIdType* offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
int ScatterV(const unsigned long long* sendBuffer, unsigned long long* recvBuffer,
vtkIdType* sendLengths, vtkIdType* offsets, vtkIdType recvLength, int srcProcessId)
return this->Communicator->ScatterV(
sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLengths, offsets, recvLength, srcProcessId);
* Same as gather except that the result ends up on all processes.
int AllGather(const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(const unsigned int* sendBuffer, unsigned int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(const short* sendBuffer, short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(const unsigned short* sendBuffer, unsigned short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(const long* sendBuffer, long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(const signed char* sendBuffer, signed char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(const long long* sendBuffer, long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(
const unsigned long long* sendBuffer, unsigned long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length);
int AllGather(vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer)
return this->Communicator->AllGather(sendBuffer, recvBuffer);
* Same as GatherV except that the result is placed in all processes.
int AllGatherV(const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const unsigned int* sendBuffer, unsigned int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const short* sendBuffer, short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const unsigned short* sendBuffer, unsigned short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const long* sendBuffer, long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const signed char* sendBuffer, signed char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const long long* sendBuffer, long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType sendLength,
vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(const unsigned long long* sendBuffer, unsigned long long* recvBuffer,
vtkIdType sendLength, vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, sendLength, recvLengths, offsets);
int AllGatherV(
vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer, vtkIdType* recvLengths, vtkIdType* offsets)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, recvLengths, offsets);
* This special form of AllGatherV will automatically determine \c recvLengths
* and \c offsets to tightly pack the data in the \c recvBuffer in process
* order. It will also resize \c recvBuffer in order to accommodate the
* incoming data (unlike the other GatherV variants).
int AllGatherV(vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer)
return this->Communicator->AllGatherV(sendBuffer, recvBuffer);
* Reduce an array to the given destination process. This version of Reduce
* takes an identifier defined in the
* vtkCommunicator::StandardOperations enum to define the operation.
int Reduce(
const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const unsigned int* sendBuffer, unsigned int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(
const short* sendBuffer, short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const unsigned short* sendBuffer, unsigned short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(
const long* sendBuffer, long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(
const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const signed char* sendBuffer, signed char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(
const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation,
int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const long long* sendBuffer, long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation,
int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const unsigned long long* sendBuffer, unsigned long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer, int operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, operation, destProcessId);
* Reduce an array to the given destination process. This version of Reduce
* takes a custom operation as a subclass of vtkCommunicator::Operation.
int Reduce(const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const unsigned int* sendBuffer, unsigned int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const short* sendBuffer, short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const unsigned short* sendBuffer, unsigned short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const long* sendBuffer, long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const signed char* sendBuffer, signed char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const long long* sendBuffer, long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(const unsigned long long* sendBuffer, unsigned long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation, destProcessId);
int Reduce(vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation, int destProcessId)
return this->Communicator->Reduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, operation, destProcessId);
* Same as Reduce except that the result is placed in all of the processes.
int AllReduce(const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(
const unsigned int* sendBuffer, unsigned int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const short* sendBuffer, short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(
const unsigned short* sendBuffer, unsigned short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const long* sendBuffer, long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(
const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(
const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(
const signed char* sendBuffer, signed char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const long long* sendBuffer, long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const unsigned long long* sendBuffer, unsigned long long* recvBuffer,
vtkIdType length, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer, int operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, operation);
int AllReduce(
const int* sendBuffer, int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length, vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const unsigned int* sendBuffer, unsigned int* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const short* sendBuffer, short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const unsigned short* sendBuffer, unsigned short* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const long* sendBuffer, long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const unsigned long* sendBuffer, unsigned long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const unsigned char* sendBuffer, unsigned char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const char* sendBuffer, char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const signed char* sendBuffer, signed char* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const float* sendBuffer, float* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const double* sendBuffer, double* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const long long* sendBuffer, long long* recvBuffer, vtkIdType length,
vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(const unsigned long long* sendBuffer, unsigned long long* recvBuffer,
vtkIdType length, vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, length, operation);
int AllReduce(
vtkDataArray* sendBuffer, vtkDataArray* recvBuffer, vtkCommunicator::Operation* operation)
return this->Communicator->AllReduce(sendBuffer, recvBuffer, operation);
* Convenience methods to reduce bounds.
int Reduce(const vtkBoundingBox& sendBuffer, vtkBoundingBox& recvBuffer, int destProcessId);
int AllReduce(const vtkBoundingBox& sendBuffer, vtkBoundingBox& recvBuffer);
// Internally implemented RMI to break the process loop.
~vtkMultiProcessController() override;
* Implementation for TriggerRMI() provides subclasses an opportunity to
* modify the behaviour eg. MPIController provides ability to use SSend
* instead of Send.
virtual void TriggerRMIInternal(
int remoteProcessId, void* arg, int argLength, int rmiTag, bool propagate);
vtkProcessFunctionType SingleMethod;
void* SingleData;
void GetMultipleMethod(int index, vtkProcessFunctionType& func, void*& data);
// This is a flag that can be used by the ports to break
// their update loop. (same as ProcessRMIs)
int BreakFlag;
void ProcessRMI(int remoteProcessId, void* arg, int argLength, int rmiTag);
// This method implements "GetGlobalController".
// It needs to be virtual and static.
virtual vtkMultiProcessController* GetLocalController();
// This flag can force deep copies during send.
int ForceDeepCopy;
// This flag can be used to indicate that an MPI Broadcast will be used
// when calling TriggerRMIOnAllChildren(), instead of the binary tree
// propagation of the data to the satellite ranks from rank 0.
bool BroadcastTriggerRMI;
vtkOutputWindow* OutputWindow;
// Note that since the communicators can be created differently
// depending on the type of controller, the subclasses are
// responsible of deleting them.
vtkCommunicator* Communicator;
// Communicator which is a copy of the current user
// level communicator except the context; i.e. even if the tags
// are the same, the RMI messages will not interfere with user
// level messages.
// Note that since the communicators can be created differently
// depending on the type of controller, the subclasses are
// responsible of deleting them.
vtkCommunicator* RMICommunicator;
vtkMultiProcessController(const vtkMultiProcessController&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkMultiProcessController&) = delete;
unsigned long RMICount;
class vtkInternal;
vtkInternal* Internal;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(vtkDataObject* data, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(vtkDataArray* data, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const int* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const short* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const unsigned short* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const unsigned int* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const unsigned long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const signed char* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const char* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const unsigned char* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const float* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const double* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const long long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const unsigned long long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Send(
const vtkMultiProcessStream& stream, int remoteId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Send(stream, remoteId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(vtkDataObject* data, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline vtkDataObject* vtkMultiProcessController::ReceiveDataObject(int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->ReceiveDataObject(remoteProcessId, tag);
return nullptr;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(vtkDataArray* data, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
int* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
unsigned int* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
short* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
unsigned short* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
unsigned long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
char* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
unsigned char* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
signed char* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
float* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
double* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
long long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(
unsigned long long* data, vtkIdType length, int remoteProcessId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(data, length, remoteProcessId, tag);
return 0;
inline int vtkMultiProcessController::Receive(vtkMultiProcessStream& stream, int remoteId, int tag)
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->Receive(stream, remoteId, tag);
return 0;
inline void vtkMultiProcessController::Barrier()
if (this->Communicator)
inline vtkIdType vtkMultiProcessController::GetCount()
if (this->Communicator)
return this->Communicator->GetCount();
return 0;