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Program: ParaView
Module: vtkModelMetadata.h
Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
Copyright (c) Sandia Corporation
See Copyright.txt or for details.
* @class vtkModelMetadata
* @brief This class encapsulates the metadata
* that appear in mesh-based file formats but do not appear in
* vtkUnstructuredGrid.
* This class is inspired by the Exodus II file format, but
* because this class does not depend on the Exodus library, it
* should be possible to use it to represent metadata for other
* dataset file formats. Sandia Labs uses it in their Exodus II
* reader, their Exodus II writer and their EnSight writer.
* vtkDistributedDataFilter looks for metadata attached to
* it's input and redistributes the metadata with the grid.
* The fields in this class are those described in the document
* "EXODUS II: A Finite Element Data Model", SAND92-2137, November 1995.
* Element and node IDs stored in this object must be global IDs,
* in the event that the original dataset was partitioned across
* many files.
* One way to initialize this object is by using vtkExodusModel
* (a Sandia class used by the Sandia Exodus reader).
* That class will take an open Exodus II file and a
* vtkUnstructuredGrid drawn from it and will set the required fields.
* Alternatively, you can use all the Set*
* methods to set the individual fields. This class does not
* copy the data, it simply uses your pointer. This
* class will free the storage associated with your pointer
* when the class is deleted. Most fields have sensible defaults.
* The only requirement is that if you are using this ModelMetadata
* to write out an Exodus or EnSight file in parallel, you must
* SetBlockIds and SetBlockIdArrayName. Your vtkUnstructuredGrid must
* have a cell array giving the block ID for each cell.
* @warning
* The Exodus II library supports an optimized element order map
* (section 3.7 in the SAND document). It contains all the element
* IDs, listed in the order in which a solver should process them.
* We don't include this, and won't unless there is a request.
* @warning
* There is an assumption in some classes that the name of the cell
* array containing global element ids is "GlobalElementId" and the
* name of the point array containing global node ids is "GlobalNodeId".
* (element == cell) and (node == point).
* @sa
* vtkDistributedDataFilter vtkExtractCells
#ifndef vtkModelMetadata_h
#define vtkModelMetadata_h
#include "vtkIOExodusModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkObject.h"
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // for vtkSmartPointer
#include "vtkStringArray.h" // for vtkStringArray
class vtkDataSet;
class vtkCharArray;
class vtkIdTypeArray;
class vtkIntArray;
class vtkFloatArray;
class vtkIntArray;
class vtkStringArray;
class vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak;
class VTKIOEXODUS_EXPORT vtkModelMetadata : public vtkObject
vtkTypeMacro(vtkModelMetadata, vtkObject);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
static vtkModelMetadata* New();
* The global fields are those which pertain to the whole
* file. Examples are the title, information lines,
* and list of block IDs. This method prints out all the
* global information.
virtual void PrintGlobalInformation();
* The local fields are those which depend on exactly which
* blocks, which time step, and which variables you read in
* from the file. Examples are the number of cells in
* each block, and the list of nodes in a node set, or the
* value of the global variables at a time step. If
* VERBOSE_TESTING is defined in your execution environment,
* this method will print more than mere counts, and actually
* print a few of the IDs, distribution factors and so on. If
* VERY_VERBOSE_TESTING is defined, it will print out
* all ID lists, distribution factor lists, and so on.
virtual void PrintLocalInformation();
* The title of the dataset.
const char* GetTitle() const { return this->Title; }
* Set the information lines.
void SetInformationLines(int numLines, char** lines);
* Get a pointer to all the information lines. The number
* of lines is returned;
int GetInformationLines(char*** lines) const;
* Get the number of information lines.
int GetNumberOfInformationLines() const { return this->NumberOfInformationLines; }
* Set the index of the time step represented by the results
* data in the file attached to this ModelMetadata object. Time
* step indices start at 0 in this file, they start at 1 in
* an Exodus file.
vtkSetMacro(TimeStepIndex, int);
int GetTimeStepIndex() const { return this->TimeStepIndex; }
* Set the total number of time steps in the file,
* and the value at each time step. We use your time
* step value array and delete it when we're done.
void SetTimeSteps(int numberOfTimeSteps, float* timeStepValues);
int GetNumberOfTimeSteps() const { return this->NumberOfTimeSteps; }
* Get the time step values
float* GetTimeStepValues() const { return this->TimeStepValues; }
* The name of the one, two or three coordinate dimensions.
void SetCoordinateNames(int dimension, char**);
char** GetCoordinateNames() const { return this->CoordinateNames; }
* Get the dimension of the model. This is also the number
* of coordinate names.
int GetDimension() const { return this->Dimension; }
* The number of blocks in the file. Set this before setting
* any of the block arrays.
vtkSetMacro(NumberOfBlocks, int);
int GetNumberOfBlocks() const { return this->NumberOfBlocks; }
* An arbitrary integer ID for each block.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetBlockIds(int*);
int* GetBlockIds() const { return this->BlockIds; }
* Element type for each block - a name that means
* something to person who created the file.
* We use your pointers, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetBlockElementType(char**);
char** GetBlockElementType() const { return this->BlockElementType; }
* Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of elements in
* each block.
* We use your pointers, and free the memory when the object is freed.
int SetBlockNumberOfElements(int* nelts);
int* GetBlockNumberOfElements() const { return this->BlockNumberOfElements; }
* Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of nodes in the
* elements of each block.
* We use your pointers, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetBlockNodesPerElement(int*);
int* GetBlockNodesPerElement() const { return this->BlockNodesPerElement; }
* Set or get a pointer to a list global element IDs for the
* elements in each block.
* We use your pointers, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetBlockElementIdList(int*);
int* GetBlockElementIdList() const { return this->BlockElementIdList; }
* Get the length of the list of elements in every block.
int GetSumElementsPerBlock() const { return this->SumElementsPerBlock; }
* Get a list of the index into the BlockElementIdList of the
* start of each block's elements.
int* GetBlockElementIdListIndex() const { return this->BlockElementIdListIndex; }
* Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of attributes
* stored for the elements in each block.
* We use your pointers, and free the memory when the object is freed.
int SetBlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement(int* natts);
int* GetBlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement() const
return this->BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement;
* Set or get a pointer to a list of the attributes for all
* blocks. The order of the list should be by block, by element
* within the block, by attribute. Omit blocks that don't
* have element attributes.
void SetBlockAttributes(float*);
float* GetBlockAttributes() const { return this->BlockAttributes; }
* Get the length of the list of floating point block attributes.
int GetSizeBlockAttributeArray() const { return this->SizeBlockAttributeArray; }
* Get a list of the index into the BlockAttributes of the
* start of each block's element attribute list.
int* GetBlockAttributesIndex() const { return this->BlockAttributesIndex; }
* The number of node sets in the file. Set this value before
* setting the various node set arrays.
vtkSetMacro(NumberOfNodeSets, int);
int GetNumberOfNodeSets() const { return this->NumberOfNodeSets; }
void SetNodeSetNames(vtkStringArray* names) { this->NodeSetNames = names; }
vtkStringArray* GetNodeSetNames() const { return this->NodeSetNames; }
* Set or get the list the IDs for each node set.
* Length of list is the number of node sets.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetNodeSetIds(int*);
int* GetNodeSetIds() const { return this->NodeSetIds; }
* Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of nodes in each node set.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetNodeSetSize(int*);
int* GetNodeSetSize() const { return this->NodeSetSize; }
* Set or get a pointer to a concatenated list of the
* IDs of all nodes in each node set. First list all IDs in
* node set 0, then all IDs in node set 1, and so on.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetNodeSetNodeIdList(int*);
int* GetNodeSetNodeIdList() const { return this->NodeSetNodeIdList; }
* Set or get a list of the number of distribution factors stored
* by each node set. This is either 0 or equal to the number of
* nodes in the node set.
* Length of list is number of node sets.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetNodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(int*);
int* GetNodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors() const
return this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors;
* Set or get a list of the distribution factors for the node sets.
* The list is organized by node set, and within node set by node.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetNodeSetDistributionFactors(float*);
float* GetNodeSetDistributionFactors() const { return this->NodeSetDistributionFactors; }
* Get the total number of nodes in all node sets
vtkSetMacro(SumNodesPerNodeSet, int);
int GetSumNodesPerNodeSet() const { return this->SumNodesPerNodeSet; }
* Get the total number of distribution factors stored for all node sets
int GetSumDistFactPerNodeSet() const { return this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet; }
* Get a list of the index of the starting entry for each node set
* in the list of node set node IDs.
int* GetNodeSetNodeIdListIndex() const { return this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex; }
* Get a list of the index of the starting entry for each node set
* in the list of node set distribution factors.
int* GetNodeSetDistributionFactorIndex() const { return this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex; }
* Set or get the number of side sets. Set this value before
* setting any of the other side set arrays.
vtkSetMacro(NumberOfSideSets, int);
int GetNumberOfSideSets() const { return this->NumberOfSideSets; }
void SetSideSetNames(vtkStringArray* names) { this->SideSetNames = names; }
vtkStringArray* GetSideSetNames() const { return this->SideSetNames; }
* Set or get a pointer to a list giving the ID of each side set.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetSideSetIds(int*);
int* GetSideSetIds() const { return this->SideSetIds; }
* Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of sides in each side set.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
int SetSideSetSize(int* sizes);
int* GetSideSetSize() const { return this->SideSetSize; }
* Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of distribution
* factors stored by each side set. Each side set has either
* no distribution factors, or 1 per node in the side set.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
int SetSideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(int* df);
int* GetSideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors() const
return this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors;
* Set or get a pointer to a list of the elements containing each
* side in each side set. The list is organized by side set, and
* within side set by element.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetSideSetElementList(int*);
int* GetSideSetElementList() const { return this->SideSetElementList; }
* Set or get a pointer to the element side for each side in the side set.
* (See the manual for the convention for numbering sides in different
* types of cells.) Side Ids are arranged by side set and within
* side set by side, and correspond to the SideSetElementList.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetSideSetSideList(int*);
int* GetSideSetSideList() const { return this->SideSetSideList; }
* Set or get a pointer to a list of the number of nodes in each
* side of each side set. This list is organized by side set, and
* within side set by side.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetSideSetNumDFPerSide(int* numNodes);
int* GetSideSetNumDFPerSide() const { return this->SideSetNumDFPerSide; }
* Set or get a pointer to a list of all the distribution factors.
* For every side set that has distribution factors, the number of
* factors per node was given in the SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors
* array. If this number for a given side set is N, then for that
* side set we have N floating point values for each node for each
* side in the side set. If nodes are repeated in more than one
* side, we repeat the distribution factors. So this list is in order
* by side set, by node.
* We use your pointer, and free the memory when the object is freed.
void SetSideSetDistributionFactors(float*);
float* GetSideSetDistributionFactors() const { return this->SideSetDistributionFactors; }
* Get the total number of sides in all side sets
vtkSetMacro(SumSidesPerSideSet, int);
int GetSumSidesPerSideSet() const { return this->SumSidesPerSideSet; }
* Get the total number of distribution factors stored for all side sets
int GetSumDistFactPerSideSet() const { return this->SumDistFactPerSideSet; }
* Get a list of the index of the starting entry for each side set
* in the list of side set side IDs.
int* GetSideSetListIndex() const { return this->SideSetListIndex; }
* Get a list of the index of the starting entry for each side set
* in the list of side set distribution factors.
int* GetSideSetDistributionFactorIndex() const { return this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex; }
* The number of block properties (global variables)
int GetNumberOfBlockProperties() const { return this->NumberOfBlockProperties; }
* Set or get the names of the block properties.
void SetBlockPropertyNames(int numProp, char** names);
char** GetBlockPropertyNames() const { return this->BlockPropertyNames; }
* Set or get value for each variable for each block. List
* the integer values in order by variable and within variable
* by block.
void SetBlockPropertyValue(int*);
int* GetBlockPropertyValue() const { return this->BlockPropertyValue; }
* The number of node set properties (global variables)
int GetNumberOfNodeSetProperties() const { return this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties; }
* Set or get the names of the node setproperties.
void SetNodeSetPropertyNames(int numProp, char** names);
char** GetNodeSetPropertyNames() const { return this->NodeSetPropertyNames; }
* Set or get value for each variable for each node set. List
* the integer values in order by variable and within variable
* by node set.
void SetNodeSetPropertyValue(int*);
int* GetNodeSetPropertyValue() const { return this->NodeSetPropertyValue; }
* The number of side set properties (global variables)
int GetNumberOfSideSetProperties() const { return this->NumberOfSideSetProperties; }
* Set or get the names of the side set properties.
void SetSideSetPropertyNames(int numProp, char** names);
char** GetSideSetPropertyNames() const { return this->SideSetPropertyNames; }
* Set or get value for each variable for each side set. List
* the integer values in order by variable and within variable
* by side set.
void SetSideSetPropertyValue(int*);
int* GetSideSetPropertyValue() const { return this->SideSetPropertyValue; }
* Get the number of global variables per time step
int GetNumberOfGlobalVariables() const { return this->NumberOfGlobalVariables; }
* Set or get the names of the global variables
void SetGlobalVariableNames(int numVarNames, char** n);
char** GetGlobalVariableNames() const { return this->GlobalVariableNames; }
* Set or get the values of the global variables at the current
* time step.
void SetGlobalVariableValue(float* f);
float* GetGlobalVariableValue() const { return this->GlobalVariableValue; }
* The ModelMetadata maintains a list of the element variables that
* were in the original file, and a list of the cell variables
* in the UGrid derived from that file. Some of the scalar variables
* in the original file were combined into vectors in the UGrid.
* In this method, provide the number of original element variables,
* the names of the original element variables, the number of
* element variables in the UGrid, the number of components for each
* of those variables, and a map from each UGrid variable to the
* the variable in the list of original names that represents it's
* first component.
void SetElementVariableInfo(
int numOrigNames, char** origNames, int numNames, char** names, int* numComp, int* map);
* The ModelMetadata maintains a list of the node variables that
* were in the original file, and a list of the node variables
* in the UGrid derived from that file. Some of the scalar variables
* in the original file were combined into vectors in the UGrid.
* In this method, provide the number of original node variables,
* the names of the original node variables, the number of
* node variables in the UGrid, the number of components for each
* of those variables, and a map from each UGrid variable to the
* the variable in the list of original names that represents it's
* first component.
void SetNodeVariableInfo(
int numOrigNames, char** origNames, int numNames, char** names, int* numComp, int* map);
* A truth table indicating which element variables are
* defined for which blocks. The variables are all the original
* element variables that were in the file.
* The table is by block ID and within block ID by variable.
void SetElementVariableTruthTable(int*);
int* GetElementVariableTruthTable() const { return this->ElementVariableTruthTable; }
* Instead of a truth table of all "1"s, you can set this
* instance variable to indicate that all variables are
* defined in all blocks.
vtkSetMacro(AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks, vtkTypeBool);
vtkTypeBool GetAllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks() const
return this->AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks;
* The ModelMetadata object may contain these lists:
* o the variables in the original data file
* o the variables created in the u grid from those original variables
* o a mapping from the grid variable names to the original names
* o a list of the number of components each grid variable has
* (Example: Variables in Exodus II files are all scalars. Some are
* combined by the ExodusReader into vector variables in the grid.)
* These methods return names of the original variables, the names
* of the grid variables, a list of the number of components in
* each grid variable, and a list of the index into the list of
* original variable names where the original name of the first
* component of a grid variable may be found. The names of subsequent
* components would immediately follow the name of the first
* component.
int GetOriginalNumberOfElementVariables() const { return this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; }
char** GetOriginalElementVariableNames() const { return this->OriginalElementVariableNames; }
int GetNumberOfElementVariables() const { return this->NumberOfElementVariables; }
char** GetElementVariableNames() const { return this->ElementVariableNames; }
int* GetElementVariableNumberOfComponents() const
return this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents;
int* GetMapToOriginalElementVariableNames() const
return this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames;
int GetOriginalNumberOfNodeVariables() const { return this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables; }
char** GetOriginalNodeVariableNames() const { return this->OriginalNodeVariableNames; }
int GetNumberOfNodeVariables() const { return this->NumberOfNodeVariables; }
char** GetNodeVariableNames() const { return this->NodeVariableNames; }
int* GetNodeVariableNumberOfComponents() const { return this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents; }
int* GetMapToOriginalNodeVariableNames() const { return this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames; }
* Free selected portions of the metadata when updating values
* in the vtkModelMetadata object. Resetting a particular field,
* (i.e. SetNodeSetIds) frees the previous setting, but if you
* are not setting every field, you may want to do a wholesale
* "Free" first.
* FreeAllGlobalData frees all the fields which don't depend on
* which time step, which blocks, or which variables are in the input.
* FreeAllLocalData frees all the fields which do depend on which
* time step, blocks or variables are in the input.
* FreeBlockDependentData frees all metadata fields which depend on
* which blocks were read in.
void FreeAllGlobalData();
void FreeAllLocalData();
void FreeBlockDependentData();
void FreeOriginalElementVariableNames();
void FreeOriginalNodeVariableNames();
void FreeUsedElementVariableNames();
void FreeUsedNodeVariableNames();
void FreeUsedElementVariables();
void FreeUsedNodeVariables();
* Set the object back to it's initial state
void Reset();
~vtkModelMetadata() override;
void InitializeAllMetadata();
void InitializeAllIvars();
void FreeAllMetadata();
void FreeAllIvars();
int BuildBlockElementIdListIndex();
int BuildBlockAttributesIndex();
int BuildSideSetDistributionFactorIndex();
static char* StrDupWithNew(const char* s);
static int FindNameOnList(char* name, char** list, int listLen);
void ShowFloats(const char* what, int num, float* f);
void ShowLines(const char* what, int num, char** l);
void ShowIntArray(const char* what, int numx, int numy, int* id);
void ShowInts(const char* what, int num, int* id);
void ShowListsOfInts(const char* what, int* list, int nlists, int* idx, int len, int verbose);
void ShowListsOfFloats(const char* what, float* list, int nlists, int* idx, int len, int verbose);
void SetOriginalElementVariableNames(int nvars, char** names);
void SetElementVariableNames(int nvars, char** names);
void SetElementVariableNumberOfComponents(int* comp);
void SetMapToOriginalElementVariableNames(int* map);
void SetOriginalNodeVariableNames(int nvars, char** names);
void SetNodeVariableNames(int nvars, char** names);
void SetNodeVariableNumberOfComponents(int* comp);
void SetMapToOriginalNodeVariableNames(int* map);
int CalculateMaximumLengths(int& maxString, int& maxLine);
// Fields in Exodus II file and their size (defined in exodusII.h)
// (G - global fields, relevant to entire file or file set)
// (L - local fields, they differ depending on which cells and nodes are
// in a file of a partitioned set, or are read in from file)
char* Title; // (G)
int NumberOfInformationLines; // (G)
char** InformationLine; // (G)
int Dimension; // (G)
char** CoordinateNames; // (at most 3 of these) (G)
// Time steps
int TimeStepIndex; // starting at 0 (Exodus file starts at 1)
int NumberOfTimeSteps; // (G)
float* TimeStepValues; // (G)
// Block information - arrays that are input with Set*
int NumberOfBlocks; // (G)
int* BlockIds; // NumberOfBlocks (G) (start at 1)
char** BlockElementType; // NumberOfBlocks (G)
int* BlockNumberOfElements; // NumberOfBlocks (L)
int* BlockNodesPerElement; // NumberOfBlocks (G)
int* BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement; // NumberOfBlocks (G)
int* BlockElementIdList; // SumElementsPerBlock (L)
float* BlockAttributes; // SizeBlockAttributeArray (L)
// Block information - values that we calculate
int SumElementsPerBlock;
int SizeBlockAttributeArray;
int* BlockElementIdListIndex; // NumberOfBlocks
int* BlockAttributesIndex; // NumberOfBlocks
vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak* BlockIdIndex; // computed map
// Node Sets - arrays that are input to the class with Set*
int NumberOfNodeSets; // (G)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkStringArray> NodeSetNames;
int* NodeSetIds; // NumberOfNodeSets (G)
int* NodeSetSize; // NumberOfNodeSets (L)
int* NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors; // NNS (L) (NSNDF[i] is 0 or NSS[i])
int* NodeSetNodeIdList; // SumNodesPerNodeSet (L)
float* NodeSetDistributionFactors; // SumDistFactPerNodeSet (L)
// Node Sets - values or arrays that the class computes
int SumNodesPerNodeSet;
int SumDistFactPerNodeSet;
int* NodeSetNodeIdListIndex; // NumberOfNodeSets
int* NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex; // NumberOfNodeSets
// Side Sets - input to class with Set*
int NumberOfSideSets; // (G)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkStringArray> SideSetNames;
int* SideSetIds; // NumberOfSideSets (G)
int* SideSetSize; // NumberOfSideSets (L)
int* SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors; // NSS (L) (SSNDF[i] = 0 or NumNodesInSide)
int* SideSetElementList; // SumSidesPerSideSet (L)
int* SideSetSideList; // SumSidesPerSideSet (L)
int* SideSetNumDFPerSide; // SumSidesPerSideSet (L)
float* SideSetDistributionFactors; // SumDistFactPerSideSet (L)
// Side Sets - calculated by class
int SumSidesPerSideSet;
int SumDistFactPerSideSet;
int* SideSetListIndex; // NumberOfSideSets
int* SideSetDistributionFactorIndex; // NumberOfSideSets
// Other properties, provided as input with Set*
int NumberOfBlockProperties; // (G)
char** BlockPropertyNames; // one per property (G)
int* BlockPropertyValue; // NumBlocks * NumBlockProperties (G)
int NumberOfNodeSetProperties; // (G)
char** NodeSetPropertyNames; // one per property (G)
int* NodeSetPropertyValue; // NumNodeSets * NumNodeSetProperties (G)
int NumberOfSideSetProperties; // (G)
char** SideSetPropertyNames; // one per property (G)
int* SideSetPropertyValue; // NumSideSets * NumSideSetProperties (G)
// Global variables, 1 value per time step per variable. We store
// these as floats, even if they are doubles in the file. The values
// are global in the sense that they apply to the whole data set, but
// the are local in the sense that they can change with each time step.
// For the purpose of this object, which represents a particular
// time step, they are therefore considered "local". (Since they need
// to be updated every time another read is done from the file.)
int NumberOfGlobalVariables; // (G)
char** GlobalVariableNames; // (G) NumberOfGlobalVariables
float* GlobalVariableValue; // (G) NumberOfGlobalVariables
// The element and node arrays in the file were all scalar arrays.
// Those with similar names were combined into vectors in VTK. Here
// are all the original names from the Exodus file, the names given
// the variables in the VTK ugrid, and a mapping from the VTK names
// to the Exodus names.
int OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; // (G)
char** OriginalElementVariableNames; // (G) OriginalNumberOfElementVariables
int NumberOfElementVariables; // (G)
int MaxNumberOfElementVariables; // (G)
char** ElementVariableNames; // (G) MaxNumberOfElementVariables
int* ElementVariableNumberOfComponents; // (G) MaxNumberOfElementVariables
int* MapToOriginalElementVariableNames; // (G) MaxNumberOfElementVariables
int OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables; // (G)
char** OriginalNodeVariableNames; // (G) OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables
int NumberOfNodeVariables; // (G)
int MaxNumberOfNodeVariables; // (G)
char** NodeVariableNames; // (G) NumberOfNodeVariables
int* NodeVariableNumberOfComponents; // (G) NumberOfNodeVariables
int* MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames; // (G) NumberOfNodeVariables
int* ElementVariableTruthTable; // (G) NumBlocks*OrigNumberOfElementVariables
vtkTypeBool AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks;
vtkModelMetadata(const vtkModelMetadata&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkModelMetadata&) = delete;