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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkMetaImageReader.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkMetaImageReader
* @brief read binary UNC meta image data
* One of the formats for which a reader is already available in the toolkit is
* the MetaImage file format. This is a fairly simple yet powerful format
* consisting of a text header and a binary data section. The following
* instructions describe how you can write a MetaImage header for the data that
* you download from the BrainWeb page.
* The minimal structure of the MetaImage header is the following:
* NDims = 3
* DimSize = 181 217 181
* ElementType = MET_UCHAR
* ElementSpacing = 1.0 1.0 1.0
* ElementByteOrderMSB = False
* ElementDataFile = brainweb1.raw
* * NDims indicate that this is a 3D image. ITK can handle images of
* arbitrary dimension.
* * DimSize indicates the size of the volume in pixels along each
* direction.
* * ElementType indicate the primitive type used for pixels. In this case
* is "unsigned char", implying that the data is digitized in 8 bits /
* pixel.
* * ElementSpacing indicates the physical separation between the center of
* one pixel and the center of the next pixel along each direction in space.
* The units used are millimeters.
* * ElementByteOrderMSB indicates is the data is encoded in little or big
* endian order. You might want to play with this value when moving data
* between different computer platforms.
* * ElementDataFile is the name of the file containing the raw binary data
* of the image. This file must be in the same directory as the header.
* MetaImage headers are expected to have extension: ".mha" or ".mhd"
* Once you write this header text file, it should be possible to read the
* image into your ITK based application using the itk::FileIOToImageFilter
* class.
#ifndef vtkMetaImageReader_h
#define vtkMetaImageReader_h
#include "vtkIOImageModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkImageReader2.h"
namespace vtkmetaio
class MetaImage;
} // forward declaration
class VTKIOIMAGE_EXPORT vtkMetaImageReader : public vtkImageReader2
vtkTypeMacro(vtkMetaImageReader, vtkImageReader2);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Construct object with FlipNormals turned off and Normals set to true.
static vtkMetaImageReader* New();
const char* GetFileExtensions() override { return ".mhd .mha"; }
const char* GetDescriptiveName() override { return "MetaIO Library: MetaImage"; }
// These duplicate functions in vtkImageReader2, vtkMedicalImageReader.
double* GetPixelSpacing() { return this->GetDataSpacing(); }
int GetWidth() { return (this->GetDataExtent()[1] - this->GetDataExtent()[0] + 1); }
int GetHeight() { return (this->GetDataExtent()[3] - this->GetDataExtent()[2] + 1); }
double* GetImagePositionPatient() { return this->GetDataOrigin(); }
int GetNumberOfComponents() { return this->GetNumberOfScalarComponents(); }
int GetPixelRepresentation() { return this->GetDataScalarType(); }
int GetDataByteOrder(void) override;
vtkGetMacro(RescaleSlope, double);
vtkGetMacro(RescaleOffset, double);
vtkGetMacro(BitsAllocated, int);
vtkGetMacro(GantryAngle, double);
* Test whether the file with the given name can be read by this
* reader.
int CanReadFile(const char* name) override;
~vtkMetaImageReader() override;
// These functions make no sense for this (or most) file readers
// and should be hidden from the user...but then the getsettest fails.
/*virtual void SetFilePrefix(const char * arg)
{ vtkImageReader2::SetFilePrefix(arg); }
virtual void SetFilePattern(const char * arg)
{ vtkImageReader2::SetFilePattern(arg); }
virtual void SetDataScalarType(int type)
{ vtkImageReader2::SetDataScalarType(type); }
virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToFloat()
{ this->SetDataScalarType(VTK_FLOAT); }
virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToDouble()
{ this->SetDataScalarType(VTK_DOUBLE); }
virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToInt()
{ this->SetDataScalarType(VTK_INT); }
virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToShort()
{ this->SetDataScalarType(VTK_SHORT); }
virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedShort()
virtual void SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar()
vtkSetMacro(NumberOfScalarComponents, int);
vtkSetVector6Macro(DataExtent, int);
vtkSetMacro(FileDimensionality, int);
vtkSetVector3Macro(DataSpacing, double);
vtkSetVector3Macro(DataOrigin, double);
vtkSetMacro(HeaderSize, unsigned long);
unsigned long GetHeaderSize(unsigned long)
{ return 0; }
virtual void SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian()
{ this->SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian(); }
virtual void SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian()
{ this->SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian(); }
virtual void SetDataByteOrder(int order)
{ this->SetDataByteOrder(order); }
vtkSetMacro(SwapBytes, int);
virtual int OpenFile()
{ return vtkImageReader2::OpenFile(); }
virtual void SeekFile(int i, int j, int k)
{ vtkImageReader2::SeekFile(i, j, k); }
vtkSetMacro(FileLowerLeft, int);
virtual void ComputeInternalFileName(int slice)
{ vtkImageReader2::ComputeInternalFileName(slice); }
const char * GetDataByteOrderAsString(void)
{ return vtkImageReader2::GetDataByteOrderAsString(); }
unsigned long GetHeaderSize(void)
{ return vtkImageReader2::GetHeaderSize(); }*/
void ExecuteInformation() override;
void ExecuteDataWithInformation(vtkDataObject* out, vtkInformation* outInfo) override;
int RequestInformation(vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inputVector,
vtkInformationVector* outputVector) override;
vtkMetaImageReader(const vtkMetaImageReader&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkMetaImageReader&) = delete;
vtkmetaio::MetaImage* MetaImagePtr;
double GantryAngle;
char PatientName[255];
char PatientID[255];
char Date[255];
char Series[255];
char Study[255];
char ImageNumber[255];
char Modality[255];
char StudyID[255];
char StudyUID[255];
char TransferSyntaxUID[255];
double RescaleSlope;
double RescaleOffset;
int BitsAllocated;
char DistanceUnits[255];
char AnatomicalOrientation[255];