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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkImplicitCylinderWidget.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkImplicitCylinderWidget
* @brief 3D widget for manipulating an infinite cylinder
* This 3D widget defines an infinite cylinder that can be
* interactively placed in a scene. The widget is assumed to consist
* of four parts: 1) a cylinder contained in a 2) bounding box, with a
* 3) cylinder axis, which is rooted at a 4) center point in the bounding
* box. (The representation paired with this widget determines the
* actual geometry of the widget.)
* To use this widget, you generally pair it with a vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation
* (or a subclass). Various options are available for controlling how the
* representation appears, and how the widget functions.
* @par Event Bindings:
* By default, the widget responds to the following VTK events (i.e., it
* watches the vtkRenderWindowInteractor for these events):
* <pre>
* If the cylinder axis is selected:
* LeftButtonPressEvent - select normal
* LeftButtonReleaseEvent - release (end select) normal
* MouseMoveEvent - orient the normal vector
* If the center point (handle) is selected:
* LeftButtonPressEvent - select handle (if on slider)
* LeftButtonReleaseEvent - release handle (if selected)
* MouseMoveEvent - move the center point (constrained to plane or on the
* axis if CTRL key is pressed)
* If the cylinder is selected:
* LeftButtonPressEvent - select cylinder
* LeftButtonReleaseEvent - release cylinder
* MouseMoveEvent - increase/decrease cylinder radius
* If the outline is selected:
* LeftButtonPressEvent - select outline
* LeftButtonReleaseEvent - release outline
* MouseMoveEvent - move the outline
* If the keypress characters are used
* 'Down/Left' Move cylinder away from viewer
* 'Up/Right' Move cylinder towards viewer
* In all the cases, independent of what is picked, the widget responds to the
* following VTK events:
* MiddleButtonPressEvent - move the cylinder
* MiddleButtonReleaseEvent - release the cylinder
* RightButtonPressEvent - scale the widget's representation
* RightButtonReleaseEvent - stop scaling the widget
* MouseMoveEvent - scale (if right button) or move (if middle button) the widget
* </pre>
* @par Event Bindings:
* Note that the event bindings described above can be changed using this
* class's vtkWidgetEventTranslator. This class translates VTK events
* into the vtkImplicitCylinderWidget's widget events:
* <pre>
* vtkWidgetEvent::Select -- some part of the widget has been selected
* vtkWidgetEvent::EndSelect -- the selection process has completed
* vtkWidgetEvent::Move -- a request for widget motion has been invoked
* vtkWidgetEvent::Up and vtkWidgetEvent::Down -- MoveCylinderAction
* </pre>
* @par Event Bindings:
* In turn, when these widget events are processed, the vtkImplicitCylinderWidget
* invokes the following VTK events on itself (which observers can listen for):
* <pre>
* vtkCommand::StartInteractionEvent (on vtkWidgetEvent::Select)
* vtkCommand::EndInteractionEvent (on vtkWidgetEvent::EndSelect)
* vtkCommand::InteractionEvent (on vtkWidgetEvent::Move)
* </pre>
* @sa
* vtk3DWidget vtkImplicitPlaneWidget
#ifndef vtkImplicitCylinderWidget_h
#define vtkImplicitCylinderWidget_h
#include "vtkAbstractWidget.h"
#include "vtkInteractionWidgetsModule.h" // For export macro
class vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation;
class VTKINTERACTIONWIDGETS_EXPORT vtkImplicitCylinderWidget : public vtkAbstractWidget
* Instantiate the object.
static vtkImplicitCylinderWidget* New();
* Standard vtkObject methods
vtkTypeMacro(vtkImplicitCylinderWidget, vtkAbstractWidget);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Specify an instance of vtkWidgetRepresentation used to represent this
* widget in the scene. Note that the representation is a subclass of vtkProp
* so it can be added to the renderer independent of the widget.
void SetRepresentation(vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation* rep);
* Return the representation as a vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation.
vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation* GetCylinderRepresentation()
return reinterpret_cast<vtkImplicitCylinderRepresentation*>(this->WidgetRep);
* Create the default widget representation if one is not set.
void CreateDefaultRepresentation() override;
~vtkImplicitCylinderWidget() override = default;
// Manage the state of the widget
int WidgetState;
enum _WidgetState
Start = 0,
// These methods handle events
static void SelectAction(vtkAbstractWidget*);
static void TranslateAction(vtkAbstractWidget*);
static void ScaleAction(vtkAbstractWidget*);
static void EndSelectAction(vtkAbstractWidget*);
static void MoveAction(vtkAbstractWidget*);
static void MoveCylinderAction(vtkAbstractWidget*);
static void TranslationAxisLock(vtkAbstractWidget*);
static void TranslationAxisUnLock(vtkAbstractWidget*);
* Update the cursor shape based on the interaction state. Returns 1
* if the cursor shape requested is different from the existing one.
int UpdateCursorShape(int interactionState);
vtkImplicitCylinderWidget(const vtkImplicitCylinderWidget&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkImplicitCylinderWidget&) = delete;