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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: TestDiagram.cxx
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkGraphItem
* @brief A 2D graphics item for rendering a graph.
* This item draws a graph as a part of a vtkContextScene. This simple
* class has minimal state and delegates the determination of visual
* vertex and edge properties like color, size, width, etc. to
* a set of virtual functions. To influence the rendering of the graph,
* subclass this item and override the property functions you wish to
* customize.
#ifndef vtkGraphItem_h
#define vtkGraphItem_h
#include "vtkContextItem.h"
#include "vtkViewsInfovisModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkColor.h" // For color types in API
#include "vtkNew.h" // For vtkNew ivars
#include "vtkVector.h" // For vector types in API
class vtkGraph;
class vtkImageData;
class vtkIncrementalForceLayout;
class vtkRenderWindowInteractor;
class vtkTooltipItem;
class VTKVIEWSINFOVIS_EXPORT vtkGraphItem : public vtkContextItem
static vtkGraphItem* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkGraphItem, vtkContextItem);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* The graph that this item draws.
virtual void SetGraph(vtkGraph* graph);
vtkGetObjectMacro(Graph, vtkGraph);
* Exposes the incremental graph layout for updating parameters.
virtual vtkIncrementalForceLayout* GetLayout();
* Begins or ends the layout animation.
virtual void StartLayoutAnimation(vtkRenderWindowInteractor* interactor);
virtual void StopLayoutAnimation();
* Incrementally updates the graph layout.
virtual void UpdateLayout();
~vtkGraphItem() override;
* Paints the graph. This method will call RebuildBuffers()
* if the graph is dirty, then call PaintBuffers().
bool Paint(vtkContext2D* painter) override;
* Builds a cache of data from the graph by calling the virtual functions
* such as VertexColor(), EdgeColor(), etc. This will only get called when
* the item is dirty (i.e. IsDirty() returns true).
virtual void RebuildBuffers();
* Efficiently draws the contents of the buffers built in RebuildBuffers.
* This occurs once per frame.
virtual void PaintBuffers(vtkContext2D* painter);
* Returns true if the underlying vtkGraph has been modified since the last
* RebuildBuffers, signalling a new RebuildBuffers is needed. When the graph
* was modified, it assumes the buffers will be rebuilt, so it updates
* the modified time of the last build. Override this function if you have
* a subclass that uses any information in addition to the vtkGraph to determine
* visual properties that may be dynamic.
virtual bool IsDirty();
* Returns the number of vertices in the graph. Generally you do not need
* to override this method as it simply queries the underlying vtkGraph.
virtual vtkIdType NumberOfVertices();
* Returns the number of edges in the graph. Generally you do not need
* to override this method as it simply queries the underlying vtkGraph.
virtual vtkIdType NumberOfEdges();
* Returns the number of edge control points for a particular edge. The
* implementation returns GetNumberOfEdgePoints(edge) + 2 for the specified edge
* to incorporate the source and target vertex positions as initial
* and final edge points.
virtual vtkIdType NumberOfEdgePoints(vtkIdType edge);
* Returns the edge width. Override in a subclass to change the edge width.
* Note: The item currently supports one width per edge, queried on the first point.
virtual float EdgeWidth(vtkIdType edge, vtkIdType point);
* Returns the edge color. Override in a subclass to change the edge color.
* Each edge control point may be rendered with a separate color with interpolation
* on line segments between points.
virtual vtkColor4ub EdgeColor(vtkIdType edge, vtkIdType point);
* Returns the edge control point positions. You generally do not need to
* override this method, instead change the edge control points on the
* underlying vtkGraph with SetEdgePoint(), AddEdgePoint(), etc., then call
* Modified() on the vtkGraph and re-render the scene.
virtual vtkVector2f EdgePosition(vtkIdType edge, vtkIdType point);
* Returns the vertex size in pixels, which is remains the same at any zoom level.
* Override in a subclass to change the graph vertex size.
* Note: The item currently supports one size per graph, queried on the first vertex.
virtual float VertexSize(vtkIdType vertex);
* Returns the color of each vertex. Override in a subclass to change the
* graph vertex colors.
virtual vtkColor4ub VertexColor(vtkIdType vertex);
* Returns the marker type for each vertex, as defined in vtkMarkerUtilities.
* Override in a subclass to change the graph marker type.
* Note: The item currently supports one marker type for all vertices,
* queried on the first vertex.
virtual int VertexMarker(vtkIdType vertex);
* Returns the position of each vertex. You generally do not need to override
* this method. Instead, change the vertex positions with vtkGraph's SetPoint(),
* then call Modified() on the graph and re-render the scene.
virtual vtkVector2f VertexPosition(vtkIdType vertex);
* Returns the tooltip for each vertex. Override in a subclass to change the tooltip
* text.
virtual vtkStdString VertexTooltip(vtkIdType vertex);
* Process events and dispatch to the appropriate member functions.
static void ProcessEvents(
vtkObject* caller, unsigned long event, void* clientData, void* callerData);
* Return index of hit vertex, or -1 if no hit.
virtual vtkIdType HitVertex(const vtkVector2f& pos);
* Handle mouse events.
bool MouseMoveEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& event) override;
bool MouseLeaveEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& event) override;
bool MouseEnterEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& event) override;
bool MouseButtonPressEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& event) override;
bool MouseButtonReleaseEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& event) override;
bool MouseWheelEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& event, int delta) override;
* Whether this graph item is hit.
bool Hit(const vtkContextMouseEvent& event) override;
* Change the position of the tooltip based on the vertex hovered.
virtual void PlaceTooltip(vtkIdType v);
vtkGraphItem(const vtkGraphItem&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkGraphItem&) = delete;
struct Internals;
Internals* Internal;
vtkGraph* Graph;
vtkMTimeType GraphBuildTime;
vtkNew<vtkImageData> Sprite;
vtkNew<vtkIncrementalForceLayout> Layout;
vtkNew<vtkTooltipItem> Tooltip;