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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkGLTFDocumentLoader.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkGLTFDocumentLoader
* @brief Deserialize a GLTF model file.
* vtkGLTFDocument loader is an internal utility class which defines data structures and functions
* with the purpose of deserializing a glTF model from a glTF file, loading its data from binary
* buffers and creating vtk objects with the extracted geometry.
* It contains an internal Model structure into which all loading is performed.
* The GL Transmission Format (glTF) is an API-neutral runtime asset delivery format.
* A glTF asset is represented by:
* - A JSON-formatted file (.gltf) containing a full scene description: node hierarchy, materials,
* cameras, as well as descriptor information for meshes, animations, and other constructs
* - Binary files (.bin) containing geometry and animation data, and other buffer-based data
* - Image files (.jpg, .png) for textures
* For the full specification, see:
#ifndef vtkGLTFDocumentLoader_h
#define vtkGLTFDocumentLoader_h
#include "vtkIOGeometryModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkObject.h"
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // For SmartPointer
#include <map> // For std::map
#include <memory> // For std::shared_ptr
#include <string> // For std::string
#include <vector> // For std::vector
class vtkCellArray;
class vtkDataArray;
class vtkFloatArray;
class vtkImageData;
class vtkMatrix4x4;
class vtkPoints;
class vtkPolyData;
class vtkTransform;
class vtkUnsignedShortArray;
class VTKIOGEOMETRY_EXPORT vtkGLTFDocumentLoader : public vtkObject
static vtkGLTFDocumentLoader* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkGLTFDocumentLoader, vtkObject);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Define an openGL draw target.
enum class Target : unsigned short
* Defines an accessor's type. These are defined as strings in the glTF specification.
* Each type implies a specific number of components.
enum class AccessorType : unsigned char
* Define a type for different data components. Values match with the corresponding GLenum, as
* they are used in the glTF specification.
enum class ComponentType : unsigned short
BYTE = 5120,
SHORT = 5122,
FLOAT = 5126
/* The following structs help deserialize a glTF document, representing each object. As such,
* their members mostly match with the specification. Default values and boundaries are set
* according to the specification.
* Most of these structs contain a name property, which is optional, and, while being loaded, is
* not currently exploited by the loader.
* They are mostly root-level properties, and once created, are stored into vectors in the Model
* structure.
* This struct describes a glTF bufferView object.
* A bufferView represents a subset of a glTF binary buffer
struct BufferView
int Buffer;
int ByteOffset;
int ByteLength;
int ByteStride;
int Target;
std::string Name;
* This struct describes an accessor glTF object.
* An accessor defines a method for retrieving data as typed arrays from a bufferView.
* They contain type information, as well as the location and size of of the data within the
* bufferView.
struct Accessor
* This struct describes an accessor.sparse glTF object.
* This object describes the elements that deviate from their initialization value.
struct Sparse
int Count;
int IndicesBufferView;
int IndicesByteOffset;
ComponentType IndicesComponentType;
int ValuesBufferView;
int ValuesByteOffset;
int BufferView;
int ByteOffset;
ComponentType ComponentTypeValue;
bool Normalized;
int Count;
unsigned int NumberOfComponents;
AccessorType Type;
std::vector<double> Max;
std::vector<double> Min;
bool IsSparse;
Sparse SparseObject;
std::string Name;
* This struct describes a glTF Morph Target object.
* A Morph Target is a morphable Mesh where primitives' attributes are obtained by adding the
* original attributes to a weighted sum of targets attributes.
* Only three attributes (position, normals and tangents) are supported.
struct MorphTarget
// accessor indices from the .gltf file, the map's keys correspond to attribute names
std::map<std::string, int> AttributeIndices;
// attribute values
std::map<std::string, vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> > AttributeValues;
* This struct describes a glTF primitive object.
* primitives specify vertex attributes, as well as connectivity information for a draw call.
* A primitive also specifies a material and GPU primitive type (e.g: triangle set)
* Data is first stored as integer indices, pointing to different accessors, then extracted into
* vtk data structures and finally used to build a vtkPolyData object.
struct Primitive
// accessor indices from the .glTF file, the map's keys correspond to attribute names
std::map<std::string, int> AttributeIndices;
int IndicesId;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> Indices;
// attribute values from buffer data
std::map<std::string, vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> > AttributeValues;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> Geometry;
std::vector<MorphTarget> Targets;
int Material;
int Mode;
int CellSize; // 1, 2 or 3, depending on draw mode
* This struct describes a glTF node object.
* A node represents an object within a scene.
* Nodes can contain transform properties (stored as vtkTransform objects) as well as indices to
* children nodes, forming a hierarchy. No node may be a direct descendant of more than one node.
struct Node
std::vector<int> Children;
int Camera;
int Mesh;
int Skin;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> Transform;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> GlobalTransform;
bool TRSLoaded;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> Matrix;
std::vector<float> InitialRotation;
std::vector<float> InitialTranslation;
std::vector<float> InitialScale;
std::vector<float> InitialWeights;
std::vector<float> Rotation;
std::vector<float> Translation;
std::vector<float> Scale;
std::vector<float> Weights;
// Object-specific extension metadata
struct Extensions
// KHR_lights_punctual extension
struct KHRLightsPunctual
int Light = -1;
Node::Extensions::KHRLightsPunctual KHRLightsPunctualMetaData;
Node::Extensions ExtensionMetaData;
std::string Name;
void UpdateTransform();
* This struct describes a glTF mesh object.
* A mesh contains an array of primitives.
struct Mesh
std::vector<struct Primitive> Primitives;
std::vector<float> Weights;
std::string Name;
* This struct describes a glTF textureInfo object, mostly used in material descriptions
* They contain two indexes, one to a texture object, and the second being used to construct a
* string with the format TEXCOORD_<index>, which references a key in mesh.primitives.attributes.
struct TextureInfo
int Index = -1;
int TexCoord;
* This struct describes a glTF image object.
* Images can be referenced either by URI or with a bufferView. mimeType is required in this case.
struct Image
int BufferView;
std::string MimeType;
std::string Uri;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> ImageData;
std::string Name;
* This struct describes a glTF material object.
* glTF materials are defined using the metallic-roughness model. The values for most properties
* can be defined using either factors or textures (via textureInfo).
* Materials also define normal, occlusion and emissive maps.
struct Material
enum class AlphaModeType : unsigned char
struct PbrMetallicRoughness
TextureInfo BaseColorTexture;
std::vector<double> BaseColorFactor;
TextureInfo MetallicRoughnessTexture;
float MetallicFactor;
float RoughnessFactor;
PbrMetallicRoughness PbrMetallicRoughness;
TextureInfo NormalTexture;
double NormalTextureScale;
TextureInfo OcclusionTexture;
double OcclusionTextureStrength;
TextureInfo EmissiveTexture;
std::vector<double> EmissiveFactor;
AlphaModeType AlphaMode;
double AlphaCutoff;
bool DoubleSided;
std::string Name;
* This struct describes a glTF texture object.
* A texture is defined two indexes, one to an image resource, and the second to a sampler index.
struct Texture
int Sampler;
int Source;
std::string Name;
* This struct describes a glTF sampler object.
* Samplers specify filter and wrapping options corresponding to GL types.
struct Sampler
enum FilterType : unsigned short
NEAREST = 9728,
LINEAR = 9729,
enum WrapType : unsigned short
CLAMP_TO_EDGE = 33071,
REPEAT = 10497
FilterType MagFilter;
FilterType MinFilter;
WrapType WrapS;
WrapType WrapT;
std::string Name;
* This struct describes a glTF scene object.
* A scene contains a set of indices of nodes to render.
* Scene.Nodes can be empty, in which case nothing is required to be rendered
struct Scene
std::vector<unsigned int> Nodes;
std::string Name;
* This struct describes a glTF asset.
* It is meant to mimic a .glTF file, containing all its root-level properties, stored as arrays
* when relevant.
struct Skin
std::vector<vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> > InverseBindMatrices;
std::vector<int> Joints;
int InverseBindMatricesAccessorId;
int Skeleton;
std::string Name;
* This struct describes a glTF animation object.
* Animations contain multiple channel and sampler objects.
* Channels define the target node and value to be animated.
* Samplers define keyframes and how to interpolate in between them.
struct Animation
struct Sampler
enum class InterpolationMode : unsigned char
InterpolationMode Interpolation;
unsigned int Input;
unsigned int Output;
int NumberOfComponents;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> InputData;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> OutputData;
* Get the interpolated animation output at time t
void GetInterpolatedData(float t, size_t numberOfComponents, std::vector<float>* output,
bool forceStep = false, bool isRotation = false) const;
struct Channel
enum class PathType : unsigned char
int Sampler;
int TargetNode;
PathType TargetPath;
float Duration; // In seconds
std::vector<Animation::Channel> Channels;
std::vector<Animation::Sampler> Samplers;
std::string Name;
* This struct describes a glTF camera object.
* glTF can define both perpective or orthographic cameras.
* Some of the struct's members will be unused depending on the camera type.
struct Camera
// common properties
double Znear;
double Zfar;
bool IsPerspective; // if not, camera mode is orthographic
// perspective
double Xmag;
double Ymag;
// orthographic
double Yfov;
double AspectRatio;
std::string Name;
* This struct contains extension metadata.
* This is for extension properties in the root-level 'extensions' object.
* Object-specific extension metadata is added directly to the extended object (see Node for an
* example)
struct Extensions
// KHR_lights_punctual extension
struct KHRLightsPunctual
struct Light
enum class LightType : unsigned char
LightType Type;
std::vector<double> Color;
double Intensity;
double Range;
// Type-specific parameters
double SpotInnerConeAngle;
double SpotOuterConeAngle;
std::string Name;
std::vector<Light> Lights;
KHRLightsPunctual KHRLightsPunctualMetaData;
* This struct contains all data from a gltf asset
struct Model
std::vector<Accessor> Accessors;
std::vector<Animation> Animations;
std::vector<std::vector<char> > Buffers;
std::vector<BufferView> BufferViews;
std::vector<Camera> Cameras;
std::vector<Image> Images;
std::vector<Material> Materials;
std::vector<Mesh> Meshes;
std::vector<Node> Nodes;
std::vector<Sampler> Samplers;
std::vector<Scene> Scenes;
std::vector<Skin> Skins;
std::vector<Texture> Textures;
Extensions ExtensionMetaData;
std::string BufferMetaData;
int DefaultScene;
std::string FileName;
* Apply the specified animation, at the specified time, to the internal Model. Changes node
* transforms and morphing weights.
bool ApplyAnimation(float t, int animationId, bool forceStep = false);
* Restore the transforms that were modified by an animation to their initial state
void ResetAnimation(int animationId);
* Load the binary part of a binary glTF (.glb) file. Returns false if no valid binary part was
* found.
bool LoadFileBuffer(const std::string& fileName, std::vector<char>& glbBuffer);
* Reset internal Model struct, and serialize glTF metadata (all json information) into it.
* To load buffers, use LoadModelData
bool LoadModelMetaDataFromFile(std::string FileName);
* Load buffer data into the internal Model.
bool LoadModelData(const std::vector<char>& glbBuffer);
* Converts the internal Model's loaded data into more convenient vtk objects.
bool BuildModelVTKGeometry();
* Get the internal Model.
std::shared_ptr<Model> GetInternalModel();
* Returns the number of components for a given accessor type.
static unsigned int GetNumberOfComponentsForType(vtkGLTFDocumentLoader::AccessorType type);
* Get the list of extensions that are supported by this loader
const std::vector<std::string>& GetSupportedExtensions();
* Get the list of extensions that are used by the current model
const std::vector<std::string>& GetUsedExtensions();
vtkGLTFDocumentLoader() = default;
~vtkGLTFDocumentLoader() override = default;
struct AccessorLoadingWorker;
struct SparseAccessorLoadingWorker;
template <typename Type>
struct BufferDataExtractionWorker;
vtkGLTFDocumentLoader(const vtkGLTFDocumentLoader&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkGLTFDocumentLoader&) = delete;
* Load inverse bind matrices from buffers into the model's Skin structs.
bool LoadSkinMatrixData();
* Uses the Primitive's attributeIndices member to extract all vertex attributes from accessors
* into the Primitive's corresponding vtk arrays.
bool ExtractPrimitiveAttributes(Primitive& primitive);
* Uses all the primitive's different accessor indices to extract the corresponding data from
* binary buffers. These arrays are then stored in the primitive's different vtk arrays.
* Extracts connectivity information then calls ExtractPrimitiveAttributes for the vertex
* attributes
bool ExtractPrimitiveAccessorData(Primitive& primitive);
* Creates and populates the Primitive's geometry vtkPolyData member with all the vertex attribute
* and connectivity information the Primitive contains.
bool BuildPolyDataFromPrimitive(Primitive& primitive);
* Load keyframes from buffers.
bool LoadAnimationData();
* Load Model's Images into vtkImageData objects, from filesystem and bufferView when specified.
bool LoadImageData();
* Concatenate the current node's local transform to its parent's global transform, storing
* the resulting transform in the node's globalTransform field. Then does the same for the current
* node's children.
* Recursive.
void BuildGlobalTransforms(unsigned int nodeIndex, vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> parentTransform);
std::shared_ptr<Model> InternalModel;
static const std::vector<std::string> SupportedExtensions;
std::vector<std::string> UsedExtensions;