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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkExtentRCBPartitioner.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkExtentRCBPartitioner
* This method partitions a global extent to N partitions where N is a user
* supplied parameter.
#ifndef vtkExtentRCBPartitioner_h
#define vtkExtentRCBPartitioner_h
#include "vtkCommonExecutionModelModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkObject.h"
#include <cassert> // For assert
#include <string> // For std::string
#include <vector> // For STL vector
class VTKCOMMONEXECUTIONMODEL_EXPORT vtkExtentRCBPartitioner : public vtkObject
static vtkExtentRCBPartitioner* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkExtentRCBPartitioner, vtkObject);
void PrintSelf(ostream& oss, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Set/Get the number of requested partitions
void SetNumberOfPartitions(const int N)
assert("pre: Number of partitions requested must be > 0" && (N >= 0));
this->NumberOfPartitions = N;
* Set/Get the global extent array to be partitioned.
* The global extent is packed as follows:
* [imin,imax,jmin,jmax,kmin,kmax]
void SetGlobalExtent(int imin, int imax, int jmin, int jmax, int kmin, int kmax)
this->GlobalExtent[0] = imin;
this->GlobalExtent[1] = imax;
this->GlobalExtent[2] = jmin;
this->GlobalExtent[3] = jmax;
this->GlobalExtent[4] = kmin;
this->GlobalExtent[5] = kmax;
void SetGlobalExtent(int ext[6])
this->SetGlobalExtent(ext[0], ext[1], ext[2], ext[3], ext[4], ext[5]);
* On/Off DuplicateNodes between partitions. Default is On.
vtkSetMacro(DuplicateNodes, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(DuplicateNodes, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DuplicateNodes, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/Get macro for the number of ghost layers.
vtkSetMacro(NumberOfGhostLayers, int);
vtkGetMacro(NumberOfGhostLayers, int);
* Returns the number of extents.
vtkGetMacro(NumExtents, int);
* Partitions the extent
void Partition();
* Returns the extent of the partition corresponding to the given ID.
void GetPartitionExtent(const int idx, int ext[6]);
~vtkExtentRCBPartitioner() override;
* Resets the partitioner to the initial state, all previous partition
* extents are cleared.
void Reset()
this->NumExtents = 0;
this->ExtentIsPartitioned = false;
* Given an extent, this method will create ghost layers on each side of
* the boundary in each dimension. The ghost layers however will be
* restricted to the given global extent.
void ExtendGhostLayers(int ext[6]);
* Givent an extent and the min/max of the dimension we are looking at, this
* method will produce a ghosted extent which is clamped within the given
* global extent
void GetGhostedExtent(int ext[6], const int minIdx, const int maxIdx)
ext[minIdx] -= this->NumberOfGhostLayers;
ext[maxIdx] += this->NumberOfGhostLayers;
ext[minIdx] =
(ext[minIdx] < this->GlobalExtent[minIdx]) ? this->GlobalExtent[minIdx] : ext[minIdx];
ext[maxIdx] =
(ext[maxIdx] > this->GlobalExtent[maxIdx]) ? this->GlobalExtent[maxIdx] : ext[maxIdx];
* Gets the structured data-description based on the givenn global extent
void AcquireDataDescription();
* Returns the extent at the position corresponding to idx.
void GetExtent(const int idx, int ext[6]);
* Adds the extent to the end of the list of partitioned extents
void AddExtent(int ext[6]);
* Replaces the extent at the position indicated by idx with the provided
* extent.
void ReplaceExtent(const int idx, int ext[6]);
* Splits the extent along the given dimension.
void SplitExtent(int parent[6], int s1[6], int s2[6], int splitDimension);
* Returns the total number of extents. It's always the 2^N where
* N is the number of subdivisions.
int GetNumberOfTotalExtents();
* Computes the total number of nodes for the given structured grid extent
int GetNumberOfNodes(int ext[6]);
* Computes the total number of cells for the given structured grid extent
int GetNumberOfCells(int ext[6]);
* Returns the length of the longest dimension
int GetLongestDimensionLength(int ext[6]);
* Returns the longest edge
int GetLongestDimension(int ext[6]);
* A convenience method for debugging purposes.
void PrintExtent(const std::string& name, int ext[6]);
int NumberOfGhostLayers;
int DataDescription;
int GlobalExtent[6];
int NumberOfPartitions;
int NumExtents;
vtkTypeBool DuplicateNodes; // indicates whether nodes are duplicated between
// partitions, so that they are abutting. This is
// set to true by default. If disabled, the resulting
// partitions will have gaps.
bool ExtentIsPartitioned;
std::vector<int> PartitionExtents;
vtkExtentRCBPartitioner(const vtkExtentRCBPartitioner&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkExtentRCBPartitioner&) = delete;