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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkDataTransferHelper.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkDataTransferHelper
* @brief is a helper class that aids in transferring
* data between CPU memory and GPU memory.
* vtkDataTransferHelper is a helper class that aids in transferring data
* between the CPU memory and the GPU memory. The data in GPU memory is
* stored as textures which that in CPU memory is stored as vtkDataArray.
* vtkDataTransferHelper provides API to transfer only a sub-extent of CPU
* structured data to/from the GPU.
* @sa
* vtkPixelBufferObject vtkTextureObject vtkOpenGLExtensionManager
#ifndef vtkDataTransferHelper_h
#define vtkDataTransferHelper_h
#include "vtkObject.h"
#include "vtkRenderingOpenGL2Module.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // needed for vtkSmartPointer.
#include "vtkWeakPointer.h" // needed for vtkWeakPointer.
class vtkDataArray;
class vtkPixelBufferObject;
class vtkTextureObject;
class vtkRenderWindow;
class VTKRENDERINGOPENGL2_EXPORT vtkDataTransferHelper : public vtkObject
static vtkDataTransferHelper* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkDataTransferHelper, vtkObject);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Get/Set the context. Context must be a vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.
* This does not increase the reference count of the
* context to avoid reference loops.
* SetContext() may raise an error is the OpenGL context does not support the
* required OpenGL extensions.
void SetContext(vtkRenderWindow* context);
vtkRenderWindow* GetContext();
* Set the CPU data extent. The extent matches the vtkDataArray size.
* If the vtkDataArray comes from an vtkImageData and it is part of the
* point data, it is usually the vtkImageData extent.
* It can be on cell data too, but in this case it does not match the
* vtkImageData extent.
* If the vtkDataArray comes from a vtkDataSet, just
* set it to a one-dimenstional extent equal to the number of tuples.
* Initial value is (0,0,0,0,0,0), a valid one tuple array.
vtkSetVector6Macro(CPUExtent, int);
vtkGetVector6Macro(CPUExtent, int);
* Set the GPU data extent. This is the sub-extent to copy from or to the GPU.
* This extent matches the size of the data to transfer.
* GPUExtent and TextureExtent don't have to match (GPUExtent can be 1D
* whereas TextureExtent is 2D) but the number of elements have to match.
* Initial value is (0,0,0,0,0,0), a valid one tuple array.
vtkSetVector6Macro(GPUExtent, int);
vtkGetVector6Macro(GPUExtent, int);
* Set the texture data extent. This is the extent of the texture image that
* will receive the data. This extent matches the size of the data to
* transfer. If it is set to an invalid extent, GPUExtent is used.
* See more comment on GPUExtent.
* Initial value is an invalid extent.
vtkSetVector6Macro(TextureExtent, int);
vtkGetVector6Macro(TextureExtent, int);
* Tells if the given extent (6 int) is valid. True if min
* extent<=max extent.
* \pre extent_exists: extent!=0
bool GetExtentIsValid(int* extent);
* Tells if CPUExtent is valid. True if min extent<=max extent.
bool GetCPUExtentIsValid();
* Tells if GPUExtent is valid. True if min extent<=max extent.
bool GetGPUExtentIsValid();
* Tells if TextureExtent is valid. True if min extent<=max extent.
bool GetTextureExtentIsValid();
* Define the minimal dimension of the texture regardless of the dimensions
* of the TextureExtent. Initial value is 1.
* A texture extent can have a given dimension 0D (one value), 1D, 2D or 3D.
* By default 0D and 1D are translated into a 1D texture, 2D is translated
* into a 2D texture, 3D is translated into a 3D texture. To make life easier
* when writing GLSL code and use only one type of sampler (ex: sampler2d),
* the default behavior can be changed by forcing a type of texture with
* this ivar.
* 1: default behavior. Initial value.
* 2: force 0D and 1D to be in a 2D texture
* 3: force 0D, 1D and 2D texture to be in a 3D texture.
vtkSetMacro(MinTextureDimension, int);
vtkGetMacro(MinTextureDimension, int);
* Get/Set the CPU data buffer. Initial value is 0.
vtkGetObjectMacro(Array, vtkDataArray);
void SetArray(vtkDataArray* array);
* Get/Set the GPU data buffer. Initial value is 0.
vtkGetObjectMacro(Texture, vtkTextureObject);
void SetTexture(vtkTextureObject* texture);
* Old comment.
* Upload Extent from CPU data buffer to GPU.
* The WholeExtent must match the Array size.
* New comment.
* Upload GPUExtent from CPU vtkDataArray to GPU texture.
* It is possible to send a subset of the components or to specify and
* order of components or both. If components=0, componentList is ignored
* and all components are passed, a texture cannot have more than 4
* components.
* \pre array_exists: array!=0
* \pre array_not_empty: array->GetNumberOfTuples()>0
* \pre valid_cpu_extent: this->GetCPUExtentIsValid()
* \pre valid_cpu_extent_size:
* (CPUExtent[1]-CPUExtent[0]+1)*(CPUExtent[3]-CPUExtent[2]+1)*(CPUExtent[5]-CPUExtent[4]+1)==array->GetNumberOfTuples()
* \pre valid_gpu_extent: this->GetGPUExtentIsValid()
* \pre gpu_extent_in_cpu_extent: CPUExtent[0]<=GPUExtent[0] && GPUExtent[1]<=CPUExtent[1] &&
* CPUExtent[2]<=GPUExtent[2] && GPUExtent[3]<=CPUExtent[3] && CPUExtent[4]<=GPUExtent[4] &&
* GPUExtent[5]<=CPUExtent[5] \pre gpu_texture_size: !this->GetTextureExtentIsValid() ||
* (GPUExtent[1]-GPUExtent[0]+1)*(GPUExtent[3]-GPUExtent[2]+1)*(GPUExtent[5]-GPUExtent[4]+1)==(TextureExtent[1]-TextureExtent[0]+1)*(TextureExtent[3]-TextureExtent[2]+1)*(TextureExtent[5]-TextureExtent[4]+1)
* \pre texture_can_exist_or_not: texture==0 || texture!=0
* \pre valid_components: (components==0 && componentList==0 && array->GetNumberOfComponents()<=4)
* || (components>=1 && components<=array->GetNumberOfComponents() && components<=4 &&
* componentList!=0)
bool Upload(int components = 0, int* componentList = nullptr);
* old comment:
* Download Extent from GPU data buffer to CPU.
* GPU data size must exactly match Extent.
* CPU data buffer will be resized to match WholeExtent in which only the
* Extent will be filled with the GPU data.
* new comment:
* Download GPUExtent from GPU texture to CPU vtkDataArray.
* If Array is not provided, it will be created with the size of CPUExtent.
* But only the tuples covered by GPUExtent will be download. In this case,
* if GPUExtent does not cover all GPUExtent, some of the vtkDataArray will
* be uninitialized.
* Reminder: A=>B <=> !A||B
* \pre texture_exists: texture!=0
* \pre array_not_empty: array==0 || array->GetNumberOfTuples()>0
* \pre valid_cpu_extent: this->GetCPUExtentIsValid()
* \pre valid_cpu_extent_size: array==0 ||
* (CPUExtent[1]-CPUExtent[0]+1)*(CPUExtent[3]-CPUExtent[2]+1)*(CPUExtent[5]-CPUExtent[4]+1)==array->GetNumberOfTuples()
* \pre valid_gpu_extent: this->GetGPUExtentIsValid()
* \pre gpu_extent_in_cpu_extent: CPUExtent[0]<=GPUExtent[0] && GPUExtent[1]<=CPUExtent[1] &&
* CPUExtent[2]<=GPUExtent[2] && GPUExtent[3]<=CPUExtent[3] && CPUExtent[4]<=GPUExtent[4] &&
* GPUExtent[5]<=CPUExtent[5] \pre gpu_texture_size: !this->GetTextureExtentIsValid() ||
* (GPUExtent[1]-GPUExtent[0]+1)*(GPUExtent[3]-GPUExtent[2]+1)*(GPUExtent[5]-GPUExtent[4]+1)==(TextureExtent[1]-TextureExtent[0]+1)*(TextureExtent[3]-TextureExtent[2]+1)*(TextureExtent[5]-TextureExtent[4]+1)
* \pre valid_components: array==0 || array->GetNumberOfComponents()<=4
* \pre components_match: array==0 || (texture->GetComponents()==array->GetNumberOfComponents())
bool Download();
* Splits the download in two operations
* * Asynchronously download from texture memory to PBO (DownloadAsync1()).
* * Copy from pbo to user array (DownloadAsync2()).
bool DownloadAsync1();
bool DownloadAsync2();
bool GetShaderSupportsTextureInt();
void SetShaderSupportsTextureInt(bool value);
* Returns if the context supports the required extensions.
static bool IsSupported(vtkRenderWindow* renWin);
~vtkDataTransferHelper() override;
int CPUExtent[6];
int GPUExtent[6];
int TextureExtent[6];
vtkWeakPointer<vtkRenderWindow> Context;
vtkTextureObject* Texture;
vtkDataArray* Array;
bool ShaderSupportsTextureInt;
int MinTextureDimension;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPixelBufferObject> AsyncDownloadPBO;
vtkPixelBufferObject* GetPBO();
// We try to reuse the PBO if possible.
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPixelBufferObject> PBO;
vtkDataTransferHelper(const vtkDataTransferHelper&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkDataTransferHelper&) = delete;