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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkDataReader.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkDataReader
* @brief helper superclass for objects that read vtk data files
* vtkDataReader is a helper superclass that reads the vtk data file header,
* dataset type, and attribute data (point and cell attributes such as
* scalars, vectors, normals, etc.) from a vtk data file. See text for
* the format of the various vtk file types.
* @sa
* vtkPolyDataReader vtkStructuredPointsReader vtkStructuredGridReader
* vtkUnstructuredGridReader vtkRectilinearGridReader
#ifndef vtkDataReader_h
#define vtkDataReader_h
#include "vtkIOLegacyModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkSimpleReader.h"
#include "vtkStdString.h" // For API using strings
#include <vtkSmartPointer.h> // for smart pointer
#include <locale> // For locale settings
#define VTK_ASCII 1
#define VTK_BINARY 2
class vtkAbstractArray;
class vtkCharArray;
class vtkCellArray;
class vtkDataSet;
class vtkDataSetAttributes;
class vtkFieldData;
class vtkGraph;
class vtkPointSet;
class vtkRectilinearGrid;
class vtkTable;
class VTKIOLEGACY_EXPORT vtkDataReader : public vtkSimpleReader
enum FieldType
static vtkDataReader* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkDataReader, vtkSimpleReader);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Specify file name of vtk data file to read. This is just
* a convenience method that calls the superclass' AddFileName
* method.
void SetFileName(const char* fname);
const char* GetFileName() const;
const char* GetFileName(int i) const { return this->vtkSimpleReader::GetFileName(i); }
* Is the file a valid vtk file of the passed dataset type ?
* The dataset type is passed as a lower case string.
int IsFileValid(const char* dstype);
int IsFileStructuredPoints() { return this->IsFileValid("structured_points"); }
int IsFilePolyData() { return this->IsFileValid("polydata"); }
int IsFileStructuredGrid() { return this->IsFileValid("structured_grid"); }
int IsFileUnstructuredGrid() { return this->IsFileValid("unstructured_grid"); }
int IsFileRectilinearGrid() { return this->IsFileValid("rectilinear_grid"); }
* Specify the InputString for use when reading from a character array.
* Optionally include the length for binary strings. Note that a copy
* of the string is made and stored. If this causes exceedingly large
* memory consumption, consider using InputArray instead.
void SetInputString(const char* in);
void SetInputString(const char* in, int len);
vtkGetMacro(InputStringLength, int);
void SetBinaryInputString(const char*, int len);
void SetInputString(const vtkStdString& input)
this->SetBinaryInputString(input.c_str(), static_cast<int>(input.length()));
* Specify the vtkCharArray to be used when reading from a string.
* If set, this array has precedence over InputString.
* Use this instead of InputString to avoid the extra memory copy.
* It should be noted that if the underlying char* is owned by the
* user ( vtkCharArray::SetArray(array, 1); ) and is deleted before
* the reader, bad things will happen during a pipeline update.
virtual void SetInputArray(vtkCharArray*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(InputArray, vtkCharArray);
* Get the header from the vtk data file.
* Enable reading from an InputString or InputArray instead of the default,
* a file.
vtkSetMacro(ReadFromInputString, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ReadFromInputString, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ReadFromInputString, vtkTypeBool);
* Get the type of file (ASCII or BINARY). Returned value only valid
* after file has been read.
vtkGetMacro(FileType, int);
* How many attributes of various types are in this file? This
* requires reading the file, so the filename must be set prior
* to invoking this operation. (Note: file characteristics are
* cached, so only a single read is necessary to return file
* characteristics.)
int GetNumberOfScalarsInFile()
return this->NumberOfScalarsInFile;
int GetNumberOfVectorsInFile()
return this->NumberOfVectorsInFile;
int GetNumberOfTensorsInFile()
return this->NumberOfTensorsInFile;
int GetNumberOfNormalsInFile()
return this->NumberOfNormalsInFile;
int GetNumberOfTCoordsInFile()
return this->NumberOfTCoordsInFile;
int GetNumberOfFieldDataInFile()
return this->NumberOfFieldDataInFile;
* What is the name of the ith attribute of a certain type
* in this file? This requires reading the file, so the filename
* must be set prior to invoking this operation.
const char* GetScalarsNameInFile(int i);
const char* GetVectorsNameInFile(int i);
const char* GetTensorsNameInFile(int i);
const char* GetNormalsNameInFile(int i);
const char* GetTCoordsNameInFile(int i);
const char* GetFieldDataNameInFile(int i);
* Set the name of the scalar data to extract. If not specified, first
* scalar data encountered is extracted.
* Set the name of the vector data to extract. If not specified, first
* vector data encountered is extracted.
* Set the name of the tensor data to extract. If not specified, first
* tensor data encountered is extracted.
* Set the name of the normal data to extract. If not specified, first
* normal data encountered is extracted.
* Set the name of the texture coordinate data to extract. If not specified,
* first texture coordinate data encountered is extracted.
* Set the name of the lookup table data to extract. If not specified, uses
* lookup table named by scalar. Otherwise, this specification supersedes.
* Set the name of the field data to extract. If not specified, uses
* first field data encountered in file.
* Enable reading all scalars.
vtkSetMacro(ReadAllScalars, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ReadAllScalars, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ReadAllScalars, vtkTypeBool);
* Enable reading all vectors.
vtkSetMacro(ReadAllVectors, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ReadAllVectors, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ReadAllVectors, vtkTypeBool);
* Enable reading all normals.
vtkSetMacro(ReadAllNormals, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ReadAllNormals, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ReadAllNormals, vtkTypeBool);
* Enable reading all tensors.
vtkSetMacro(ReadAllTensors, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ReadAllTensors, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ReadAllTensors, vtkTypeBool);
* Enable reading all color scalars.
vtkSetMacro(ReadAllColorScalars, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ReadAllColorScalars, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ReadAllColorScalars, vtkTypeBool);
* Enable reading all tcoords.
vtkSetMacro(ReadAllTCoords, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ReadAllTCoords, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ReadAllTCoords, vtkTypeBool);
* Enable reading all fields.
vtkSetMacro(ReadAllFields, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ReadAllFields, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ReadAllFields, vtkTypeBool);
* Open a vtk data file. Returns zero if error.
int OpenVTKFile(const char* fname = nullptr);
* Read the header of a vtk data file. Returns 0 if error.
int ReadHeader(const char* fname = nullptr);
* Read the cell data of a vtk data file. The number of cells (from the
* dataset) must match the number of cells defined in cell attributes (unless
* no geometry was defined).
int ReadCellData(vtkDataSet* ds, vtkIdType numCells);
* Read the point data of a vtk data file. The number of points (from the
* dataset) must match the number of points defined in point attributes
* (unless no geometry was defined).
int ReadPointData(vtkDataSet* ds, vtkIdType numPts);
* Read point coordinates. Return 0 if error.
int ReadPointCoordinates(vtkPointSet* ps, vtkIdType numPts);
* Read point coordinates. Return 0 if error.
int ReadPointCoordinates(vtkGraph* g, vtkIdType numPts);
* Read the vertex data of a vtk data file. The number of vertices (from the
* graph) must match the number of vertices defined in vertex attributes
* (unless no geometry was defined).
int ReadVertexData(vtkGraph* g, vtkIdType numVertices);
* Read the edge data of a vtk data file. The number of edges (from the
* graph) must match the number of edges defined in edge attributes
* (unless no geometry was defined).
int ReadEdgeData(vtkGraph* g, vtkIdType numEdges);
* Read the row data of a vtk data file.
int ReadRowData(vtkTable* t, vtkIdType numEdges);
* Read cells in a vtkCellArray, and update the smartpointer reference passed
* in. If no cells are present in the file, cellArray will be set to nullptr.
* Returns 0 if error.
int ReadCells(vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>& cellArray);
* Read a bunch of "cells". Return 0 if error.
* @note Legacy implementation for file versions < 5.0.
int ReadCellsLegacy(vtkIdType size, int* data);
* Read a piece of the cells (for streaming compliance)
int ReadCellsLegacy(vtkIdType size, int* data, int skip1, int read2, int skip3);
* Read the coordinates for a rectilinear grid. The axes parameter specifies
* which coordinate axes (0,1,2) is being read.
int ReadCoordinates(vtkRectilinearGrid* rg, int axes, int numCoords);
* Helper functions for reading data.
vtkAbstractArray* ReadArray(const char* dataType, vtkIdType numTuples, vtkIdType numComp);
vtkFieldData* ReadFieldData(FieldType fieldType = FIELD_DATA);
* Return major and minor version of the file.
* Returns version 3.0 if the version cannot be read from file.
vtkGetMacro(FileMajorVersion, int);
vtkGetMacro(FileMinorVersion, int);
* Internal function to read in a value. Returns zero if there was an
* error.
int Read(char*);
int Read(unsigned char*);
int Read(short*);
int Read(unsigned short*);
int Read(int*);
int Read(unsigned int*);
int Read(long*);
int Read(unsigned long*);
int Read(long long* result);
int Read(unsigned long long* result);
int Read(float*);
int Read(double*);
* Read @a n character from the stream into @a str, then reset the stream
* position. Returns the number of characters actually read.
size_t Peek(char* str, size_t n);
* Close the vtk file.
void CloseVTKFile();
* Internal function to read in a line up to 256 characters.
* Returns zero if there was an error.
int ReadLine(char result[256]);
* Internal function to read in a string up to 256 characters.
* Returns zero if there was an error.
int ReadString(char result[256]);
* Helper method for reading in data.
char* LowerCase(char* str, const size_t len = 256);
* Return the istream being used to read in the data.
istream* GetIStream() { return this->IS; }
* Overridden to handle reading from a string. The
* superclass only knows about files.
int ReadTimeDependentMetaData(int timestep, vtkInformation* metadata) override;
int ReadMesh(int piece, int npieces, int nghosts, int timestep, vtkDataObject* output) override;
int ReadPoints(int /*piece*/, int /*npieces*/, int /*nghosts*/, int /*timestep*/,
vtkDataObject* /*output*/) override
return 1;
int ReadArrays(int /*piece*/, int /*npieces*/, int /*nghosts*/, int /*timestep*/,
vtkDataObject* /*output*/) override
return 1;
* Overridden with default implementation of doing nothing
* so that subclasses only override what is needed (usually
* only ReadMesh).
int ReadMeshSimple(const std::string& /*fname*/, vtkDataObject* /*output*/) override { return 1; }
int ReadPointsSimple(const std::string& /*fname*/, vtkDataObject* /*output*/) override
return 1;
int ReadArraysSimple(const std::string& /*fname*/, vtkDataObject* /*output*/) override
return 1;
~vtkDataReader() override;
std::string CurrentFileName;
int FileType;
istream* IS;
char* ScalarsName;
char* VectorsName;
char* TensorsName;
char* TCoordsName;
char* NormalsName;
char* LookupTableName;
char* FieldDataName;
char* ScalarLut;
vtkTypeBool ReadFromInputString;
char* InputString;
int InputStringLength;
int InputStringPos;
void SetScalarLut(const char* lut);
char* Header;
int ReadScalarData(vtkDataSetAttributes* a, vtkIdType num);
int ReadVectorData(vtkDataSetAttributes* a, vtkIdType num);
int ReadNormalData(vtkDataSetAttributes* a, vtkIdType num);
int ReadTensorData(vtkDataSetAttributes* a, vtkIdType num, vtkIdType numComp = 9);
int ReadCoScalarData(vtkDataSetAttributes* a, vtkIdType num);
int ReadLutData(vtkDataSetAttributes* a);
int ReadTCoordsData(vtkDataSetAttributes* a, vtkIdType num);
int ReadGlobalIds(vtkDataSetAttributes* a, vtkIdType num);
int ReadPedigreeIds(vtkDataSetAttributes* a, vtkIdType num);
int ReadEdgeFlags(vtkDataSetAttributes* a, vtkIdType num);
* Format is detailed \ref IOLegacyInformationFormat "here".
int ReadInformation(vtkInformation* info, vtkIdType numKeys);
int ReadDataSetData(vtkDataSet* ds);
// This supports getting additional information from vtk files
int NumberOfScalarsInFile;
char** ScalarsNameInFile;
int ScalarsNameAllocSize;
int NumberOfVectorsInFile;
char** VectorsNameInFile;
int VectorsNameAllocSize;
int NumberOfTensorsInFile;
char** TensorsNameInFile;
int TensorsNameAllocSize;
int NumberOfTCoordsInFile;
char** TCoordsNameInFile;
int TCoordsNameAllocSize;
int NumberOfNormalsInFile;
char** NormalsNameInFile;
int NormalsNameAllocSize;
int NumberOfFieldDataInFile;
char** FieldDataNameInFile;
int FieldDataNameAllocSize;
vtkTimeStamp CharacteristicsTime;
vtkTypeBool ReadAllScalars;
vtkTypeBool ReadAllVectors;
vtkTypeBool ReadAllNormals;
vtkTypeBool ReadAllTensors;
vtkTypeBool ReadAllColorScalars;
vtkTypeBool ReadAllTCoords;
vtkTypeBool ReadAllFields;
int FileMajorVersion;
int FileMinorVersion;
std::locale CurrentLocale;
void InitializeCharacteristics();
int CharacterizeFile(); // read entire file, storing important characteristics
void CheckFor(const char* name, char* line, int& num, char**& array, int& allocSize);
vtkCharArray* InputArray;
* Decode a string. This method is the inverse of
* vtkWriter::EncodeString. Returns the length of the
* result string.
int DecodeString(char* resname, const char* name);
vtkTypeBool ProcessRequest(
vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) override;
virtual int RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*)
return 1;
virtual int RequestUpdateExtent(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*)
return 1;
virtual int RequestInformation(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*)
return 1;
vtkDataReader(const vtkDataReader&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkDataReader&) = delete;
void ConvertGhostLevelsToGhostType(FieldType fieldType, vtkAbstractArray* data) const;