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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkControlPointsItem.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkControlPointsItem
* @brief Abstract class for control points items.
* vtkControlPointsItem provides control point painting and management for
* subclasses that provide points (typically control points of a transfer
* function)
* @sa
* vtkScalarsToColorsItem
* vtkPiecewiseControlPointsItem
#ifndef vtkControlPointsItem_h
#define vtkControlPointsItem_h
#include "vtkChartsCoreModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkCommand.h" // For vtkCommand enum
#include "vtkPlot.h"
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // for SmartPointer
#include "vtkVector.h" // For vtkVector2f
class vtkCallbackCommand;
class vtkContext2D;
class vtkControlPointsAddPointItem;
class vtkPiecewisePointHandleItem;
class vtkPoints2D;
class vtkTransform2D;
class VTKCHARTSCORE_EXPORT vtkControlPointsItem : public vtkPlot
vtkTypeMacro(vtkControlPointsItem, vtkPlot);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
// Events fires by this class (and subclasses).
// \li CurrentPointChangedEvent is fired when the current point index is changed.
// \li CurrentPointEditEvent is fired to request the application to show UI to
// edit the current point.
// \li vtkCommand::StartEvent and vtkCommand::EndEvent is fired
// to mark groups of changes to control points.
CurrentPointChangedEvent = vtkCommand::UserEvent,
* Bounds of the item, typically the bound of all the control points
* except if custom bounds have been set \sa SetUserBounds.
void GetBounds(double bounds[4]) override;
* Set custom bounds, except if bounds are invalid, bounds will be
* automatically computed based on the range of the control points
* Invalid bounds by default.
vtkSetVector4Macro(UserBounds, double);
vtkGetVector4Macro(UserBounds, double);
* Controls the valid range for the values.
* An invalid value (0, -1, 0., -1, 0, -1.) indicates that the valid
* range is the current bounds. It is the default behavior.
vtkSetVector4Macro(ValidBounds, double);
vtkGetVector4Macro(ValidBounds, double);
* Get/set the radius for screen points.
* Default is 6.f
vtkGetMacro(ScreenPointRadius, float);
vtkSetMacro(ScreenPointRadius, float);
* Paint the points with a fixed size (cosmetic) which doesn't depend
* on the scene zoom factor. Selected and unselected points are drawn
* with a different color.
bool Paint(vtkContext2D* painter) override;
* Select a point by its ID
void SelectPoint(vtkIdType pointId);
* Utility function that selects a point providing its coordinates.
* To be found, the position of the point must be no further away than its
* painted point size
void SelectPoint(double* currentPoint);
* Select all the points
void SelectAllPoints();
* Unselect a point by its ID
void DeselectPoint(vtkIdType pointId);
* Utility function that unselects a point providing its coordinates.
* To be found, the position of the point must be no further away than its
* painted point size
void DeselectPoint(double* currentPoint);
* Unselect all the previously selected points
void DeselectAllPoints();
* Toggle the selection of a point by its ID. If the point was selected then
* unselect it, otherwise select it.
void ToggleSelectPoint(vtkIdType pointId);
* Utility function that toggles the selection a point providing its
* coordinates. To be found, the position of the point must be no further
* away than its painted point size
void ToggleSelectPoint(double* currentPoint);
* Select all points in the specified rectangle.
bool SelectPoints(const vtkVector2f& min, const vtkVector2f& max) override;
* Return the number of selected points.
vtkIdType GetNumberOfSelectedPoints() const;
* Returns the vtkIdType of the point given its coordinates and a tolerance
* based on the screen point size.
vtkIdType FindPoint(double* pos);
* Returns true if pos is above the pointId point, false otherwise.
* It uses the size of the drawn point. To search what point is under the pos,
* use the more efficient \sa FindPoint() instead.
bool IsOverPoint(double* pos, vtkIdType pointId);
* Returns the id of the control point exactly matching pos, -1 if not found.
vtkIdType GetControlPointId(double* pos);
* Utility function that returns an array of all the control points IDs
* Typically: [0, 1, 2, ... n -1] where n is the point count
* Can exclude the first and last point ids from the array.
void GetControlPointsIds(vtkIdTypeArray* ids, bool excludeFirstAndLast = false) const;
* Controls whether or not control points are drawn (true) or clicked and
* moved (false).
* False by default.
vtkGetMacro(StrokeMode, bool);
* If DrawPoints is false, SwitchPoints controls the behavior when a control
* point is dragged past another point. The crossed point becomes current
* (true) or the current point is blocked/stopped (false).
* False by default.
vtkSetMacro(SwitchPointsMode, bool);
vtkGetMacro(SwitchPointsMode, bool);
* If EndPointsMovable is false, the two end points will not
* be moved. True by default.
vtkSetMacro(EndPointsXMovable, bool);
vtkGetMacro(EndPointsXMovable, bool);
vtkSetMacro(EndPointsYMovable, bool);
vtkGetMacro(EndPointsYMovable, bool);
virtual bool GetEndPointsMovable();
* If EndPointsRemovable is false, the two end points will not
* be removed. True by default.
vtkSetMacro(EndPointsRemovable, bool);
vtkGetMacro(EndPointsRemovable, bool);
* When set to true, labels are shown on the current control point and the end
* points. Default is false.
vtkSetMacro(ShowLabels, bool);
vtkGetMacro(ShowLabels, bool);
* Get/Set the label format. Default is "%.4f, %.4f".
* Add a point to the function. Returns the index of the point (0 based),
* or -1 on error.
* Subclasses should reimplement this function to do the actual work.
virtual vtkIdType AddPoint(double* newPos) = 0;
* Remove a point of the function. Returns the index of the point (0 based),
* or -1 on error.
* Subclasses should reimplement this function to do the actual work.
virtual vtkIdType RemovePoint(double* pos) = 0;
* Remove a point give its id. It is a utility function that internally call
* the virtual method RemovePoint(double*) and return its result.
vtkIdType RemovePoint(vtkIdType pointId);
* Remove the current point.
inline void RemoveCurrentPoint();
* Returns the total number of points
virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfPoints() const = 0;
* Returns the x and y coordinates as well as the midpoint and sharpness
* of the control point corresponding to the index.
* point must be a double array of size 4.
virtual void GetControlPoint(vtkIdType index, double* point) const = 0;
* Sets the x and y coordinates as well as the midpoint and sharpness
* of the control point corresponding to the index.
virtual void SetControlPoint(vtkIdType index, double* point) = 0;
* Move the points referred by pointIds by a given translation.
* The new positions won't be outside the bounds.
* MovePoints is typically called with GetControlPointsIds() or GetSelection().
* Warning: if you pass this->GetSelection(), the array is deleted after
* each individual point move. Increase the reference count of the array.
* See also MoveAllPoints()
void MovePoints(const vtkVector2f& translation, vtkIdTypeArray* pointIds);
* Utility function to move all the control points of the given translation
* If dontMoveFirstAndLast is true, then the first and last points won't be
* moved.
void MovePoints(const vtkVector2f& translation, bool dontMoveFirstAndLast = false);
* Spread the points referred by pointIds
* If factor > 0, points are moved away from each other.
* If factor < 0, points are moved closer to each other
* SpreadPoints is typically called with GetControlPointsIds() or GetSelection().
* Warning: if you pass this->GetSelection(), the array is deleted after
* each individual point move. Increase the reference count of the array.
void SpreadPoints(float factor, vtkIdTypeArray* pointIds);
* Utility function to spread all the control points of a given factor
* If dontSpreadFirstAndLast is true, then the first and last points won't be
* spread.
void SpreadPoints(float factor, bool dontSpreadFirstAndLast = false);
* Returns the current point ID selected or -1 if there is no point current.
* No current point by default.
vtkIdType GetCurrentPoint() const;
* Sets the current point selected.
void SetCurrentPoint(vtkIdType index);
* Gets the selected point pen and brush.
vtkGetObjectMacro(SelectedPointPen, vtkPen);
* Depending on the control points item, the brush might not be taken into
* account.
vtkGetObjectMacro(SelectedPointBrush, vtkBrush);
* When enabled, a dedicated item is used to determine if a point should
* be added when clicking anywhere.
* This item can be recovered with GetAddPointItem and can this be placed
* below all other items. False by default.
vtkGetMacro(UseAddPointItem, bool);
vtkSetMacro(UseAddPointItem, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(UseAddPointItem, bool);
* Item dedicated to add point, to be added below all other items.
* Used only if UseAddPointItem is set to true.
vtkPlot* GetAddPointItem();
* Recompute the bounds next time they are requested.
* You shouldn't have to call it but it is provided for rare cases.
void ResetBounds();
* Mouse and key events.
bool MouseButtonPressEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& mouse) override;
bool MouseDoubleClickEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& mouse) override;
bool MouseButtonReleaseEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& mouse) override;
bool MouseMoveEvent(const vtkContextMouseEvent& mouse) override;
bool KeyPressEvent(const vtkContextKeyEvent& key) override;
bool KeyReleaseEvent(const vtkContextKeyEvent& key) override;
~vtkControlPointsItem() override;
friend class vtkPiecewisePointHandleItem;
void StartChanges();
void EndChanges();
void StartInteraction();
void StartInteractionIfNotStarted();
void Interaction();
void EndInteraction();
int GetInteractionsCount() const;
virtual void emitEvent(unsigned long event, void* params = nullptr) = 0;
static void CallComputePoints(
vtkObject* sender, unsigned long event, void* receiver, void* params);
* Must be reimplemented by subclasses to calculate the points to draw.
* It's subclass responsibility to call ComputePoints() via the callback
virtual void ComputePoints();
virtual vtkMTimeType GetControlPointsMTime() = 0;
* Returns true if the supplied x, y are within the bounds or on a control point.
* If UseAddPointItem is true,
* returns true only if the supplied x, y are on a control point.
bool Hit(const vtkContextMouseEvent& mouse) override;
* Clamp the given 2D pos into the bounds of the function.
* Return true if the pos has been clamped, false otherwise.
bool ClampValidDataPos(double pos[2]);
bool ClampValidScreenPos(double pos[2]);
* Internal function that paints a collection of points and optionally
* excludes some.
void DrawUnselectedPoints(vtkContext2D* painter);
void DrawSelectedPoints(vtkContext2D* painter);
virtual void DrawPoint(vtkContext2D* painter, vtkIdType index);
void SetCurrentPointPos(const vtkVector2f& newPos);
vtkIdType SetPointPos(vtkIdType point, const vtkVector2f& newPos);
void MoveCurrentPoint(const vtkVector2f& translation);
vtkIdType MovePoint(vtkIdType point, const vtkVector2f& translation);
inline vtkVector2f GetSelectionCenterOfMass() const;
vtkVector2f GetCenterOfMass(vtkIdTypeArray* pointIDs) const;
void Stroke(const vtkVector2f& newPos);
virtual void EditPoint(float vtkNotUsed(tX), float vtkNotUsed(tY));
* Generate label for a control point.
virtual vtkStdString GetControlPointLabel(vtkIdType index);
void AddPointId(vtkIdType addedPointId);
* Return true if any of the end points is current point
* or part of the selection
bool IsEndPointPicked();
* Return true if the point is removable
bool IsPointRemovable(vtkIdType pointId);
* Compute the bounds for this item. Typically, the bounds should be aligned
* to the range of the vtkScalarsToColors or vtkPiecewiseFunction that is
* being controlled by the subclasses.
* Default implementation uses the range of the control points themselves.
virtual void ComputeBounds(double* bounds);
vtkCallbackCommand* Callback;
vtkPen* SelectedPointPen;
vtkBrush* SelectedPointBrush;
int BlockUpdates;
int StartedInteractions;
int StartedChanges;
vtkIdType CurrentPoint;
double Bounds[4];
double UserBounds[4];
double ValidBounds[4];
vtkTransform2D* Transform;
float ScreenPointRadius;
bool StrokeMode;
bool SwitchPointsMode;
bool MouseMoved;
bool EnforceValidFunction;
vtkIdType PointToDelete;
bool PointAboutToBeDeleted;
vtkIdType PointToToggle;
bool PointAboutToBeToggled;
bool InvertShadow;
bool EndPointsXMovable;
bool EndPointsYMovable;
bool EndPointsRemovable;
bool ShowLabels;
char* LabelFormat;
vtkControlPointsItem(const vtkControlPointsItem&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkControlPointsItem&) = delete;
void ComputeBounds();
vtkIdType RemovePointId(vtkIdType removedPointId);
bool UseAddPointItem = false;
vtkNew<vtkControlPointsAddPointItem> AddPointItem;
void vtkControlPointsItem::RemoveCurrentPoint()
vtkVector2f vtkControlPointsItem::GetSelectionCenterOfMass() const
return this->GetCenterOfMass(this->Selection);