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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkCommand.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkCommand
* @brief superclass for callback/observer methods
* vtkCommand is an implementation of the observer/command design
* pattern. In this design pattern, any instance of vtkObject can be
* "observed" for any events it might invoke. For example,
* vtkRenderer invokes a StartEvent as it begins to render and a
* EndEvent when it finishes rendering. Filters (subclasses of
* vtkProcessObject) invoke StartEvent, ProgressEvent, and EndEvent as
* the filter processes data. Observers of events are added with the
* AddObserver() method found in vtkObject. AddObserver(), besides
* requiring an event id or name, also takes an instance of vtkCommand
* (or a subclasses). Note that vtkCommand is meant to be subclassed,
* so that you can package the information necessary to support your
* callback.
* Event processing can be organized in priority lists, so it is
* possible to truncate the processing of a particular event by
* setting the AbortFlag variable. The priority is set using the
* AddObserver() method. By default the priority is 0, events of the
* same priority are processed in last-in-first-processed order. The
* ordering/aborting of events is important for things like 3D
* widgets, which handle an event if the widget is selected (and then
* aborting further processing of that event). Otherwise. the event
* is passed along for further processing.
* When an instance of vtkObject invokes an event, it also passes an optional
* void pointer to a callData. This callData is nullptr most of the time.
* The callData is not specific to a type of event but specific to a type
* of vtkObject invoking a specific event. For instance, vtkCommand::PickEvent
* is invoked by vtkProp with a nullptr callData but is invoked by
* vtkInteractorStyleImage with a pointer to the vtkInteractorStyleImage object
* itself.
* Here is the list of events that may be invoked with a non-nullptr callData.
* - vtkCommand::ProgressEvent
* - most of the objects return a pointer to a double value ranged between
* 0.0 and 1.0
* - Infovis/vtkFixedWidthTextReader returns a pointer to a float value equal
* to the number of lines read so far.
* - vtkCommand::ErrorEvent
* - an error message as a const char * string
* - vtkCommand::WarningEvent
* - a warning message as a const char * string
* - vtkCommand::StartAnimationCueEvent
* - a pointer to a vtkAnimationCue::AnimationCueInfo object
* - vtkCommand::EndAnimationCueEvent
* - a pointer to a vtkAnimationCue::AnimationCueInfo object
* - vtkCommand::AnimationCueTickEvent
* - a pointer to a vtkAnimationCue::AnimationCueInfo object
* - vtkCommand::PickEvent
* - Common/vtkProp returns nullptr
* - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
* - vtkCommand::StartPickEvent
* - Rendering/vtkPropPicker returns nullptr
* - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
* - vtkCommand::EndPickEvent
* - Rendering/vtkPropPicker returns nullptr
* - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
* - vtkCommand::WrongTagEvent
* - Parallel/vtkSocketCommunicator returns a received tag as a char *
* - vtkCommand::SelectionChangedEvent
* - Views/vtkView returns nullptr
* - Views/vtkDataRepresentation returns a pointer to a vtkSelection
* - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleRubberBand2D returns an array of 5 unsigned
* integers (p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, mode), where mode is
* vtkInteractorStyleRubberBand2D::SELECT_UNION or
* vtkInteractorStyleRubberBand2D::SELECT_NORMAL
* - vtkCommand::AnnotationChangedEvent
* - GUISupport/Qt/vtkQtAnnotationView returns a pointer to a
* vtkAnnotationLayers
* - vtkCommand::PlacePointEvent
* - Widgets/vtkSeedWidget returns a pointer to an int, being the current
* handle number
* - vtkCommand::DeletePointEvent
* - Widgets/vtkSeedWidget returns a pointer to an int, being the
* handle number of the deleted point
* - vtkCommand::ResetWindowLevelEvent
* - Widgets/vtkImagePlaneWidget returns an array of 2 double values (window
* and level)
* - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
* - vtkCommand::StartWindowLevelEvent
* - Widgets/vtkImagePlaneWidget returns an array of 2 double values (window
* and level)
* - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
* - vtkCommand::EndWindowLevelEvent
* - Widgets/vtkImagePlaneWidget returns an array of 2 double values (window
* and level)
* - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
* - vtkCommand::WindowLevelEvent
* - Widgets/vtkImagePlaneWidget returns an array of 2 double values (window
* and level)
* - Rendering/vtkInteractorStyleImage returns a pointer to itself
* - vtkCommand::CharEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QKeyEvent *
* - vtkCommand::TimerEvent
* - most of the objects return a to an int representing a timer id
* - Widgets/vtkHoverWidget returns nullptr
* - vtkCommand::CreateTimerEvent
* - Rendering/vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor returns a to an int
* representing a timer id
* - vtkCommand::DestroyTimerEvent
* - Rendering/vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor returns a to an int
* representing a timer id
* - vtkCommand::UserEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - Infovis/vtkInteractorStyleTreeMapHover returns a pointer to a vtkIdType
* representing a pedigree id
* - vtkCommand::KeyPressEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QKeyEvent*
* - vtkCommand::KeyReleaseEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QKeyEvent*
* - vtkCommand::LeftButtonPressEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
* - vtkCommand::LeftButtonReleaseEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
* - vtkCommand::MouseMoveEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
* - vtkCommand::MouseWheelForwardEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QWheelEvent*
* - vtkCommand::MouseWheelBackwardEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QWheelEvent*
* - vtkCommand::RightButtonPressEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
* - vtkCommand::RightButtonReleaseEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
* - vtkCommand::MiddleButtonPressEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
* - vtkCommand::MiddleButtonReleaseEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QMouseEvent*
* - vtkCommand::CursorChangedEvent
* - most of the objects return a pointer to an int representing a shape
* - Rendering/vtkInteractorObserver returns nullptr
* - vtkCommand::ResetCameraEvent
* - Rendering/vtkRenderer returns a pointer to itself
* - vtkCommand::ResetCameraClippingRangeEvent
* - Rendering/vtkRenderer returns a pointer to itself
* - vtkCommand::ActiveCameraEvent
* - Rendering/vtkRenderer returns a pointer to the active camera
* - vtkCommand::CreateCameraEvent
* - Rendering/vtkRenderer returns a pointer to the created camera
* - vtkCommand::EnterEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QEvent*
* - vtkCommand::LeaveEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QEvent*
* - vtkCommand::RenderWindowMessageEvent
* - Rendering/vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow return a pointer to a UINT message
* - vtkCommand::ComputeVisiblePropBoundsEvent
* - Rendering/vtkRenderer returns a pointer to itself
* - QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget::ContextMenuEvent
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QContextMenuEvent*
* - QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget::DragEnterEvent
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QDragEnterEvent*
* - QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget::DragMoveEvent
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QDragMoveEvent*
* - QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget::DragLeaveEvent
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QDragLeaveEvent*
* - QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget::DropEvent
* - GUISupport/Qt/QVTKOpenGLStereoWidget returns a QDropEvent*
* - vtkCommand::ViewProgressEvent
* - View/vtkView returns a ViewProgressEventCallData*
* - vtkCommand::VolumeMapperRenderProgressEvent
* - A pointer to a double value between 0.0 and 1.0
* - vtkCommand::VolumeMapperComputeGradientsProgressEvent
* - A pointer to a double value between 0.0 and 1.0
* - vtkCommand::TDxMotionEvent (TDx=3DConnexion)
* - A vtkTDxMotionEventInfo*
* - vtkCommand::TDxButtonPressEvent
* - A int* being the number of the button
* - vtkCommand::TDxButtonReleaseEvent
* - A int* being the number of the button
* - vtkCommand::UpdateShaderEvent
* - A vtkOpenGLHelper* currently being used
* - vtkCommand::FourthButtonPressEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - vtkCommand::FourthButtonReleaseEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - vtkCommand::FifthButtonPressEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - vtkCommand::FifthButtonReleaseEvent
* - most of the objects return nullptr
* - vtkCommand::ErrorEvent
* - vtkOutputWindow fires this with `char char*` for the error message
* - vtkCommand::WarningEvent
* - vtkOutputWindow fires this with `char char*` for the warning message
* - vtkCommand::MessageEvent
* - vtkOutputWindow fires this with `char char*` for the message text
* - vtkCommand::TextEvent
* - vtkOutputWindow fires this with `char char*` for the text
* @sa
* vtkObject vtkCallbackCommand vtkOldStyleCallbackCommand
* vtkInteractorObserver vtk3DWidget
#ifndef vtkCommand_h
#define vtkCommand_h
#include "vtkCommonCoreModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkObject.h" // Need vtkTypeMacro
#include "vtkObjectBase.h"
// clang-format off
// Define all types of events here.
// Using this macro makes it possible to avoid mismatches between the event
// enums and their string counterparts.
#define vtkAllEventsMacro() \
_vtk_add_event(AnyEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(DeleteEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(StartEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(EndEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(RenderEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ProgressEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(PickEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(StartPickEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(EndPickEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(AbortCheckEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ExitEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(LeftButtonPressEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(LeftButtonReleaseEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(MiddleButtonPressEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(MiddleButtonReleaseEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(RightButtonPressEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(RightButtonReleaseEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(EnterEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(LeaveEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(KeyPressEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(KeyReleaseEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(CharEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ExposeEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ConfigureEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(TimerEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(MouseMoveEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(MouseWheelForwardEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(MouseWheelBackwardEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ActiveCameraEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(CreateCameraEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ResetCameraEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ResetCameraClippingRangeEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ModifiedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WindowLevelEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(StartWindowLevelEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(EndWindowLevelEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ResetWindowLevelEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(SetOutputEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ErrorEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WarningEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(StartInteractionEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(DropFilesEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(UpdateDropLocationEvent) \
/*^ mainly used by vtkInteractorObservers*/ \
_vtk_add_event(InteractionEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(EndInteractionEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(EnableEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(DisableEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(CreateTimerEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(DestroyTimerEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(PlacePointEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(DeletePointEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(PlaceWidgetEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(CursorChangedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ExecuteInformationEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(RenderWindowMessageEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WrongTagEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(StartAnimationCueEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ResliceAxesChangedEvent) \
/*^ used by vtkAnimationCue*/ \
_vtk_add_event(AnimationCueTickEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(EndAnimationCueEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperRenderEndEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperRenderProgressEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperRenderStartEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperComputeGradientsEndEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperComputeGradientsProgressEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(VolumeMapperComputeGradientsStartEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WidgetModifiedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WidgetValueChangedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WidgetActivateEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ConnectionCreatedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ConnectionClosedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(DomainModifiedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(PropertyModifiedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(UpdateEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(RegisterEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(UnRegisterEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(UpdateInformationEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(AnnotationChangedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(SelectionChangedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(UpdatePropertyEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ViewProgressEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(UpdateDataEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(CurrentChangedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(ComputeVisiblePropBoundsEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(TDxMotionEvent) \
/*^ 3D Connexion device event */ \
_vtk_add_event(TDxButtonPressEvent) \
/*^ 3D Connexion device event */ \
_vtk_add_event(TDxButtonReleaseEvent) \
/* 3D Connexion device event */ \
_vtk_add_event(HoverEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(LoadStateEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(SaveStateEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(StateChangedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WindowMakeCurrentEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WindowIsCurrentEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WindowFrameEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(HighlightEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WindowSupportsOpenGLEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WindowIsDirectEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WindowStereoTypeChangedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(WindowResizeEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(UncheckedPropertyModifiedEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(UpdateShaderEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(MessageEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(StartSwipeEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(SwipeEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(EndSwipeEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(StartPinchEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(PinchEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(EndPinchEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(StartRotateEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(RotateEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(EndRotateEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(StartPanEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(PanEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(EndPanEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(TapEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(LongTapEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(FourthButtonPressEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(FourthButtonReleaseEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(FifthButtonPressEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(FifthButtonReleaseEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(Move3DEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(Button3DEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(TextEvent) \
_vtk_add_event(LeftButtonDoubleClickEvent) \
// clang-format on
#define vtkEventDeclarationMacro(_enum_name) \
enum _enum_name \
{ \
NoEvent = 0, \
vtkAllEventsMacro() UserEvent = 1000 \
// The superclass that all commands should be subclasses of
class VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkCommand : public vtkObjectBase
vtkBaseTypeMacro(vtkCommand, vtkObjectBase);
* Decrease the reference count (release by another object). This has
* the same effect as invoking Delete() (i.e., it reduces the reference
* count by 1).
void UnRegister();
void UnRegister(vtkObjectBase*) override { this->UnRegister(); }
* All derived classes of vtkCommand must implement this
* method. This is the method that actually does the work of the
* callback. The caller argument is the object invoking the event,
* the eventId parameter is the id of the event, and callData
* parameter is data that can be passed into the execute
* method. (Note: vtkObject::InvokeEvent() takes two parameters: the
* event id (or name) and call data. Typically call data is nullptr,
* but the user can package data and pass it this
* way. Alternatively, a derived class of vtkCommand can be used to
* pass data.)
virtual void Execute(vtkObject* caller, unsigned long eventId, void* callData) = 0;
* Convenience methods for translating between event names and event
* ids.
static const char* GetStringFromEventId(unsigned long event);
static unsigned long GetEventIdFromString(const char* event);
* Does this event type contain vtkEventData
static bool EventHasData(unsigned long event);
* Set/Get the abort flag. If this is set to true no further
* commands are executed.
void SetAbortFlag(int f) { this->AbortFlag = f; }
int GetAbortFlag() { return this->AbortFlag; }
void AbortFlagOn() { this->SetAbortFlag(1); }
void AbortFlagOff() { this->SetAbortFlag(0); }
* Set/Get the passive observer flag. If this is set to true, this
* indicates that this command does not change the state of the
* system in any way. Passive observers are processed first, and
* are not called even when another command has focus.
void SetPassiveObserver(int f) { this->PassiveObserver = f; }
int GetPassiveObserver() { return this->PassiveObserver; }
void PassiveObserverOn() { this->SetPassiveObserver(1); }
void PassiveObserverOff() { this->SetPassiveObserver(0); }
* All the currently defined events are listed here. Developers can
* use -- vtkCommand::UserEvent + int to specify their own event
* ids.
* Add new events by updating vtkAllEventsMacro.
#define _vtk_add_event(Enum) Enum,
#undef _vtk_add_event
int AbortFlag;
int PassiveObserver;
~vtkCommand() override {}
friend class vtkSubjectHelper;
vtkCommand(const vtkCommand& c)
: vtkObjectBase(c)
void operator=(const vtkCommand&) {}
#endif /* vtkCommand_h */
// VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkCommand.h