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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkBrokenLineWidget.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkBrokenLineWidget
* @brief 3D widget for manipulating a broken line
* This 3D widget defines a broken line that can be interactively placed in a
* scene. The broken line has handles, the number of which can be changed, plus it
* can be picked on the broken line itself to translate or rotate it in the scene.
* A nice feature of the object is that the vtkBrokenLineWidget, like any 3D
* widget, will work with the current interactor style. That is, if
* vtkBrokenLineWidget does not handle an event, then all other registered
* observers (including the interactor style) have an opportunity to process
* the event. Otherwise, the vtkBrokenLineWidget will terminate the processing of
* the event that it handles.
* To use this object, just invoke SetInteractor() with the argument of the
* method a vtkRenderWindowInteractor. You may also wish to invoke
* "PlaceWidget()" to initially position the widget. The interactor will act
* normally until the "i" key (for "interactor") is pressed, at which point the
* vtkBrokenLineWidget will appear. (See superclass documentation for information
* about changing this behavior.) Events that occur outside of the widget
* (i.e., no part of the widget is picked) are propagated to any other
* registered obsevers (such as the interaction style). Turn off the widget
* by pressing the "i" key again (or invoke the Off() method).
* The button actions and key modifiers are as follows for controlling the
* widget:
* 1) left button down on and drag one of the spherical handles to change the
* shape of the broken line: the handles act as "control points".
* 2) left button or middle button down on a line segment forming the broken line
* allows uniform translation of the widget.
* 3) ctrl + middle button down on the widget enables spinning of the widget
* about its center.
* 4) right button down on the widget enables scaling of the widget. By moving
* the mouse "up" the render window the broken line will be made bigger; by moving
* "down" the render window the widget will be made smaller.
* 5) ctrl key + right button down on any handle will erase it providing there
* will be two or more points remaining to form a broken line.
* 6) shift key + right button down on any line segment will insert a handle
* onto the broken line at the cursor position.
* The vtkBrokenLineWidget has several methods that can be used in conjunction with
* other VTK objects. The GetPolyData() method can be used to get the
* polygonal representation and can be used for things like seeding
* streamlines or probing other data sets. Typical usage of the widget is to
* make use of the StartInteractionEvent, InteractionEvent, and
* EndInteractionEvent events. The InteractionEvent is called on mouse motion;
* the other two events are called on button down and button up (either left or
* right button).
* Some additional features of this class include the ability to control the
* properties of the widget. You can set the properties of the selected and
* unselected representations of the broken line. For example, you can set the
* property for the handles and broken line. In addition there are methods to
* constrain the broken line so that it is aligned with a plane. Note that a simple
* ruler widget can be derived by setting the resolution to 1, the number of
* handles to 2, and calling the GetSummedLength method!
* @par Thanks:
* This class was written by Philippe Pebay, Kitware SAS 2012
* This work was supported by CEA/DIF - Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique,
* Centre DAM Ile-De-France, BP12, F-91297 Arpajon, France.
* @sa
* vtk3DWidget vtkBoxWidget vtkLineWidget vtkPointWidget vtkSphereWidget
* vtkImagePlaneWidget vtkImplicitPlaneWidget vtkPlaneWidget
#ifndef vtkBrokenLineWidget_h
#define vtkBrokenLineWidget_h
#include "vtk3DWidget.h"
#include "vtkInteractionWidgetsModule.h" // For export macro
class vtkActor;
class vtkCellPicker;
class vtkLineSource;
class vtkPlaneSource;
class vtkPoints;
class vtkPolyData;
class vtkPolyDataMapper;
class vtkProp;
class vtkProperty;
class vtkSphereSource;
class vtkTransform;
class VTKINTERACTIONWIDGETS_EXPORT vtkBrokenLineWidget : public vtk3DWidget
* Instantiate the object.
static vtkBrokenLineWidget* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkBrokenLineWidget, vtk3DWidget);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Methods that satisfy the superclass' API.
void SetEnabled(int) override;
void PlaceWidget(double bounds[6]) override;
void PlaceWidget() override { this->Superclass::PlaceWidget(); }
void PlaceWidget(
double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax) override
this->Superclass::PlaceWidget(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax);
* Force the broken line widget to be projected onto one of the orthogonal planes.
* Remember that when the state changes, a ModifiedEvent is invoked.
* This can be used to snap the broken line to the plane if it is originally
* not aligned. The normal in SetProjectionNormal is 0,1,2 for YZ,XZ,XY
* planes respectively and 3 for arbitrary oblique planes when the widget
* is tied to a vtkPlaneSource.
vtkSetMacro(ProjectToPlane, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ProjectToPlane, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ProjectToPlane, vtkTypeBool);
* Set up a reference to a vtkPlaneSource that could be from another widget
* object, e.g. a vtkPolyDataSourceWidget.
void SetPlaneSource(vtkPlaneSource* plane);
vtkSetClampMacro(ProjectionNormal, int, VTK_PROJECTION_YZ, VTK_PROJECTION_OBLIQUE);
vtkGetMacro(ProjectionNormal, int);
void SetProjectionNormalToXAxes() { this->SetProjectionNormal(0); }
void SetProjectionNormalToYAxes() { this->SetProjectionNormal(1); }
void SetProjectionNormalToZAxes() { this->SetProjectionNormal(2); }
void SetProjectionNormalToOblique() { this->SetProjectionNormal(3); }
* Set the position of broken line handles and points in terms of a plane's
* position. i.e., if ProjectionNormal is 0, all of the x-coordinate
* values of the points are set to position. Any value can be passed (and is
* ignored) to update the broken line points when Projection normal is set to 3
* for arbitrary plane orientations.
void SetProjectionPosition(double position);
vtkGetMacro(ProjectionPosition, double);
* Grab the polydata (including points) that defines the broken line. The
* polydata consists of points and line segments numbering nHandles
* and nHandles - 1, respectively. Points are guaranteed to be up-to-date when
* either the InteractionEvent or EndInteraction events are invoked. The
* user provides the vtkPolyData and the points and polyline are added to it.
void GetPolyData(vtkPolyData* pd);
* Set/Get the handle properties (the spheres are the handles). The
* properties of the handles when selected and unselected can be manipulated.
virtual void SetHandleProperty(vtkProperty*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(HandleProperty, vtkProperty);
virtual void SetSelectedHandleProperty(vtkProperty*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(SelectedHandleProperty, vtkProperty);
* Set/Get the line properties. The properties of the line when selected
* and unselected can be manipulated.
virtual void SetLineProperty(vtkProperty*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(LineProperty, vtkProperty);
virtual void SetSelectedLineProperty(vtkProperty*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(SelectedLineProperty, vtkProperty);
* Set/Get the number of handles for this widget.
virtual void SetNumberOfHandles(int npts);
vtkGetMacro(NumberOfHandles, int);
* Set/Get the position of the broken line handles. Call GetNumberOfHandles
* to determine the valid range of handle indices.
void SetHandlePosition(int handle, double x, double y, double z);
void SetHandlePosition(int handle, double xyz[3]);
void GetHandlePosition(int handle, double xyz[3]);
double* GetHandlePosition(int handle);
* Get the summed lengths of the individual straight line segments.
double GetSummedLength();
* Convenience method to allocate and set the handles from a vtkPoints
* instance.
void InitializeHandles(vtkPoints* points);
* Turn on / off event processing for this widget. If off, the widget will
* not respond to user interaction
vtkSetClampMacro(ProcessEvents, vtkTypeBool, 0, 1);
vtkGetMacro(ProcessEvents, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ProcessEvents, vtkTypeBool);
* Set/Get the size factor to be applied to the handle radii.
* Default: 1.
vtkSetClampMacro(HandleSizeFactor, double, 0., 100.);
vtkGetMacro(HandleSizeFactor, double);
~vtkBrokenLineWidget() override;
// Manage the state of the widget
int State;
enum WidgetState
Start = 0,
// handles the events
static void ProcessEventsHandler(
vtkObject* object, unsigned long event, void* clientdata, void* calldata);
// ProcessEventsHandler() dispatches to these methods.
void OnLeftButtonDown();
void OnLeftButtonUp();
void OnMiddleButtonDown();
void OnMiddleButtonUp();
void OnRightButtonDown();
void OnRightButtonUp();
void OnMouseMove();
// Controlling vars
int ProjectionNormal;
double ProjectionPosition;
vtkTypeBool ProjectToPlane;
vtkPlaneSource* PlaneSource;
// Projection capabilities
void ProjectPointsToPlane();
void ProjectPointsToOrthoPlane();
void ProjectPointsToObliquePlane();
// The broken line
vtkActor* LineActor;
vtkPolyDataMapper* LineMapper;
vtkLineSource* LineSource;
void HighlightLine(int highlight);
int NumberOfHandles;
void BuildRepresentation();
// Glyphs representing hot spots (e.g., handles)
vtkActor** Handle;
vtkSphereSource** HandleGeometry;
void Initialize();
int HighlightHandle(vtkProp* prop); // returns handle index or -1 on fail
void SizeHandles() override;
void InsertHandleOnLine(double* pos);
void EraseHandle(const int&);
// Do the picking
vtkCellPicker* HandlePicker;
vtkCellPicker* LinePicker;
vtkActor* CurrentHandle;
int CurrentHandleIndex;
// Register internal Pickers within PickingManager
void RegisterPickers() override;
// Methods to manipulate the broken line.
void MovePoint(double* p1, double* p2);
void Scale(double* p1, double* p2, int X, int Y);
void Translate(double* p1, double* p2);
void Spin(double* p1, double* p2, double* vpn);
// Transform the control points (used for spinning)
vtkTransform* Transform;
// Properties used to control the appearance of selected objects and
// the manipulator in general.
vtkProperty* HandleProperty;
vtkProperty* SelectedHandleProperty;
vtkProperty* LineProperty;
vtkProperty* SelectedLineProperty;
void CreateDefaultProperties();
// For efficient spinning
double Centroid[3];
void CalculateCentroid();
vtkTypeBool ProcessEvents;
// Handle sizing factor
double HandleSizeFactor;
vtkBrokenLineWidget(const vtkBrokenLineWidget&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkBrokenLineWidget&) = delete;