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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkArrayCalculator.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkArrayCalculator
* @brief perform mathematical operations on data in field data arrays
* vtkArrayCalculator performs operations on vectors or scalars in field
* data arrays. It uses vtkFunctionParser to do the parsing and to
* evaluate the function for each entry in the input arrays. The arrays
* used in a given function must be all in point data or all in cell data.
* The resulting array will be stored as a field data array. The result
* array can either be stored in a new array or it can overwrite an existing
* array.
* The functions that this array calculator understands is:
* <pre>
* standard operations: + - * / ^ .
* build unit vectors: iHat, jHat, kHat (ie (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1))
* abs
* acos
* asin
* atan
* ceil
* cos
* cosh
* exp
* floor
* log
* mag
* min
* max
* norm
* sign
* sin
* sinh
* sqrt
* tan
* tanh
* </pre>
* Note that some of these operations work on scalars, some on vectors, and some on
* both (e.g., you can multiply a scalar times a vector). The operations are performed
* tuple-wise (i.e., tuple-by-tuple). The user must specify which arrays to use as
* vectors and/or scalars, and the name of the output data array.
* @sa
* vtkFunctionParser
#ifndef vtkArrayCalculator_h
#define vtkArrayCalculator_h
#include "vtkDataObject.h" // For attribute types
#include "vtkFiltersCoreModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkPassInputTypeAlgorithm.h"
class vtkDataSet;
class vtkFunctionParser;
class VTKFILTERSCORE_EXPORT vtkArrayCalculator : public vtkPassInputTypeAlgorithm
vtkTypeMacro(vtkArrayCalculator, vtkPassInputTypeAlgorithm);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
static vtkArrayCalculator* New();
* Set/Get the function to be evaluated.
virtual void SetFunction(const char* function);
* Add an array name to the list of arrays used in the function and specify
* which components of the array to use in evaluating the function. The
* array name must match the name in the function. Use AddScalarVariable or
* AddVectorVariable to use a variable name different from the array name.
void AddScalarArrayName(const char* arrayName, int component = 0);
void AddVectorArrayName(
const char* arrayName, int component0 = 0, int component1 = 1, int component2 = 2);
* Add a variable name, a corresponding array name, and which components of
* the array to use.
void AddScalarVariable(const char* variableName, const char* arrayName, int component = 0);
void AddVectorVariable(const char* variableName, const char* arrayName, int component0 = 0,
int component1 = 1, int component2 = 2);
* Add a variable name, a corresponding array name, and which components of
* the array to use.
void AddCoordinateScalarVariable(const char* variableName, int component = 0);
void AddCoordinateVectorVariable(
const char* variableName, int component0 = 0, int component1 = 1, int component2 = 2);
* Set the name of the array in which to store the result of
* evaluating this function. If this is the name of an existing array,
* that array will be overwritten. Otherwise a new array will be
* created with the specified name.
void SetResultArrayName(const char* name);
* Type of the result array. It is ignored if CoordinateResults is true.
* Initial value is VTK_DOUBLE.
vtkGetMacro(ResultArrayType, int);
vtkSetMacro(ResultArrayType, int);
* Set whether to output results as coordinates. ResultArrayName will be
* ignored. Outputting as coordinates is only valid with vector results and
* if the AttributeMode is AttributeModeToUsePointData.
* If a valid output can't be made, an error will occur.
vtkGetMacro(CoordinateResults, vtkTypeBool);
vtkSetMacro(CoordinateResults, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(CoordinateResults, vtkTypeBool);
* Set whether to output results as point/cell normals. Outputting as
* normals is only valid with vector results. Point or cell normals are
* selected using AttributeMode.
vtkGetMacro(ResultNormals, bool);
vtkSetMacro(ResultNormals, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ResultNormals, bool);
* Set whether to output results as point/cell texture coordinates.
* Point or cell texture coordinates are selected using AttributeMode.
* 2-component texture coordinates cannot be generated at this time.
vtkGetMacro(ResultTCoords, bool);
vtkSetMacro(ResultTCoords, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ResultTCoords, bool);
* Control whether the filter operates on point data or cell data.
* By default (AttributeModeToDefault), the filter uses point
* data. Alternatively you can explicitly set the filter to use point data
* (AttributeModeToUsePointData) or cell data (AttributeModeToUseCellData).
* For graphs you can set the filter to use vertex data
* (AttributeModeToUseVertexData) or edge data (AttributeModeToUseEdgeData).
* @deprecated Replaced By GetAttributeType and SetAttributeType as of VTK 8.1.
VTK_LEGACY(void SetAttributeMode(int newMode);)
VTK_LEGACY(int GetAttributeMode();)
VTK_LEGACY(void SetAttributeModeToDefault()) { this->SetAttributeType(DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE); }
VTK_LEGACY(void SetAttributeModeToUsePointData())
VTK_LEGACY(void SetAttributeModeToUseCellData()) { this->SetAttributeType(vtkDataObject::CELL); }
VTK_LEGACY(void SetAttributeModeToUseVertexData())
VTK_LEGACY(void SetAttributeModeToUseEdgeData()) { this->SetAttributeType(vtkDataObject::EDGE); }
VTK_LEGACY(const char* GetAttributeModeAsString());
* Returns a string representation of the calculator's AttributeType
const char* GetAttributeTypeAsString();
static const int DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = -1;
* Control which AttributeType the filter operates on (point data or cell data
* for vtkDataSets). By default the filter uses Point/Vertex/Row data depending
* on the input data type. The input value for this function should be one of the
* constants in vtkDataObject::AttributeTypes or DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE for 'default behavior'.
vtkSetMacro(AttributeType, int);
vtkGetMacro(AttributeType, int);
void SetAttributeTypeToDefault() { this->SetAttributeType(DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE); }
void SetAttributeTypeToPointData() { this->SetAttributeType(vtkDataObject::POINT); }
void SetAttributeTypeToCellData() { this->SetAttributeType(vtkDataObject::CELL); }
void SetAttributeTypeToEdgeData() { this->SetAttributeType(vtkDataObject::EDGE); }
void SetAttributeTypeToVertexData() { this->SetAttributeType(vtkDataObject::VERTEX); }
void SetAttributeTypeToRowData() { this->SetAttributeType(vtkDataObject::ROW); }
* Remove all the variable names and their associated array names.
void RemoveAllVariables();
* Remove all the scalar variable names and their associated array names.
virtual void RemoveScalarVariables();
* Remove all the scalar variable names and their associated array names.
virtual void RemoveVectorVariables();
* Remove all the coordinate variables.
virtual void RemoveCoordinateScalarVariables();
* Remove all the coordinate variables.
virtual void RemoveCoordinateVectorVariables();
* Methods to get information about the current variables.
char** GetScalarArrayNames() { return this->ScalarArrayNames; }
char* GetScalarArrayName(int i);
char** GetVectorArrayNames() { return this->VectorArrayNames; }
char* GetVectorArrayName(int i);
char** GetScalarVariableNames() { return this->ScalarVariableNames; }
char* GetScalarVariableName(int i);
char** GetVectorVariableNames() { return this->VectorVariableNames; }
char* GetVectorVariableName(int i);
int* GetSelectedScalarComponents() { return this->SelectedScalarComponents; }
int GetSelectedScalarComponent(int i);
int** GetSelectedVectorComponents() { return this->SelectedVectorComponents; }
int* GetSelectedVectorComponents(int i);
vtkGetMacro(NumberOfScalarArrays, int);
vtkGetMacro(NumberOfVectorArrays, int);
* When ReplaceInvalidValues is on, all invalid values (such as
* sqrt(-2), note that function parser does not handle complex
* numbers) will be replaced by ReplacementValue. Otherwise an
* error will be reported
vtkSetMacro(ReplaceInvalidValues, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ReplaceInvalidValues, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ReplaceInvalidValues, vtkTypeBool);
vtkSetMacro(ReplacementValue, double);
vtkGetMacro(ReplacementValue, double);
* When this option is set, silently ignore datasets where the requested field
* data array is not present. When an input array is not present, the result array
* will not be generated nor added to the output.
vtkSetMacro(IgnoreMissingArrays, bool);
vtkGetMacro(IgnoreMissingArrays, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(IgnoreMissingArrays, bool);
* Returns the output of the filter downcast to a vtkDataSet or nullptr if the
* cast fails.
vtkDataSet* GetDataSetOutput();
~vtkArrayCalculator() override;
int FillInputPortInformation(int, vtkInformation*) override;
// Do the bulk of the work
int ProcessDataObject(vtkDataObject* input, vtkDataObject* output);
int RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) override;
* Get the attribute type for the input.
int GetAttributeTypeFromInput(vtkDataObject* input);
char* Function;
char* ResultArrayName;
char** ScalarArrayNames;
char** VectorArrayNames;
char** ScalarVariableNames;
char** VectorVariableNames;
int NumberOfScalarArrays;
int NumberOfVectorArrays;
int AttributeType;
int* SelectedScalarComponents;
int** SelectedVectorComponents;
vtkFunctionParser* FunctionParser;
vtkTypeBool ReplaceInvalidValues;
double ReplacementValue;
bool IgnoreMissingArrays;
vtkTypeBool CoordinateResults;
bool ResultNormals;
bool ResultTCoords;
char** CoordinateScalarVariableNames;
char** CoordinateVectorVariableNames;
int* SelectedCoordinateScalarComponents;
int** SelectedCoordinateVectorComponents;
int NumberOfCoordinateScalarArrays;
int NumberOfCoordinateVectorArrays;
int ResultArrayType;
vtkArrayCalculator(const vtkArrayCalculator&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkArrayCalculator&) = delete;