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* Copyright (C) 2010 MeVis Medical Solutions AG All Rights Reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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// \file PythonQtObjectPtr.h
// \author Florian Link
// \author Last changed by $Author: florian $
// \date 2006-05
#include "PythonQtPythonInclude.h"
#include "PythonQtSystem.h"
#include "PythonQtThreadSupport.h"
#include <QVariant>
#include <QVariantList>
#include <QVariantMap>
class PythonQtSafeObjectPtr;
//! a smart pointer that stores a PyObject pointer and that handles reference counting automatically
class PYTHONQT_EXPORT PythonQtObjectPtr
PythonQtObjectPtr():_object(nullptr) {}
PythonQtObjectPtr(const PythonQtObjectPtr &p)
:_object(nullptr) {
//! rvalue copy constructor, does not need any incref/decref.
PythonQtObjectPtr(PythonQtObjectPtr &&p) noexcept
:_object(p.takeObject()) {
//! rvalue copy constructor, does not need any incref/decref.
PythonQtObjectPtr(PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &&p);
//! If the given variant holds a PythonQtObjectPtr, extract the value from it and hold onto the reference. This results in an increment of the reference count.
PythonQtObjectPtr(const QVariant& variant):_object(nullptr) {
PythonQtObjectPtr(PyObject* o);
//! If the given variant holds a PythonQtObjectPtr, extract the value from it and hold onto the reference. This results in an increment of the reference count.
bool fromVariant(const QVariant& variant);
//! Returns a PythonQtSafeObjectPtr as a QVariant. It does not return a PythonQtObjectPtr, because that would be unsafe regarding the GIL.
QVariant toVariant();
//! Returns a PythonQtObjectPtr as a QVariant. Only use this when you know that the variant is only used locally and not stored outside of the current GIL scope.
QVariant toLocalVariant();
PythonQtObjectPtr &operator=(const PythonQtObjectPtr &p) {
return *this;
//! rvalue assignment operator that steals the reference from p
PythonQtObjectPtr &operator=(PythonQtObjectPtr &&p) noexcept {
if (_object) {
_object = p.takeObject();
return *this;
//! rvalue assignment operator that steals the reference from p
PythonQtObjectPtr &operator=(PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &&p);
PythonQtObjectPtr &operator=(PyObject* o) {
return *this;
PythonQtObjectPtr &operator=(const QVariant& variant) {
return *this;
bool operator==( const PythonQtObjectPtr &p ) const {
return object() == p.object();
bool operator!= ( const PythonQtObjectPtr& p ) const {
return !( *this == p );
bool operator==( PyObject* p ) const {
return object() == p;
bool operator!= ( PyObject* p ) const {
return object() != p;
bool isNull() const { return !object(); }
PyObject* operator->() const { return object(); }
PyObject& operator*() const { return *( object() ); }
operator PyObject*() const { return object(); }
//! sets the object and passes the ownership (stealing the reference, in Python slang)
void setNewRef(PyObject* o);
PyObject* object() const {
return _object;
//! evaluates the given script code in the context of this object and returns the result value
QVariant evalScript(const QString& script, int start = Py_file_input);
//! evaluates the given code and returns the result value (use Py_Compile etc. to create pycode from string)
//! If pycode is NULL, a python error is printed.
QVariant evalCode(PyObject* pycode);
//! evaluates the given code in the context
void evalFile(const QString& filename);
//! add the given \c object to the \c module as a variable with \c name (it can be removed via clearVariable)
void addObject(const QString& name, QObject* object);
//! add the given variable to the module
void addVariable(const QString& name, const QVariant& v);
//! remove the given variable
void removeVariable(const QString& name);
//! get the variable with the \c name of the \c module, returns an invalid QVariant on error
QVariant getVariable(const QString& name);
//! call the given python object (in the scope of the current object), returns the result converted to a QVariant
QVariant call(const QString& callable, const QVariantList& args = QVariantList(), const QVariantMap& kwargs = QVariantMap());
//! call the contained python object directly, returns the result converted to a QVariant
QVariant call(const QVariantList& args = QVariantList(), const QVariantMap& kwargs = QVariantMap());
//! takes the object from the pointer, leaving the pointer empty.
//! the caller has to take care about the decref of the taken object!
PyObject* takeObject() {
PyObject* o = _object;
_object = nullptr;
return o;
void setObject(PyObject* o);
PyObject* _object;
//! a smart pointer that stores a PyObject pointer and that handles reference counting automatically
class PYTHONQT_EXPORT PythonQtSafeObjectPtr
PythonQtSafeObjectPtr() :_object(nullptr) {}
PythonQtSafeObjectPtr(const PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &p)
:_object(nullptr) {
PythonQtSafeObjectPtr(const PythonQtObjectPtr &p)
:_object(nullptr) {
//! rvalue copy constructor, does not need any incref/decref.
PythonQtSafeObjectPtr(PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &&p) noexcept
:_object(p._object) {
p._object = nullptr;
//! rvalue copy constructor, does not need any incref/decref.
PythonQtSafeObjectPtr(PythonQtObjectPtr &&p)
:_object(p.takeObject()) {
PythonQtSafeObjectPtr(PyObject* o);
PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &operator=(const PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &p) {
return *this;
PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &operator=(const PythonQtObjectPtr &p) {
return *this;
//! rvalue assignment operator that steals the reference from p
PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &operator=(PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &&p) noexcept {
if (_object) {
_object = p._object;
p._object = nullptr;
return *this;
//! rvalue assignment operator that steals the reference from p
PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &operator=(PythonQtObjectPtr &&p) {
if (_object) {
_object = p.takeObject();
return *this;
PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &operator=(PyObject* o) {
return *this;
bool operator==(const PythonQtSafeObjectPtr &p) const {
return object() == p.object();
bool operator!= (const PythonQtSafeObjectPtr& p) const {
return !(*this == p);
bool operator==(PyObject* p) const {
return object() == p;
bool operator!= (PyObject* p) const {
return object() != p;
bool isNull() const { return !object(); }
PyObject* operator->() const { return object(); }
PyObject& operator*() const { return *(object()); }
operator PyObject*() const { return object(); }
PyObject* object() const {
return _object;
//! takes the object from the pointer, leaving the pointer empty.
//! the caller has to take care about the decref of the taken object!
PyObject* takeObject() {
PyObject* o = _object;
_object = nullptr;
return o;
void setObject(PyObject* o);
void setObjectUnsafe(PyObject* o);
PyObject* _object;
// We don't want QVariant to take PythonQtObjectPtr via QVariant::fromValue, because it is unsafe when using multi-threading/GIL
// A QVariant can still be obtained with PythonQtObjectPtr::toLocalVariant().
// register PythonQtSafeObjectPtr to the meta type system