/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: vtkPolyDataPointSampler.h Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ /** * @class vtkPolyDataPointSampler * @brief generate points from vtkPolyData * * vtkPolyDataPointSampler generates points from input vtkPolyData. The * points are placed approximately a specified distance apart. Optionally, * the points attributes can be interpolated from the generating vertices, * edges, and polygons. * * This filter functions as follows. First, it regurgitates all input points, * then it samples all lines, plus edges associated with the input polygons * and triangle strips to produce edge points. Finally, the interiors of * polygons and triangle strips are subsampled to produce points. All of * these operations can be enabled or disabled separately. Note that this * algorithm only approximately generates points the specified distance * apart. Generally the point density is finer than requested. * * @warning * While this algorithm processes general polygons. it does so by performing * a fan triangulation. This may produce poor results, especially for convave * polygons. For better results, use a triangle filter to pre-tesselate * polygons. * * @warning * Point generation can be useful in a variety of applications. For example, * generating seed points for glyphing or streamline generation. Another * useful application is generating points for implicit modeling. In many * cases implicit models can be more efficiently generated from points than * from polygons or other primitives. * * @warning * When sampling polygons of 5 sides or more, the polygon is triangulated. * This can result in variations in point density near tesselation boudaries. * * @sa * vtkTriangleFilter vtkImplicitModeller */ #ifndef vtkPolyDataPointSampler_h #define vtkPolyDataPointSampler_h #include "vtkEdgeTable.h" // for sampling edges #include "vtkFiltersModelingModule.h" // For export macro #include "vtkNew.h" // for data members #include "vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h" class VTKFILTERSMODELING_EXPORT vtkPolyDataPointSampler : public vtkPolyDataAlgorithm { public: /** * Instantiate this class. */ static vtkPolyDataPointSampler* New(); //@{ /** * Standard macros for type information and printing. */ vtkTypeMacro(vtkPolyDataPointSampler, vtkPolyDataAlgorithm); void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override; //@} //@{ /** * Set/Get the approximate distance between points. This is an absolute * distance measure. The default is 0.01. */ vtkSetClampMacro(Distance, double, 0.0, VTK_FLOAT_MAX); vtkGetMacro(Distance, double); //@} //@{ /** * Specify/retrieve a boolean flag indicating whether cell vertex points should * be output. */ vtkGetMacro(GenerateVertexPoints, bool); vtkSetMacro(GenerateVertexPoints, bool); vtkBooleanMacro(GenerateVertexPoints, bool); //@} //@{ /** * Specify/retrieve a boolean flag indicating whether cell edges should * be sampled to produce output points. The default is true. */ vtkGetMacro(GenerateEdgePoints, bool); vtkSetMacro(GenerateEdgePoints, bool); vtkBooleanMacro(GenerateEdgePoints, bool); //@} //@{ /** * Specify/retrieve a boolean flag indicating whether cell interiors should * be sampled to produce output points. The default is true. */ vtkGetMacro(GenerateInteriorPoints, bool); vtkSetMacro(GenerateInteriorPoints, bool); vtkBooleanMacro(GenerateInteriorPoints, bool); //@} //@{ /** * Specify/retrieve a boolean flag indicating whether cell vertices should * be generated. Cell vertices are useful if you actually want to display * the points (that is, for each point generated, a vertex is generated). * Recall that VTK only renders vertices and not points. The default is * true. */ vtkGetMacro(GenerateVertices, bool); vtkSetMacro(GenerateVertices, bool); vtkBooleanMacro(GenerateVertices, bool); //@} //@{ /** * Specify/retrieve a boolean flag indicating whether point data should be * interpolated onto the newly generated points. If enabled, points * generated from existing vertices will carry the vertex point data; * points generated from edges will interpolate point data along each edge; * and interior point data (inside triangles, polygons cells) will be * interpolated from the cell vertices. By default this is off. */ vtkGetMacro(InterpolatePointData, bool); vtkSetMacro(InterpolatePointData, bool); vtkBooleanMacro(InterpolatePointData, bool); //@} protected: vtkPolyDataPointSampler(); ~vtkPolyDataPointSampler() override {} int RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) override; double Distance; double Distance2; bool GenerateVertexPoints; bool GenerateEdgePoints; bool GenerateInteriorPoints; bool GenerateVertices; bool InterpolatePointData; // Internal scratch arrays supporting point data interpolation, and // sampling edges. vtkNew EdgeTable; double TriWeights[3]; vtkNew TriIds; double QuadWeights[4]; vtkNew QuadIds; // Internal methods for sampling edges, triangles, and polygons void SampleEdge( vtkPoints* pts, vtkIdType p0, vtkIdType p1, vtkPointData* inPD, vtkPointData* outPD); void SampleTriangle(vtkPoints* newPts, vtkPoints* inPts, const vtkIdType* pts, vtkPointData* inPD, vtkPointData* outPD); void SamplePolygon(vtkPoints* newPts, vtkPoints* inPts, vtkIdType npts, const vtkIdType* pts, vtkPointData* inPD, vtkPointData* outPD); private: vtkPolyDataPointSampler(const vtkPolyDataPointSampler&) = delete; void operator=(const vtkPolyDataPointSampler&) = delete; }; #endif