/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource.h Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ /** * @class vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource * * * A source that generates sample AMR data with gaussian pulse field. The user * can control the refinement ratio as well as the pulse attributes such as * the pulse origin, length and amplitude. * * @sa * vtkOverlappingAMR */ #ifndef vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource_h #define vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource_h #include "vtkFiltersAMRModule.h" // For export macro #include "vtkOverlappingAMRAlgorithm.h" #include // For std::exp class vtkOverlappingAMR; class vtkUniformGrid; class vtkInformation; class vtkInformationVector; class VTKFILTERSAMR_EXPORT vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource : public vtkOverlappingAMRAlgorithm { public: static vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource* New(); vtkTypeMacro(vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource, vtkOverlappingAMRAlgorithm); void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override; //@{ /** * Sets the dimension of the AMR dataset to generate */ vtkSetMacro(Dimension, int); //@} //@{ /** * Sets the number of levels to generate */ vtkSetMacro(NumberOfLevels, int); //@} /** * Set the refinement ratio */ void SetRefinementRatio(int r) { this->RefinmentRatio = r; this->Modified(); } //@{ /** * Set the root spacing */ void SetRootSpacing(double h0) { this->RootSpacing[0] = this->RootSpacing[1] = this->RootSpacing[2] = h0; this->Modified(); } //@} //@{ /** * Set & Get macro for the pulse origin */ vtkSetVector3Macro(PulseOrigin, double); vtkGetVector3Macro(PulseOrigin, double); void SetXPulseOrigin(double f) { this->PulseOrigin[0] = f; this->Modified(); } void SetYPulseOrigin(double f) { this->PulseOrigin[1] = f; this->Modified(); } void SetZPulseOrigin(double f) { this->PulseOrigin[2] = f; this->Modified(); } //@} //@{ /** * Set & Get macro for the pulse width */ vtkSetVector3Macro(PulseWidth, double); vtkGetVector3Macro(PulseWidth, double); void SetXPulseWidth(double f) { this->PulseWidth[0] = f; this->Modified(); } void SetYPulseWidth(double f) { this->PulseWidth[1] = f; this->Modified(); } void SetZPulseWidth(double f) { this->PulseWidth[2] = f; this->Modified(); } //@} //@{ /** * Set & Get macro for the pulse amplitude */ vtkSetMacro(PulseAmplitude, double); vtkGetMacro(PulseAmplitude, double); //@} protected: vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource(); ~vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource() override; /** * This is called by the superclass. * This is the method you should override. */ int RequestData(vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector) override; //@{ /** * Computes the gaussian pulse at the given location based on the user * supplied parameters for pulse width and origin. */ double ComputePulseAt(const double x, const double y, const double z) { double xyz[3]; xyz[0] = x; xyz[1] = y; xyz[2] = z; return (this->ComputePulseAt(xyz)); } double ComputePulseAt(double pt[3]) { double pulse = 0.0; double r = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < this->Dimension; ++i) { double d = pt[i] - this->PulseOrigin[i]; double d2 = d * d; double L2 = this->PulseWidth[i] * this->PulseWidth[i]; r += d2 / L2; } pulse = this->PulseAmplitude * std::exp(-r); return (pulse); } //@} /** * Given the cell index w.r.t. to a uniform grid, this method computes the * cartesian coordinates of the centroid of the cell. */ void ComputeCellCenter(vtkUniformGrid* grid, vtkIdType cellIdx, double centroid[3]); /** * Generates a pulse field for the given uniform grid */ void GeneratePulseField(vtkUniformGrid* grid); /** * Constructs a uniform grid path with the given origin/spacing and node * dimensions. The return grid serves as the root grid for the domain. */ vtkUniformGrid* GetGrid(double origin[3], double h[3], int ndim[3]); /** * Constructs a refined patch from the given parent grid. */ vtkUniformGrid* RefinePatch(vtkUniformGrid* parent, int patchExtent[6]); //@{ /** * Generate 2-D or 3-D DataSet */ void Generate2DDataSet(vtkOverlappingAMR* amr); void Generate3DDataSet(vtkOverlappingAMR* amr); //@} double RootSpacing[3]; double PulseOrigin[3]; double PulseWidth[3]; double PulseAmplitude; int RefinmentRatio; int Dimension; int NumberOfLevels; private: vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource(const vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource&) = delete; void operator=(const vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource&) = delete; }; #endif /* vtkAMRGaussianPulseSource_h */