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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm
* @brief Generic filter that has one input.
* vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm is a filter superclass that hides much of the
* pipeline complexity. It handles breaking the pipeline execution
* into smaller extents so that the vtkImageData limits are observed. It
* also provides support for multithreading. If you don't need any of this
* functionality, consider using vtkSimpleImageToImageAlgorithm instead.
* @sa
* vtkSimpleImageToImageAlgorithm
#ifndef vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm_h
#define vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm_h
#include "vtkCommonExecutionModelModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkImageAlgorithm.h"
class vtkImageData;
class vtkMultiThreader;
class VTKCOMMONEXECUTIONMODEL_EXPORT vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm : public vtkImageAlgorithm
vtkTypeMacro(vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm, vtkImageAlgorithm);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* If the subclass does not define an Execute method, then the task
* will be broken up, multiple threads will be spawned, and each thread
* will call this method. It is public so that the thread functions
* can call this method.
virtual void ThreadedRequestData(vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inputVector,
vtkInformationVector* outputVector, vtkImageData*** inData, vtkImageData** outData,
int extent[6], int threadId);
// also support the old signature
virtual void ThreadedExecute(
vtkImageData* inData, vtkImageData* outData, int extent[6], int threadId);
* Enable/Disable SMP for threading.
vtkGetMacro(EnableSMP, bool);
vtkSetMacro(EnableSMP, bool);
* Global Disable SMP for all derived Imaging filters.
static void SetGlobalDefaultEnableSMP(bool enable);
static bool GetGlobalDefaultEnableSMP();
* The minimum piece size when volume is split for execution.
* By default, the minimum size is (16,1,1).
vtkSetVector3Macro(MinimumPieceSize, int);
vtkGetVector3Macro(MinimumPieceSize, int);
* The desired bytes per piece when volume is split for execution.
* When SMP is enabled, this is used to subdivide the volume into pieces.
* Smaller pieces allow for better dynamic load balancing, but increase
* the total overhead. The default is 65536 bytes.
vtkSetMacro(DesiredBytesPerPiece, vtkIdType);
vtkGetMacro(DesiredBytesPerPiece, vtkIdType);
* Set the method used to divide the volume into pieces.
* Slab mode splits the volume along the Z direction first,
* Beam mode splits evenly along the Z and Y directions, and
* Block mode splits evenly along all three directions.
* Most filters use Slab mode as the default.
vtkSetClampMacro(SplitMode, int, 0, 2);
void SetSplitModeToSlab() { this->SetSplitMode(SLAB); }
void SetSplitModeToBeam() { this->SetSplitMode(BEAM); }
void SetSplitModeToBlock() { this->SetSplitMode(BLOCK); }
vtkGetMacro(SplitMode, int);
* Get/Set the number of threads to create when rendering.
* This is ignored if EnableSMP is On.
vtkSetClampMacro(NumberOfThreads, int, 1, VTK_MAX_THREADS);
vtkGetMacro(NumberOfThreads, int);
* Putting this here until I merge graphics and imaging streaming.
virtual int SplitExtent(int splitExt[6], int startExt[6], int num, int total);
~vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm() override;
vtkMultiThreader* Threader;
int NumberOfThreads;
bool EnableSMP;
static bool GlobalDefaultEnableSMP;
enum SplitModeEnum
SLAB = 0,
BEAM = 1,
int SplitMode;
int SplitPath[3];
int SplitPathLength;
int MinimumPieceSize[3];
vtkIdType DesiredBytesPerPiece;
* This is called by the superclass.
* This is the method you should override.
int RequestData(vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inputVector,
vtkInformationVector* outputVector) override;
* Execute ThreadedRequestData for the given set of pieces.
* The extent will be broken into the number of pieces specified,
* and ThreadedRequestData will be called for all pieces starting
* at "begin" and up to but not including "end".
virtual void SMPRequestData(vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inputVector,
vtkInformationVector* outputVector, vtkImageData*** inData, vtkImageData** outData,
vtkIdType begin, vtkIdType end, vtkIdType pieces, int extent[6]);
* Allocate space for output data and copy attributes from first input.
* If the inDataObjects and outDataObjects are not passed as zero, then
* they must be large enough to store the data objects for all inputs and
* outputs.
virtual void PrepareImageData(vtkInformationVector** inputVector,
vtkInformationVector* outputVector, vtkImageData*** inDataObjects = nullptr,
vtkImageData** outDataObjects = nullptr);
vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm(const vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm&) = delete;
friend class vtkThreadedImageAlgorithmFunctor;