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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader
* @brief read PLOT3D data files
* vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader is a reader object that reads PLOT3D formatted
* files and generates structured grid(s) on output. PLOT3D is a computer
* graphics program designed to visualize the grids and solutions of
* computational fluid dynamics. This reader also supports the variant
* of the PLOT3D format used by NASA's OVERFLOW CFD software, including
* full support for all Q variables. Please see the "PLOT3D User's Manual"
* available from NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field CA.
* PLOT3D files consist of a grid file (also known as XYZ file), an
* optional solution file (also known as a Q file), and an optional function
* file that contains user created data (currently unsupported). The Q file
* contains solution information as follows: the four parameters free stream
* mach number (Fsmach), angle of attack (Alpha), Reynolds number (Re), and
* total integration time (Time). This information is stored in an array
* called Properties in the FieldData of each output (tuple 0: fsmach, tuple 1:
* alpha, tuple 2: re, tuple 3: time). In addition, the solution file contains
* the flow density (scalar), flow momentum (vector), and flow energy (scalar).
* This reader supports a limited form of time series data which are stored
* as a series of Q files. Using the AddFileName() method provided by the
* superclass, one can define a file series. For other cases, for example where
* the XYZ or function files vary over time, use vtkPlot3DMetaReader.
* The reader can generate additional scalars and vectors (or "functions")
* from this information. To use vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader, you must specify the
* particular function number for the scalar and vector you want to visualize.
* This implementation of the reader provides the following functions. The
* scalar functions are:
* -1 - don't read or compute any scalars
* 100 - density
* 110 - pressure
* 111 - pressure coefficient (requires Overflow file with Gamma)
* 112 - mach number (requires Overflow file with Gamma)
* 113 - sounds speed (requires Overflow file with Gamma)
* 120 - temperature
* 130 - enthalpy
* 140 - internal energy
* 144 - kinetic energy
* 153 - velocity magnitude
* 163 - stagnation energy
* 170 - entropy
* 184 - swirl
* 211 - vorticity magnitude
* The vector functions are:
* -1 - don't read or compute any vectors
* 200 - velocity
* 201 - vorticity
* 202 - momentum
* 210 - pressure gradient.
* 212 - strain rate
* (Other functions are described in the PLOT3D spec, but only those listed are
* implemented here.) Note that by default, this reader creates the density
* scalar (100), stagnation energy (163) and momentum vector (202) as output.
* (These are just read in from the solution file.) Please note that the validity
* of computation is a function of this class's gas constants (R, Gamma) and the
* equations used. They may not be suitable for your computational domain.
* Additionally, you can read other data and associate it as a vtkDataArray
* into the output's point attribute data. Use the method AddFunction()
* to list all the functions that you'd like to read. AddFunction() accepts
* an integer parameter that defines the function number.
* @sa
* vtkMultiBlockDataSet vtkStructuredGrid vtkPlot3DMetaReader
#ifndef vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader_h
#define vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader_h
#include "vtkIOParallelModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkParallelReader.h"
#include <vector> // For holding function-names
class vtkDataArray;
class vtkDataSetAttributes;
class vtkIntArray;
class vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReaderRecord;
class vtkMultiProcessController;
class vtkStructuredGrid;
class vtkUnsignedCharArray;
struct vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReaderInternals;
class vtkMultiBlockDataSet;
namespace Functors
class ComputeFunctor;
class ComputeTemperatureFunctor;
class ComputePressureFunctor;
class ComputePressureCoefficientFunctor;
class ComputeMachNumberFunctor;
class ComputeSoundSpeedFunctor;
class ComputeEnthalpyFunctor;
class ComputeKinecticEnergyFunctor;
class ComputeVelocityMagnitudeFunctor;
class ComputeEntropyFunctor;
class ComputeSwirlFunctor;
class ComputeVelocityFunctor;
class ComputeVorticityMagnitudeFunctor;
class ComputePressureGradientFunctor;
class ComputeVorticityFunctor;
class ComputeStrainRateFunctor;
class VTKIOPARALLEL_EXPORT vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader : public vtkParallelReader
friend class Functors::ComputeFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeTemperatureFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputePressureFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputePressureCoefficientFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeMachNumberFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeSoundSpeedFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeEnthalpyFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeKinecticEnergyFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeVelocityMagnitudeFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeEntropyFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeSwirlFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeVelocityFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeVorticityMagnitudeFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputePressureGradientFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeVorticityFunctor;
friend class Functors::ComputeStrainRateFunctor;
static vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader, vtkParallelReader);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Get the output data object for a port on this algorithm.
vtkMultiBlockDataSet* GetOutput();
vtkMultiBlockDataSet* GetOutput(int);
* Set/Get the PLOT3D geometry filename.
void SetFileName(const char* name) { this->SetXYZFileName(name); }
const char* GetFileName() { return this->GetXYZFileName(); }
const char* GetFileName(int i) { return this->vtkParallelReader::GetFileName(i); }
virtual void SetXYZFileName(const char*);
* Set/Get the PLOT3D solution filename. This adds a filename
* using the superclass' AddFileName() method. To read a series
* of q files, use the AddFileName() interface directly to add
* multiple q filenames in the appropriate order. If the files
* are of Overflow format, the reader will read the time values
* from the files. Otherwise, it will use an integer sequence.
* Use a meta reader to support time values for non-Overflow file
* sequences.
void SetQFileName(const char* name);
const char* GetQFileName();
* Set/Get the PLOT3D function filename.
* When this option is turned on, the reader will try to figure
* out the values of various options such as byte order, byte
* count etc. automatically. This options works only for binary
* files. When it is turned on, the reader should be able to read
* most Plot3D files automatically. The default is OFF for backwards
* compatibility reasons. For binary files, it is strongly recommended
* that you turn on AutoDetectFormat and leave the other file format
* related options untouched.
vtkSetMacro(AutoDetectFormat, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(AutoDetectFormat, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(AutoDetectFormat, vtkTypeBool);
* Is the file to be read written in binary format (as opposed
* to ascii).
vtkSetMacro(BinaryFile, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(BinaryFile, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(BinaryFile, vtkTypeBool);
* Does the file to be read contain information about number of
* grids. In some PLOT3D files, the first value contains the number
* of grids (even if there is only 1). If reading such a file,
* set this to true.
vtkSetMacro(MultiGrid, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(MultiGrid, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(MultiGrid, vtkTypeBool);
* Were the arrays written with leading and trailing byte counts ?
* Usually, files written by a fortran program will contain these
* byte counts whereas the ones written by C/C++ won't.
vtkSetMacro(HasByteCount, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(HasByteCount, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(HasByteCount, vtkTypeBool);
* Is there iblanking (point visibility) information in the file.
* If there is iblanking arrays, these will be read and assigned
* to the PointVisibility array of the output.
vtkSetMacro(IBlanking, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(IBlanking, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(IBlanking, vtkTypeBool);
* If only two-dimensional data was written to the file,
* turn this on.
vtkSetMacro(TwoDimensionalGeometry, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(TwoDimensionalGeometry, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(TwoDimensionalGeometry, vtkTypeBool);
* Is this file in double precision or single precision.
* This only matters for binary files.
* Default is single.
vtkSetMacro(DoublePrecision, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(DoublePrecision, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(DoublePrecision, vtkTypeBool);
* Try to read a binary file even if the file length seems to be
* inconsistent with the header information. Use this with caution,
* if the file length is not the same as calculated from the header.
* either the file is corrupt or the settings are wrong.
vtkSetMacro(ForceRead, vtkTypeBool);
vtkGetMacro(ForceRead, vtkTypeBool);
vtkBooleanMacro(ForceRead, vtkTypeBool);
* Set the byte order of the file (remember, more Unix workstations
* write big endian whereas PCs write little endian). Default is
* big endian (since most older PLOT3D files were written by
* workstations).
void SetByteOrderToBigEndian();
void SetByteOrderToLittleEndian();
vtkSetMacro(ByteOrder, int);
vtkGetMacro(ByteOrder, int);
const char* GetByteOrderAsString();
* Set/Get the gas constant. Default is 1.0.
vtkSetMacro(R, double);
vtkGetMacro(R, double);
* Set/Get the ratio of specific heats. Default is 1.4.
vtkSetMacro(Gamma, double);
vtkGetMacro(Gamma, double);
* When set to true (default), the reader will preserve intermediate computed
* quantities that were not explicitly requested e.g. if `VelocityMagnitude` is
* enabled, but not `Velocity`, the reader still needs to compute `Velocity`.
* If `PreserveIntermediateFunctions` if false, then the output will not have
* `Velocity` array, only the requested `VelocityMagnitude`. This is useful to
* avoid using up memory for arrays that are not relevant for the analysis.
vtkSetMacro(PreserveIntermediateFunctions, bool);
vtkGetMacro(PreserveIntermediateFunctions, bool);
vtkBooleanMacro(PreserveIntermediateFunctions, bool);
* Specify the scalar function to extract. If ==(-1), then no scalar
* function is extracted.
void SetScalarFunctionNumber(int num);
vtkGetMacro(ScalarFunctionNumber, int);
* Specify the vector function to extract. If ==(-1), then no vector
* function is extracted.
void SetVectorFunctionNumber(int num);
vtkGetMacro(VectorFunctionNumber, int);
* Specify additional functions to read. These are placed into the
* point data as data arrays. Later on they can be used by labeling
* them as scalars, etc.
void AddFunction(int functionNumber);
void RemoveFunction(int);
void RemoveAllFunctions();
* Return 1 if the reader can read the given file name. Only meaningful
* for binary files.
virtual int CanReadBinaryFile(const char* fname);
* Set/Get the communicator object (we'll use global World controller
* if you don't set a different one).
void SetController(vtkMultiProcessController* c);
vtkGetObjectMacro(Controller, vtkMultiProcessController);
void AddFunctionName(const std::string& name) { FunctionNames.push_back(name); }
* These methods have to be overwritten from superclass
* because Plot3D actually uses the XYZ file to read these.
* This is not recognized by the superclass which returns
* an error when a filename (Q filename) is not set.
int ReadMetaData(vtkInformation* metadata) override;
int ReadMesh(int piece, int npieces, int nghosts, int timestep, vtkDataObject* output) override;
int ReadPoints(int piece, int npieces, int nghosts, int timestep, vtkDataObject* output) override;
int ReadArrays(int piece, int npieces, int nghosts, int timestep, vtkDataObject* output) override;
~vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader() override;
* Overridden from superclass to do actual reading.
double GetTimeValue(const std::string& fname) override;
int ReadMesh(
const std::string& fname, int piece, int npieces, int nghosts, vtkDataObject* output) override;
int ReadPoints(
const std::string& fname, int piece, int npieces, int nghosts, vtkDataObject* output) override;
int ReadArrays(
const std::string& fname, int piece, int npieces, int nghosts, vtkDataObject* output) override;
vtkDataArray* CreateFloatArray();
int CheckFile(FILE*& fp, const char* fname);
int CheckGeometryFile(FILE*& xyzFp);
int CheckFunctionFile(FILE*& fFp);
int GetByteCountSize();
int SkipByteCount(FILE* fp);
int ReadIntBlock(FILE* fp, int n, int* block);
vtkIdType ReadValues(FILE* fp, int n, vtkDataArray* scalar);
virtual int ReadIntScalar(void* vfp, int extent[6], int wextent[6], vtkDataArray* scalar,
vtkTypeUInt64 offset, const vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReaderRecord& currentRecord);
virtual int ReadScalar(void* vfp, int extent[6], int wextent[6], vtkDataArray* scalar,
vtkTypeUInt64 offset, const vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReaderRecord& currentRecord);
virtual int ReadVector(void* vfp, int extent[6], int wextent[6], int numDims,
vtkDataArray* vector, vtkTypeUInt64 offset,
const vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReaderRecord& currentRecord);
virtual int OpenFileForDataRead(void*& fp, const char* fname);
virtual void CloseFile(void* fp);
int GetNumberOfBlocksInternal(FILE* xyzFp, int allocate);
int ReadGeometryHeader(FILE* fp);
int ReadQHeader(FILE* fp, bool checkGrid, int& nq, int& nqc, int& overflow);
int ReadFunctionHeader(FILE* fp, int* nFunctions);
void CalculateFileSize(FILE* fp);
int AutoDetectionCheck(FILE* fp);
void AssignAttribute(int fNumber, vtkStructuredGrid* output, int attributeType);
void MapFunction(int fNumber, vtkStructuredGrid* output);
* Each of these methods compute a derived quantity. On success, the array is
* added to the output and a pointer to the same is returned.
vtkDataArray* ComputeTemperature(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputePressure(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputeEnthalpy(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputeKineticEnergy(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputeVelocityMagnitude(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputeEntropy(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputeSwirl(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputeVelocity(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputeVorticity(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputePressureGradient(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputePressureCoefficient(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputeMachNumber(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputeSoundSpeed(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputeVorticityMagnitude(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
vtkDataArray* ComputeStrainRate(vtkStructuredGrid* output);
// Returns a vtkFloatArray or a vtkDoubleArray depending
// on DoublePrecision setting
vtkDataArray* NewFloatArray();
// Delete references to any existing vtkPoints and
// I-blank arrays. The next Update() will (re)read
// the XYZ file.
void ClearGeometryCache();
double GetGamma(vtkIdType idx, vtkDataArray* gamma);
int FillOutputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation* info) override;
// plot3d FileNames
char* XYZFileName;
char* QFileName;
char* FunctionFileName;
vtkTypeBool BinaryFile;
vtkTypeBool HasByteCount;
vtkTypeBool TwoDimensionalGeometry;
vtkTypeBool MultiGrid;
vtkTypeBool ForceRead;
int ByteOrder;
vtkTypeBool IBlanking;
vtkTypeBool DoublePrecision;
vtkTypeBool AutoDetectFormat;
int ExecutedGhostLevels;
size_t FileSize;
// parameters used in computing derived functions
double R;
double Gamma;
double GammaInf;
bool PreserveIntermediateFunctions;
// named functions from meta data
std::vector<std::string> FunctionNames;
// functions to read that are not scalars or vectors
vtkIntArray* FunctionList;
int ScalarFunctionNumber;
int VectorFunctionNumber;
vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReaderInternals* Internal;
vtkMultiProcessController* Controller;
vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader(const vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkMultiBlockPLOT3DReader&) = delete;
// Key used to flag intermediate results.
static vtkInformationIntegerKey* INTERMEDIATE_RESULT();
* Remove intermediate results
void RemoveIntermediateFunctions(vtkDataSetAttributes* dsa);