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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkGenericAttributeCollection.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkGenericAttributeCollection
* @brief a collection of attributes
* vtkGenericAttributeCollection is a class that collects attributes
* (represented by vtkGenericAttribute).
#ifndef vtkGenericAttributeCollection_h
#define vtkGenericAttributeCollection_h
#include "vtkCommonDataModelModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkObject.h"
class vtkGenericAttributeInternalVector;
class vtkIntInternalVector;
class vtkGenericAttribute;
class VTKCOMMONDATAMODEL_EXPORT vtkGenericAttributeCollection : public vtkObject
* Create an empty collection.
static vtkGenericAttributeCollection* New();
* Standard type definition and print methods for a VTK class.
vtkTypeMacro(vtkGenericAttributeCollection, vtkObject);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Return the number of attributes (e.g., instances of vtkGenericAttribute)
* in the collection.
* \post positive_result: result>=0
int GetNumberOfAttributes();
* Return the number of components. This is the sum of all components
* found in all attributes.
* \post positive_result: result>=0
int GetNumberOfComponents();
* Return the number of components. This is the sum of all components
* found in all point centered attributes.
* \post positive_result: result>=0
int GetNumberOfPointCenteredComponents();
* Maximum number of components encountered among all attributes.
* \post positive_result: result>=0
* \post valid_result: result<=GetNumberOfComponents()
int GetMaxNumberOfComponents();
* Actual size of the data in kibibytes (1024 bytes); only valid after the pipeline has
* updated. It is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to the memory
* required to represent the data.
unsigned long GetActualMemorySize();
* Indicate whether the collection contains any attributes.
* \post definition: result==(GetNumberOfAttributes()==0)
int IsEmpty();
* Return a pointer to the ith instance of vtkGenericAttribute.
* \pre not_empty: !IsEmpty()
* \pre valid_i: i>=0 && i<GetNumberOfAttributes()
* \post result_exists: result!=0
vtkGenericAttribute* GetAttribute(int i);
* Return the index of the attribute named `name'. Return the non-negative
* index if found. Return -1 otherwise.
* \pre name_exists: name!=0
* \post valid_result: (result==-1) || (result>=0) && (result<=GetNumberOfAttributes())
int FindAttribute(const char* name);
* Return the index of the first component of attribute `i' in an array of
* format attrib0comp0 attrib0comp1 ... attrib4comp0 ...
* \pre valid_i: i>=0 && i<GetNumberOfAttributes()
* \pre is_point_centered: GetAttribute(i)->GetCentering()==vtkPointCentered
int GetAttributeIndex(int i);
* Add the attribute `a' to the end of the collection.
* \pre a_exists: a!=0
* \post more_items: GetNumberOfAttributes()==old GetNumberOfAttributes()+1
* \post a_is_set: GetAttribute(GetNumberOfAttributes()-1)==a
void InsertNextAttribute(vtkGenericAttribute* a);
* Replace the attribute at index `i' by `a'.
* \pre not_empty: !IsEmpty()
* \pre a_exists: a!=0
* \pre valid_i: i>=0 && i<GetNumberOfAttributes()
* \post same_size: GetNumberOfAttributes()==old GetNumberOfAttributes()
* \post item_is_set: GetAttribute(i)==a
void InsertAttribute(int i, vtkGenericAttribute* a);
* Remove the attribute at `i'.
* \pre not_empty: !IsEmpty()
* \pre valid_i: i>=0 && i<GetNumberOfAttributes()
* \post fewer_items: GetNumberOfAttributes()==old GetNumberOfAttributes()-1
void RemoveAttribute(int i);
* Remove all attributes.
* \post is_empty: GetNumberOfAttributes()==0
void Reset();
* Copy, without reference counting, the other attribute array.
* \pre other_exists: other!=0
* \pre not_self: other!=this
* \post same_size: GetNumberOfAttributes()==other->GetNumberOfAttributes()
void DeepCopy(vtkGenericAttributeCollection* other);
* Copy, via reference counting, the other attribute array.
* \pre other_exists: other!=0
* \pre not_self: other!=this
* \post same_size: GetNumberOfAttributes()==other->GetNumberOfAttributes()
void ShallowCopy(vtkGenericAttributeCollection* other);
* vtkAttributeCollection is a composite object and needs to check each
* member of its collection for modified time.
vtkMTimeType GetMTime() override;
// new pipeline update mechanism is checked in.
// *** BEGIN
* Index of the attribute to be processed (not necessarily scalar).
* \pre not_empty: !IsEmpty()
* \post valid_result: result>=0 && result<GetNumberOfAttributes()
vtkGetMacro(ActiveAttribute, int);
* Component of the active attribute to be processed. -1 means module.
* \pre not_empty: GetNumberOfAttributes()>0
* \post valid_result: result>=-1 &&
* result<GetAttribute(GetActiveAttribute())->GetNumberOfComponents()
vtkGetMacro(ActiveComponent, int);
* Set the scalar attribute to be processed. -1 means module.
* \pre not_empty: !IsEmpty()
* \pre valid_attribute: attribute>=0 && attribute<GetNumberOfAttributes()
* \pre valid_component: component>=-1 &&
* component<GetAttribute(attribute)->GetNumberOfComponents()
* \post is_set: GetActiveAttribute()==attribute &&
* GetActiveComponent()==component
void SetActiveAttribute(int attribute, int component = 0);
* Number of attributes to interpolate.
* \pre not_empty: !IsEmpty()
* \post positive_result: result>=0
vtkGetMacro(NumberOfAttributesToInterpolate, int);
* Indices of attributes to interpolate.
* \pre not_empty: !IsEmpty()
* \post valid_result: GetNumberOfAttributesToInterpolate()>0
int* GetAttributesToInterpolate() VTK_SIZEHINT(GetNumberOfAttributesToInterpolate());
* Does the array `attributes' of size `size' have `attribute'?
* \pre positive_size: size>=0
* \pre valid_attributes: size>0 implies attributes!=0
int HasAttribute(int size, int* attributes, int attribute) VTK_SIZEHINT(attributes, size);
* Set the attributes to interpolate.
* \pre not_empty: !IsEmpty()
* \pre positive_size: size>=0
* \pre valid_attributes: size>0 implies attributes!=0
* \pre valid_attributes_contents: attributes!=0 implies
* !HasAttributes(size,attributes,GetActiveAttribute())
* \post is_set: (GetNumberOfAttributesToInterpolate()==size)&&
* (GetAttributesToInterpolate()==attributes)
void SetAttributesToInterpolate(int size, int* attributes) VTK_SIZEHINT(attributes, size);
void SetAttributesToInterpolateToAll();
* Default constructor: empty collection.
* Destructor.
~vtkGenericAttributeCollection() override;
* STL vector for storing attributes
vtkGenericAttributeInternalVector* AttributeInternalVector;
* STL vector for storing index of point centered attributes
vtkIntInternalVector* AttributeIndices;
int ActiveAttribute;
int ActiveComponent;
int NumberOfAttributesToInterpolate;
int AttributesToInterpolate[10];
int NumberOfComponents; // cache
int NumberOfPointCenteredComponents; // cache
int MaxNumberOfComponents; // cache
unsigned long ActualMemorySize; // cache
vtkTimeStamp ComputeTime; // cache time stamp
* Compute number of components, max number of components and actual
* memory size.
void ComputeNumbers();
vtkGenericAttributeCollection(const vtkGenericAttributeCollection&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkGenericAttributeCollection&) = delete;