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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate
* @brief object represents upward pointers from points
* to list of cells using each point (template implementation)
* vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate is a supplemental object to vtkCellArray and
* vtkCellTypes, enabling access to the list of cells using each point.
* vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate is an array of links, each link represents a
* list of cell ids using a particular point. The information provided by
* this object can be used to determine neighbors (e.g., face neighbors,
* edge neighbors)and construct other local topological information. This
* class is a faster implementation of vtkCellLinks. However, it cannot be
* incrementally constructed; it is meant to be constructed once (statically)
* and must be rebuilt if the cells change.
* This is a templated implementation for vtkStaticCellLinks. The reason for
* the templating is to gain performance and reduce memory by using smaller
* integral types to represent ids. For example, if the maximum id can be
* represented by an int (as compared to a vtkIdType), it is possible to
* reduce memory requirements by half and increase performance. This
* templated class can be used directly; alternatively the
* non-templated class vtkStaticCellLinks can be used for convenience;
* although it uses vtkIdType and so will lose some speed and memory
* advantages.
* @sa
* vtkAbstractCellLinks vtkCellLinks vtkStaticCellLinks
#ifndef vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate_h
#define vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate_h
class vtkDataSet;
class vtkPolyData;
class vtkUnstructuredGrid;
class vtkExplicitStructuredGrid;
class vtkCellArray;
#include "vtkAbstractCellLinks.h"
template <typename TIds>
class vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate
* Instantiate and destructor methods.
* Make sure any previously created links are cleaned up.
void Initialize();
* Build the link list array for a general dataset. Slower than the
* specialized methods that follow.
void BuildLinks(vtkDataSet* ds);
* Build the link list array for vtkPolyData.
void BuildLinks(vtkPolyData* pd);
* Build the link list array for vtkUnstructuredGrid.
void BuildLinks(vtkUnstructuredGrid* ugrid);
* Build the link list array for vtkExplicitStructuredGrid.
void BuildLinks(vtkExplicitStructuredGrid* esgrid);
* Specialized methods for building links from cell array.
void SerialBuildLinks(const vtkIdType numPts, const vtkIdType numCells, vtkCellArray* cellArray);
void ThreadedBuildLinks(
const vtkIdType numPts, const vtkIdType numCells, vtkCellArray* cellArray);
* Get the number of cells using the point specified by ptId.
TIds GetNumberOfCells(vtkIdType ptId) { return (this->Offsets[ptId + 1] - this->Offsets[ptId]); }
vtkIdType GetNcells(vtkIdType ptId) { return (this->Offsets[ptId + 1] - this->Offsets[ptId]); }
* Return a list of cell ids using the point specified by ptId.
TIds* GetCells(vtkIdType ptId) { return (this->Links + this->Offsets[ptId]); }
* Support vtkAbstractCellLinks API.
unsigned long GetActualMemorySize();
void DeepCopy(vtkAbstractCellLinks* src);
* Control whether to thread or serial process.
void SetSequentialProcessing(vtkTypeBool seq) { this->SequentialProcessing = seq; }
vtkTypeBool GetSequentialProcessing() { return this->SequentialProcessing; }
// The various templated data members
TIds LinksSize;
TIds NumPts;
TIds NumCells;
// These point to the core data structures
TIds* Links; // contiguous runs of cell ids
TIds* Offsets; // offsets for each point into the links array
// Support for execution
int Type;
vtkTypeBool SequentialProcessing;
vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate(const vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate&) = delete;
#include "vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate.txx"
// VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate.h