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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkOBBTree.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkOBBTree
* @brief generate oriented bounding box (OBB) tree
* vtkOBBTree is an object to generate oriented bounding box (OBB) trees.
* An oriented bounding box is a bounding box that does not necessarily line
* up along coordinate axes. The OBB tree is a hierarchical tree structure
* of such boxes, where deeper levels of OBB confine smaller regions of space.
* To build the OBB, a recursive, top-down process is used. First, the root OBB
* is constructed by finding the mean and covariance matrix of the cells (and
* their points) that define the dataset. The eigenvectors of the covariance
* matrix are extracted, giving a set of three orthogonal vectors that define
* the tightest-fitting OBB. To create the two children OBB's, a split plane
* is found that (approximately) divides the number cells in half. These are
* then assigned to the children OBB's. This process then continues until
* the MaxLevel ivar limits the recursion, or no split plane can be found.
* A good reference for OBB-trees is Gottschalk & Manocha in Proceedings of
* Siggraph `96.
* @warning
* Since this algorithms works from a list of cells, the OBB tree will only
* bound the "geometry" attached to the cells if the convex hull of the
* cells bounds the geometry.
* @warning
* Long, skinny cells (i.e., cells with poor aspect ratio) may cause
* unsatisfactory results. This is due to the fact that this is a top-down
* implementation of the OBB tree, requiring that one or more complete cells
* are contained in each OBB. This requirement makes it hard to find good
* split planes during the recursion process. A bottom-up implementation would
* go a long way to correcting this problem.
* @sa
* vtkLocator vtkCellLocator vtkPointLocator
#ifndef vtkOBBTree_h
#define vtkOBBTree_h
#include "vtkAbstractCellLocator.h"
#include "vtkFiltersGeneralModule.h" // For export macro
class vtkMatrix4x4;
// Special class defines node for the OBB tree
{ //;prevent man page generation
double Corner[3]; // center point of this node
double Axes[3][3]; // the axes defining the OBB - ordered from long->short
vtkOBBNode* Parent; // parent node; nullptr if root
vtkOBBNode** Kids; // two children of this node; nullptr if leaf
vtkIdList* Cells; // list of cells in node
void DebugPrintTree(int level, double* leaf_vol, int* minCells, int* maxCells);
vtkOBBNode(const vtkOBBNode& other) = delete;
vtkOBBNode& operator=(const vtkOBBNode& rhs) = delete;
class VTKFILTERSGENERAL_EXPORT vtkOBBTree : public vtkAbstractCellLocator
vtkTypeMacro(vtkOBBTree, vtkAbstractCellLocator);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Construct with automatic computation of divisions, averaging
* 25 cells per octant.
static vtkOBBTree* New();
// Re-use any superclass signatures that we don't override.
using vtkAbstractCellLocator::IntersectWithLine;
* Take the passed line segment and intersect it with the data set.
* This method assumes that the data set is a vtkPolyData that describes
* a closed surface, and the intersection points that are returned in
* 'points' alternate between entrance points and exit points.
* The return value of the function is 0 if no intersections were found,
* -1 if point 'a0' lies inside the closed surface, or +1 if point 'a0'
* lies outside the closed surface.
* Either 'points' or 'cellIds' can be set to nullptr if you don't want
* to receive that information.
int IntersectWithLine(
const double a0[3], const double a1[3], vtkPoints* points, vtkIdList* cellIds) override;
* Return the first intersection of the specified line segment with
* the OBB tree, as well as information about the cell which the
* line segment intersected. A return value of 1 indicates an intersection
* and 0 indicates no intersection.
int IntersectWithLine(const double a0[3], const double a1[3], double tol, double& t, double x[3],
double pcoords[3], int& subId, vtkIdType& cellId, vtkGenericCell* cell) override;
* Compute an OBB from the list of points given. Return the corner point
* and the three axes defining the orientation of the OBB. Also return
* a sorted list of relative "sizes" of axes for comparison purposes.
static void ComputeOBB(
vtkPoints* pts, double corner[3], double max[3], double mid[3], double min[3], double size[3]);
* Compute an OBB for the input dataset using the cells in the data.
* Return the corner point and the three axes defining the orientation
* of the OBB. Also return a sorted list of relative "sizes" of axes for
* comparison purposes.
void ComputeOBB(vtkDataSet* input, double corner[3], double max[3], double mid[3], double min[3],
double size[3]);
* Determine whether a point is inside or outside the data used to build
* this OBB tree. The data must be a closed surface vtkPolyData data set.
* The return value is +1 if outside, -1 if inside, and 0 if undecided.
int InsideOrOutside(const double point[3]);
* Returns true if nodeB and nodeA are disjoint after optional
* transformation of nodeB with matrix XformBtoA
int DisjointOBBNodes(vtkOBBNode* nodeA, vtkOBBNode* nodeB, vtkMatrix4x4* XformBtoA);
* Returns true if line intersects node.
int LineIntersectsNode(vtkOBBNode* pA, const double b0[3], const double b1[3]);
* Returns true if triangle (optionally transformed) intersects node.
int TriangleIntersectsNode(
vtkOBBNode* pA, double p0[3], double p1[3], double p2[3], vtkMatrix4x4* XformBtoA);
* For each intersecting leaf node pair, call function.
* OBBTreeB is optionally transformed by XformBtoA before testing.
int IntersectWithOBBTree(vtkOBBTree* OBBTreeB, vtkMatrix4x4* XformBtoA,
int (*function)(vtkOBBNode* nodeA, vtkOBBNode* nodeB, vtkMatrix4x4* Xform, void* arg),
void* data_arg);
* Satisfy locator's abstract interface, see vtkLocator.
void FreeSearchStructure() override;
void BuildLocator() override;
* Create polygonal representation for OBB tree at specified level. If
* level < 0, then the leaf OBB nodes will be gathered. The aspect ratio (ar)
* and line diameter (d) are used to control the building of the
* representation. If a OBB node edge ratio's are greater than ar, then the
* dimension of the OBB is collapsed (OBB->plane->line). A "line" OBB will be
* represented either as two crossed polygons, or as a line, depending on
* the relative diameter of the OBB compared to the diameter (d).
void GenerateRepresentation(int level, vtkPolyData* pd) override;
~vtkOBBTree() override;
// Compute an OBB from the list of cells given. This used to be
// public but should not have been. A public call has been added
// so that the functionality can be accessed.
void ComputeOBB(vtkIdList* cells, double corner[3], double max[3], double mid[3], double min[3],
double size[3]);
vtkOBBNode* Tree;
void BuildTree(vtkIdList* cells, vtkOBBNode* parent, int level);
vtkPoints* PointsList;
int* InsertedPoints;
int OBBCount;
void DeleteTree(vtkOBBNode* OBBptr);
void GeneratePolygons(
vtkOBBNode* OBBptr, int level, int repLevel, vtkPoints* pts, vtkCellArray* polys);
vtkOBBTree(const vtkOBBTree&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkOBBTree&) = delete;