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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkNIFTIImageHeader.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkNIFTIImageHeader
* @brief Store NIfTI header information.
* This class stores the header of a NIfTI file in a VTK-friendly format.
* By using this class, it is possible to specify the header information
* that will be stored in a file written by the vtkNIFTIImageWriter. Note
* that the SForm and QForm orientation information in this class will be
* ignored by the writer if an SForm and QForm have been explicitly set
* via the writer's SetSForm and SetQForm methods. Also note that all
* info like Dim, PixDim, DataType, etc. will be ignored by the writer
* because this information must instead be taken from the vtkImageData
* information. Finally, note that the vtkNIFTIImageWriter will ignore the
* Descrip field, since it has its own SetDescription method.
* @par Thanks:
* This class was contributed to VTK by the Calgary Image Processing and
* Analysis Centre (CIPAC).
* @sa
* vtkNIFTIImageReader, vtkNIFTIImageWriter
#ifndef vtkNIFTIImageHeader_h
#define vtkNIFTIImageHeader_h
#include "vtkIOImageModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkObject.h"
struct nifti_1_header;
struct nifti_2_header;
class VTKIOIMAGE_EXPORT vtkNIFTIImageHeader : public vtkObject
* NIFTI intent codes.
enum IntentCodeEnum
IntentNone = 0,
IntentCorrel = 2,
IntentTTest = 3,
IntentFTest = 4,
IntentZScore = 5,
IntentChiSQ = 6,
IntentBeta = 7,
IntentBinom = 8,
IntentGamma = 9,
IntentPoisson = 10,
IntentNormal = 11,
IntentFTestNonc = 12,
IntentChiSQNonc = 13,
IntentLogistic = 14,
IntentLaplace = 15,
IntentUniform = 16,
IntentTTestNonc = 17,
IntentWeibull = 18,
IntentChi = 19,
IntentInvGauss = 20,
IntentExtVal = 21,
IntentPVal = 22,
IntentLogPVal = 23,
IntentLog10PVal = 24,
IntentEstimate = 1001,
IntentLabel = 1002,
IntentNeuroName = 1003,
IntentGenMatrix = 1004,
IntentSymMatrix = 1005,
IntentDispVect = 1006,
IntentVector = 1007,
IntentPointSet = 1008,
IntentTriangle = 1009,
IntentQuaternion = 1010,
IntentDimless = 1011,
IntentTimeSeries = 2001,
IntentNodeIndex = 2002,
IntentRGBVector = 2003,
IntentRGBAVector = 2004,
IntentShape = 2005
* NIFTI transform codes.
enum XFormCodeEnum
XFormUnkown = 0,
XFormScannerAnat = 1,
XFormAlignedAnat = 2,
XFormTalairach = 3,
XFormMNI152 = 4
* NIFTI slice codes.
enum SliceCodeEnum
SliceUnknown = 0,
SliceSeqInc = 1,
SliceSeqDec = 2,
SliceAltInc = 3,
SliceAltDec = 4,
SliceAltInc2 = 5,
SliceAltDec2 = 6
* NIFTI unit codes.
enum UnitsXYZTEnum
UnitsUnknown = 0,
UnitsMeter = 1,
UnitsMM = 2,
UnitsMicron = 3,
UnitsSpace = 7,
UnitsSec = 8,
UnitsMSec = 16,
UnitsUSec = 24,
UnitsHz = 32,
UnitsPPM = 40,
UnitsRads = 48,
UnitsTime = 56
* NIFTI data types.
* Types RGB24 and RGB32 are represented in VTK as a multi-component
* unsigned char image. Complex values are represented as two-component
* images. The NIFTI types Float128 and Complex256 are not supported.
enum DataTypeEnum
TypeUInt8 = 2,
TypeInt16 = 4,
TypeInt32 = 8,
TypeFloat32 = 16,
TypeComplex64 = 32,
TypeFloat64 = 64,
TypeRGB24 = 128,
TypeInt8 = 256,
TypeUInt16 = 512,
TypeUInt32 = 768,
TypeInt64 = 1024,
TypeUInt64 = 1280,
TypeFloat128 = 1536,
TypeComplex128 = 1792,
TypeComplex256 = 2048,
TypeRGBA32 = 2304
* NIFTI header sizes.
enum HeaderSizeEnum
NIFTI1HeaderSize = 348,
NIFTI2HeaderSize = 540
* Static method for construction.
static vtkNIFTIImageHeader* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkNIFTIImageHeader, vtkObject);
* Print information about this object.
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Get the magic number for the NIFTI file as a null-terminated string.
const char* GetMagic() { return this->Magic; }
* Get the offset to the pixel data within the file.
vtkTypeInt64 GetVoxOffset() { return this->VoxOffset; }
* Get the data type.
int GetDataType() { return this->DataType; }
* Get the number of bits per pixel.
int GetBitPix() { return this->BitPix; }
* Get the nth dimension of the data, where GetDim(0) returns the
* number of dimensions that are defined for the file.
vtkTypeInt64 GetDim(int i) { return (i < 0 || i > 7 ? 0 : this->Dim[i]); }
* Get the sample spacing in the nth dimension. If GetPixDim(0) is
* negative, then the quaternion for the qform describes the correct
* orientation only after the slice ordering has been reversed.
double GetPixDim(int i) { return (i < 0 || i > 7 ? 0.0 : this->PixDim[i]); }
* Get the NIFTI intent code. This is an enumerated value in the NIFTI
* header that states what the data is intended to be used for.
vtkSetMacro(IntentCode, int);
int GetIntentCode() { return this->IntentCode; }
* Get the intent name. This should match the intent code.
void SetIntentName(const char* name);
const char* GetIntentName() { return this->IntentName; }
* Get one of the NIFTI intent parameters. The definition of these
* parameters varies according to the IntentCode.
vtkSetMacro(IntentP1, double);
double GetIntentP1() { return this->IntentP1; }
vtkSetMacro(IntentP2, double);
double GetIntentP2() { return this->IntentP2; }
vtkSetMacro(IntentP3, double);
double GetIntentP3() { return this->IntentP3; }
* Get the scale and slope to apply to the data in order to get
* the real-valued data values.
vtkSetMacro(SclSlope, double);
double GetSclSlope() { return this->SclSlope; }
vtkSetMacro(SclInter, double);
double GetSclInter() { return this->SclInter; }
* Get the calibrated range of the data, i.e. the values stored in the
* cal_min and cal_max fields in the header.
vtkSetMacro(CalMin, double);
double GetCalMin() { return this->CalMin; }
vtkSetMacro(CalMax, double);
double GetCalMax() { return this->CalMax; }
* Get the slice_duration and toffset from the header.
vtkSetMacro(SliceDuration, double);
double GetSliceDuration() { return this->SliceDuration; }
vtkSetMacro(TOffset, double);
double GetTOffset() { return this->TOffset; }
* Get the slice range for the data.
vtkSetMacro(SliceStart, vtkTypeInt64);
vtkTypeInt64 GetSliceStart() { return this->SliceStart; }
vtkSetMacro(SliceEnd, vtkTypeInt64);
vtkTypeInt64 GetSliceEnd() { return this->SliceEnd; }
* Get the slice code for the data.
vtkSetMacro(SliceCode, int);
int GetSliceCode() { return this->SliceCode; }
* Get a bitfield that describes the units for the first 4 dims.
vtkSetMacro(XYZTUnits, int);
int GetXYZTUnits() { return this->XYZTUnits; }
* Get a bitfield with extra information about the dimensions, it
* states which dimensions are the phase encode, frequency encode,
* and slice encode dimensions for MRI acquisitions.
vtkSetMacro(DimInfo, int);
int GetDimInfo() { return this->DimInfo; }
* Get a null-terminated file descriptor, this usually gives the
* name of the software that wrote the file. It will have a maximum
* length of 80 characters. Use ASCII to ensure compatibility with
* all NIFTI software, the NIFTI standard itself does not specify what
* encodings are permitted.
void SetDescrip(const char* descrip);
const char* GetDescrip() { return this->Descrip; }
* Get an auxiliary file, e.g. a color table, that is associated
* with this data. The length of the filename must be a maximum of
* 24 characters, and it will be assumed to be in the same directory
* as the NIFTI file.
void SetAuxFile(const char* auxfile);
const char* GetAuxFile() { return this->AuxFile; }
* Get the QForm or SForm code.
vtkSetMacro(QFormCode, int);
int GetQFormCode() { return this->QFormCode; }
vtkSetMacro(SFormCode, int);
int GetSFormCode() { return this->SFormCode; }
* Get information about the quaternion transformation. Note that
* the vtkNIFTIImageWriter ignores this part of the header if a quaternion
* has been set via vtkNIFTIImageWriter::SetQFormMatrix().
vtkSetMacro(QuaternB, double);
double GetQuaternB() { return this->QuaternB; }
vtkSetMacro(QuaternC, double);
double GetQuaternC() { return this->QuaternC; }
vtkSetMacro(QuaternD, double);
double GetQuaternD() { return this->QuaternD; }
vtkSetMacro(QOffsetX, double);
double GetQOffsetX() { return this->QOffsetX; }
vtkSetMacro(QOffsetY, double);
double GetQOffsetY() { return this->QOffsetY; }
vtkSetMacro(QOffsetZ, double);
double GetQOffsetZ() { return this->QOffsetZ; }
* Get information about the matrix transformation. Note that
* the vtkNIFTIImageWriter ignores this part of the header if a matrix
* has been set via vtkNIFTIImageWriter::SetSFormMatrix().
vtkSetVector4Macro(SRowX, double);
vtkGetVector4Macro(SRowX, double);
vtkSetVector4Macro(SRowY, double);
vtkGetVector4Macro(SRowY, double);
vtkSetVector4Macro(SRowZ, double);
vtkGetVector4Macro(SRowZ, double);
* Initialize the header to default values.
void Initialize();
* Make a copy of the header.
void DeepCopy(vtkNIFTIImageHeader* o);
* Set the values from an existing nifti struct, or store
* the values in an existing nifti struct.
void SetHeader(const nifti_1_header* hdr);
void GetHeader(nifti_1_header* hdr);
void SetHeader(const nifti_2_header* hdr);
void GetHeader(nifti_2_header* hdr);
~vtkNIFTIImageHeader() override;
char Magic[12];
vtkTypeInt64 VoxOffset;
int DataType;
int BitPix;
vtkTypeInt64 Dim[8];
double PixDim[8];
int IntentCode;
char IntentName[18];
double IntentP1;
double IntentP2;
double IntentP3;
double SclSlope;
double SclInter;
double CalMin;
double CalMax;
double SliceDuration;
double TOffset;
vtkTypeInt64 SliceStart;
vtkTypeInt64 SliceEnd;
int SliceCode;
int XYZTUnits;
int DimInfo;
char Descrip[82];
char AuxFile[26];
int QFormCode;
int SFormCode;
double QuaternB;
double QuaternC;
double QuaternD;
double QOffsetX;
double QOffsetY;
double QOffsetZ;
double SRowX[4];
double SRowY[4];
double SRowZ[4];
void SetStringValue(char* x, const char* y, size_t n);
vtkNIFTIImageHeader(const vtkNIFTIImageHeader&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkNIFTIImageHeader&) = delete;
#endif // vtkNIFTIImageHeader_h