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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkAreaPicker.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkAreaPicker
* @brief Picks props behind a selection rectangle on a viewport.
* The vtkAreaPicker picks all vtkProp3Ds that lie behind the screen space
* rectangle from x0,y0 and x1,y1. The selection is based upon the bounding
* box of the prop and is thus not exact.
* Like vtkPicker, a pick results in a list of Prop3Ds because many props may
* lie within the pick frustum. You can also get an AssemblyPath, which in this
* case is defined to be the path to the one particular prop in the Prop3D list
* that lies nearest to the near plane.
* This picker also returns the selection frustum, defined as either a
* vtkPlanes, or a set of eight corner vertices in world space. The vtkPlanes
* version is an ImplicitFunction, which is suitable for use with the
* vtkExtractGeometry. The six frustum planes are in order: left, right,
* bottom, top, near, far
* Because this picker picks everything within a volume, the world pick point
* result is ill-defined. Therefore if you ask this class for the world pick
* position, you will get the centroid of the pick frustum. This may be outside
* of all props in the prop list.
* @sa
* vtkInteractorStyleRubberBandPick, vtkExtractSelectedFrustum.
#ifndef vtkAreaPicker_h
#define vtkAreaPicker_h
#include "vtkAbstractPropPicker.h"
#include "vtkRenderingCoreModule.h" // For export macro
class vtkRenderer;
class vtkPoints;
class vtkPlanes;
class vtkProp3DCollection;
class vtkAbstractMapper3D;
class vtkDataSet;
class vtkExtractSelectedFrustum;
class vtkProp;
class VTKRENDERINGCORE_EXPORT vtkAreaPicker : public vtkAbstractPropPicker
static vtkAreaPicker* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkAreaPicker, vtkAbstractPropPicker);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
* Set the default screen rectangle to pick in.
void SetPickCoords(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1);
* Set the default renderer to pick on.
void SetRenderer(vtkRenderer*);
* Perform an AreaPick within the default screen rectangle and renderer.
virtual int Pick();
* Perform pick operation in volume behind the given screen coordinates.
* Props intersecting the selection frustum will be accessible via GetProp3D.
* GetPlanes returns a vtkImplicitFunction suitable for vtkExtractGeometry.
virtual int AreaPick(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, vtkRenderer* renderer = nullptr);
* Perform pick operation in volume behind the given screen coordinate.
* This makes a thin frustum around the selected pixel.
* Note: this ignores Z in order to pick everying in a volume from z=0 to z=1.
int Pick(double x0, double y0, double vtkNotUsed(z0), vtkRenderer* renderer = nullptr) override
return this->AreaPick(x0, y0, x0 + 1.0, y0 + 1.0, renderer);
* Return mapper that was picked (if any).
vtkGetObjectMacro(Mapper, vtkAbstractMapper3D);
* Get a pointer to the dataset that was picked (if any). If nothing
* was picked then NULL is returned.
vtkGetObjectMacro(DataSet, vtkDataSet);
* Return a collection of all the prop 3D's that were intersected
* by the pick ray. This collection is not sorted.
vtkProp3DCollection* GetProp3Ds() { return this->Prop3Ds; }
* Return the six planes that define the selection frustum. The implicit
* function defined by the planes evaluates to negative inside and positive
* outside.
vtkGetObjectMacro(Frustum, vtkPlanes);
* Return eight points that define the selection frustum.
vtkGetObjectMacro(ClipPoints, vtkPoints);
~vtkAreaPicker() override;
void Initialize() override;
void DefineFrustum(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, vtkRenderer*);
virtual int PickProps(vtkRenderer* renderer);
int TypeDecipher(vtkProp*, vtkAbstractMapper3D**);
int ABoxFrustumIsect(double bounds[], double& mindist);
vtkPoints* ClipPoints;
vtkPlanes* Frustum;
vtkProp3DCollection* Prop3Ds; // candidate actors (based on bounding box)
vtkAbstractMapper3D* Mapper; // selected mapper (if the prop has a mapper)
vtkDataSet* DataSet; // selected dataset (if there is one)
// used internally to do prop intersection tests
vtkExtractSelectedFrustum* FrustumExtractor;
double X0;
double Y0;
double X1;
double Y1;
vtkAreaPicker(const vtkAreaPicker&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkAreaPicker&) = delete;