/** * * @file FITKMeshGenOFInterface.h * @brief openfoam网格生成 * @author LiBaojun (libaojunqd@foxmail.com) * @date 2024-07-17 * */ #ifndef _FITK_MESHGEN_OF_INTERFACE_H___ #define _FITK_MESHGEN_OF_INTERFACE_H___ #include "FITKMeshGenOFAPI.h" #include "FITK_Kernel/FITKAppFramework/FITKComponentInterface.h" namespace OF { /** * @brief OpenFOAM网格生成 * @author LiBaojun (libaojunqd@foxmail.com) * @date 2024-03-04 */ class FITKMeshGenOFAPI FITKMeshGenOFInterface : public AppFrame::FITKComponentInterface { public: /** * @brief Construct a new FITKMeshGenOFInterface object * @author LiBaojun (libaojunqd@foxmail.com) * @date 2024-07-17 */ explicit FITKMeshGenOFInterface(); /** * @brief Destroy the FITKMeshGenOFInterface object * @author LiBaojun (libaojunqd@foxmail.com) * @date 2024-07-17 */ virtual ~FITKMeshGenOFInterface() = default; /** * @brief 获取部件名称,不能重复 return "FITKMeshGenOF" * @return QString * @author LiBaojun (libaojunqd@foxmail.com) * @date 2024-03-04 */ virtual QString getComponentName() override; /** * @brief 执行读取或写出 * @author LiBaojun (libaojunqd@foxmail.com) * @date 2024-03-07 */ virtual bool exec(const int indexPort) override; }; } #endif