* @file FITKFluidVTKGraphObjectPickPreview.h
* @brief Graph object for picking preview.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
#include "FITKFluidVTKGraphObject3D.h"
#include "FITKFluidVTKGraphAdaptorAPI.h"
// Forward declaration
class QVariant;
class vtkDataSet;
class vtkSelectionNode;
class vtkSelection;
class vtkExtractSelection;
class vtkIdTypeArray;
class vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter;
class FITKGraphActor;
class FITKHighOrderCellFilter;
namespace Core
class FITKAbstractDataObject;
namespace Exchange
* @brief Graph object for picking preview.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
class FITKFLUIDGRAPHADAPTORAPI FITKFluidVTKGraphObjectPickPreview : public FITKFluidVTKGraphObject3D
// Regist
FITKGraphRegist(FITKFluidVTKGraphObjectPickPreview, FITKFluidVTKGraphObject3D);
FITKCLASS(Exchange, FITKFluidVTKGraphObjectPickPreview);
* @brief Constructor.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
* @brief Destructor.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
* @brief Hide or show the graph object's actor.[override]
* @param visibility: The visibility.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
void setVisible(bool visibility) override;
* @brief Set the picked type( Point or Cell ) and the picked index.
* @param actor: The picked actor.
* @param type: The picked type( 1: Point, 2: Cell, 3: Mixed )
* @param index: The picked index
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
void setPickedData(vtkActor* actor, int type, int index);
* @brief Set the dataset for visualization.
* @param grid: The picked data
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
void setPickedData(vtkDataSet* grid);
* @brief Set the picked type( Point or Cell ) and the picked index.
* @param dataSet: The picked dataSet.
* @param type: The picked type( 1: Point, 2: Cell, 3: Mixed )
* @param index: The picked index
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
void setPickedData(vtkDataSet* dataSet, int type, int index);
* @brief Set the dataset for visualization.
* @param type: The type of picked data( 1: Points, 2: Cells, 3: Mixed )
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
void setPickedType(int type);
* @brief Initialize the pointers.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-23
void init();
* @brief Initialize the actor's visualization properties.[override]
* @param actor: The actor
* @param details: No used
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
void initActorProperties(vtkProp* actor, QVariant details = QVariant()) override;
* @brief The actor.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
FITKGraphActor* m_fActor{ nullptr };
* @brief The selection node for extract mesh grid.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
vtkSelectionNode* m_selectNode{ nullptr };
* @brief The selection for vtkSelectionNode.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
vtkSelection* m_section{ nullptr };
* @brief The mesh grid extractor.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
vtkExtractSelection* m_extractSelection{ nullptr };
* @brief The surface filter for high-order element.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter* m_surfaceFilter{ nullptr };
* @brief The high-order element dealer.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
FITKHighOrderCellFilter* m_highOrderFilter{ nullptr };
* @brief The indice array of extract id.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
vtkIdTypeArray* m_idArray{ nullptr };
} // namespace Exchange