* @file FITKFluidVTKGraphObject3D.h
* @brief Fluid graph object 3D base for VTK graph widget.
* All of the fluid graph objects need to inherit this class.
* Not all of the interface need to be override, because most of
* the graph objects only need to be shown.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
#include "FITK_Component/FITKRenderWindowVTK/FITKGraphObjectVTK.h"
#include "FITKFluidVTKGraphAdaptorAPI.h"
#include "FITKFluidVTKCommons.h"
// Forward declaration
class QVariant;
class vtkActor;
class vtkObject;
class vtkDataSet;
class FITKGraphActor;
namespace Comp
class FITKGraphRender;
namespace Core
class FITKAbstractNDataObject;
class FITKAbstractGraphWidget;
namespace Exchange
* @brief Fluid graph object for 3D base for VTK graph widget.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
class FITKFLUIDGRAPHADAPTORAPI FITKFluidVTKGraphObject3D : public Comp::FITKGraphObjectVTK
// Regist
FITKGraphRegist(FITKFluidVTKGraphObject3D, Comp::FITKGraphObjectVTK);
FITKCLASS(Exchange, FITKFluidVTKGraphObject3D);
* @brief Constructor.
* @param dataObj: The data object need to exchange
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
FITKFluidVTKGraphObject3D(Core::FITKAbstractDataObject* dataObj);
* @brief Destructor.[virtual]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual ~FITKFluidVTKGraphObject3D();
* @brief Judge and save the graph widget.[BETA]
* @param widget: The graph widget.
* @return If the graph object has set a graph widget already, then return it, and
* do not save the given widget.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
Core::FITKAbstractGraphWidget* setConstGraphWidget(Core::FITKAbstractGraphWidget* widget);
* @brief Show or hide the shape by the given type and flag.[virtual]
* @param type: The shape type
* @param visible: The visibility
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-14
virtual void setViewMode(FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeMeshViewMode type, bool visible);
* @brief Enable or disable transparent.[virtual]
* @param isOn: Enable or disable
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-30
virtual void setTransparent(bool isOn);
* @brief Set the color for single edge, face or solid.[virtual]
* @param color: The color
* @param type: The shape mesh type
* @param index: The index of face or edge or vertex
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-11
virtual void setColor(QColor color, FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeType type, int index);
* @brief Set the color.[virtual]
* @param color: The color
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-11
virtual void setColor(QColor color);
* @brief Get the number of components of the given type.[virtual]
* @param type: The shape type
* @return The count
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-22
virtual int getNumberOf(FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeType type);
// For picking.
* @brief Set if the graph object pickable mode.[virtual]
* @param mode: The pickable mode
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-06
virtual void setPickMode(FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapePickMode mode);
* @brief Get the shape id by the given shape type and VTK cell id.[virtual]
* @param vtkCellId: The VTK cell id in shape data
* @param topAbsShapeType: The shape type of the given ID( the same as TopAbs_ShapeEnum )
* @return The shape id
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-19
virtual int getShapeIdByVTKCellId(int vtkCellId, FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeAbsEnum topAbsShapeType);
* @brief Get the VTK cell indice by the given shape type and shape id in shape data.[virtual]
* @param shapeId: The shape id in shape data
* @param topAbsShapeType: The shape type of the given ID( the same as TopAbs_ShapeEnum )
* @return The cell indice[const]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-06
virtual const QVector<int> getVTKCellIdsByShapeId(int shapeId, FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeAbsEnum topAbsShapeType);
* @brief Get the VTK cell indice by the given shape type and cell id in VTK.[virtual]
* @param cellId: The cell id in VTK
* @param topAbsShapeType: The shape type of the given ID( the same as TopAbs_ShapeEnum )
* @return The cell indice[const]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-06
virtual const QVector<int> getVTKCellIdsByVTKCellId(int cellId, FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeAbsEnum topAbsShapeType);
// For highlighting.
* @brief Get the VTK mesh grid by the given mesh type.[virtual]
* @param type: The shape's VTK mesh type
* @return The vtkDataSet object of the given type of mesh
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-06
virtual vtkDataSet* getMesh(FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeType type);
* @brief Get the highlight states of the graph.
* @return Is highlighting
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
bool isHighlighting();
* @brief Get the pre-highlight states of the graph.
* @return Is highlighting
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
bool isPreHighlighting();
* @brief Get the advanced highlight states of the graph.
* @return Is advanced highlighting
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-23
bool isAdvancedHighlighting();
* @brief Set the render, which will add this graph object to itself.( for calculating size )
* @param render: The FITKGrapgRender
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void setFITKRender(Comp::FITKGraphRender* render);
* @brief Get the layer need to be render.[virtual]
* @return The layer index
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual int getRenderLayer();
* @brief Get the layer for highlighting need to be render.[virtual]
* @return The layer index
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual int getRenderLayerHighlight();
* @brief Pre-highlight the graph actors.[virtual]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void preHighlight();
* @brief Highlight the graph actors.[virtual]
* @param type: The shape type need to be highlighted[default]
* @param color: The given color for highlighting this time[default]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void highlight(FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeType type = FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeTypeNone, QColor color = QColor());
* @brief Dis-highlight the graph actors.[virtual]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void disHighlight();
* @brief Advanced highlight mode for highlighting part of the graph actors.[virtual]
* @param type: The type of the model need to be highlighted
* @param indice: The given indice of the model component need to be highlight
* @param color: The given color for highlighting this time[default]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-23
virtual void advanceHighlight(FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeType type, QVector<int> indice, QColor color = QColor());
* @brief Dis-highlight the graph actors if the graph object is in advanced highlighting mode.[virtual]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-23
virtual void disAdvanceHighlight();
* @brief Show or hide graph object.[virtual]
* @param visibility: The visibility of graph object
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void setVisible(bool visibility);
* @brief Update the visibility with data object's visibility.[virtual]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void updateVisibility();
* @brief Update all graph actors.[virtual][override]
* @param forceUpdate: Force update[default]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void update(bool forceUpdate = false) override;
* @brief Get the data id.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
int getDataId();
* @brief Get the shape graph object's information.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeInfo getShapeInfo();
* @brief Update the actor with the camera normal if necessary.[virtual]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void updateCameraNormal();
* @brief Simplified the graph object while the camera is changing.
* @param flag: Is on
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
void setGraphSimplified(bool flag);
* @brief Simplified the graph object if necessary.[virtual]
* @param enabled: Enabled simplified flag
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void simplified(bool enabled);
* @brief Get the additional graph objects of this graph.( Not all the graph objects have additional objects. )[virtual]
* @return The graph object list;
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual QList<FITKFluidVTKGraphObject3D*> getAddinGraphObjs();
* @brief Set the information.[virtual]
* @param info: The variant information
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void setAddinInfo(QVariant info);
* @brief Whether the graph object has relation with the given data object id.[virtual]
* @param dataObjId: The data object id
* @return Has relation
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual bool isRelatedTo(int dataObjId);
* @brief Set the variant input data.
* @param value: The input value
* @param inputRole: The input role[default]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-09-12
void setInputVariantData(QVariant value, int inputRole = 1000);
* @brief Get the variant output data.
* @param outputRole: The output role[default]
* @return The output value
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-09-12
QVariant getOutputVariantData(int outputRole = 2000);
* @brief Set the user data to the given port( role key ).
* @param role: The data role key( Must larger than -1 )
* @param value: The user data
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-09-12
void setUserData(int role, QVariant value);
* @brief Get the user data by the given port( role key ).
* @param role: The data role key
* @return The user data
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-09-12
QVariant getUserData(int role);
* @brief Get the user data by the given port( role key ).[template]
* @param role: The data role key
* @return The user data
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-09-12
template<class T>
T getUserDataAs(int role)
if (!m_userInfo.contains(role))
return QVariant().value<T>();
return m_userInfo[role].value<T>();
* @brief Check if the given actor is belonged to this graph object.[virtual]
* @param actor: The actor( 2D or 3D )
* @return Is belonged to
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual bool contains(vtkProp* actor);
* @brief Test function.[virtual]
* @param details: The input information
* @return Is success
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual bool test(QVariant& details);
* @brief Signal - Need to be deleted while the data object has been deleted.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
void sig_needToBeDeleted();
* @brief Constructor.( For copying data )
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
* @brief Set the layer need to be render.[virtual]
* @param layer: The layer index
* @param layerHighlight: The layer index for highlighing[default]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void setRenderLayer(int layer, int layerHighlight = -1);
* @brief Set the layer for highlighting need to be render.[virtual]
* @param layer: The layer index
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void setRenderLayerHighlight(int layer);
* @brief Initialize the actor's visualization properties.[virtual]
* @param actor: The actor
* @param details: The detail information for setting properties[default]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void initActorProperties(vtkProp* actor, QVariant details = QVariant());
* @brief Delete all cache pointer which will not affect the visualization.[virtual]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual void clearCache();
* @brief Modify all actors.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
void updateActors();
* @brief Get the visibility from the data object.[virtual]
* @return The visibility
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
virtual bool getDataVisibility();
* @brief Get the parent model data visibility.
* @param id: The parent data object id
* @return Visibility
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
bool getParentDataVisibility(int id);
* @brief Set the light propertied for rendering line actor.
* @param fActor: The actor
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
void setLightPropertiesForLine(FITKGraphActor* fActor);
* @brief Set the light propertied for rendering face actor.
* @param fActor: The actor
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
void setLightPropertiesForSurface(FITKGraphActor* fActor);
* @brief Delete the VTK object.[template]
* @param obj: The vtkObject.[quote]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
template <class T>
void deleteVtkObj(T* & obj)
if (obj)
obj = nullptr;
* @brief Delete the VTK none-smartpointer object list.[template]
* @param objs: The vtkObject list.[quote]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
template <class T>
void deleteVtkObjs(QList<T*> & objs)
for (T* obj : objs)
if (obj)
* @brief Delete the c++ object.[template]
* @param obj: The object.[quote]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
template <class T>
void deleteObj(T* & obj)
if (obj)
delete obj;
obj = nullptr;
* @brief Delete the c++ object list.[template]
* @param objs: The object list.[quote]
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
template <class T>
void deleteObjs(QList<T*> & objs)
for (T* obj : objs)
if (obj)
delete obj;
* @brief Reset the vtk data object.[template]
* @param obj: The vtk data object.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-24
template <class T>
void resetVtkObj(T* obj)
if (obj)
// * @brief Convert the QString to the char*.
// * @param str: The QString
// * @return The char* from the string
// * @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
// * @date 2024-06-05
// */
//char* QStringToCharA(QString str);
* @brief The default input data role for setting the variant input.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-09-12
int m_defaultInputRole = 1000;
* @brief The default output data role for setting the variant input.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-09-12
int m_defaultOutputRole = 2000;
* @brief The user's information dict.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-09-12
QHash<int, QVariant> m_userInfo;
* @brief The view mode hash for visibility.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-14
QHash<FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeMeshViewMode, bool> m_viewModes;
* @brief The shape graph object's model information.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapeInfo m_shapeInfo;
* @brief The pick mode of this shape graph.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-06
FITKFluidVTKCommons::ShapePickMode m_pickMode = FITKFluidVTKCommons::PickNone;
* @brief If the graph object need to be simplified while the camera is changing.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
bool m_graphSimplified = false;
bool m_graphSimplified = false;
* @brief If the graph object simplified to the feature edges.( For models only for now )
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
bool m_simplifiedWithFeature = false;
bool m_simplifiedWithFeature = true;
* @brief The graph widget who owns this graph object first time.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
Core::FITKAbstractGraphWidget* m_constGraphWidget{ nullptr };
* @brief The layer need to be renderer to, default is 0.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
int m_layer = 0;
* @brief The layer for highlighting need to be renderer to, default is 0.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
int m_layerHighlight = 0;
* @brief If the model is highlighting.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
bool m_isHighlighting = false;
* @brief If the model is pre-highlighting.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
bool m_isPreHighlighting = false;
* @brief If the model is advanced-highlighting.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-23
bool m_isAdvHighlighting = false;
* @brief The additional graph object list.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-05
QList<FITKFluidVTKGraphObject3D*> m_addinGraphObjList;
// Mesh params.
* @brief The factor for meshing.
* P.S.
* ( The smaller the value is, the greater the number of cells and points in VTK. )
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-06-06
double m_lineDef = 0.001;
* @brief The flag for testing.
* @author ChengHaotian (yeguangbaozi@foxmail.com)
* @date 2024-07-26
bool m_testFlag = false;
} // namespace Exchange